Daily Archives: April 27, 2013

Saturday Matinee! Avatar!



Avatar – A James Cameron film

If you were paralyzed, would you travel five years into space to live inside a mobile, alien body?

Jake Sulley’s identical twin brother is dead. His twin was supposed to go on an important mission in space, and it takes five years to get to the mission place (Pandora). Since Jake’s twin is no longer available, Jake is sent in his place. Upon arrival, his superiors don’t want Jake as part of their group – he’s had no training, and he doesn’t know a whole lot about what he needs to be accomplishing. When he spots his twin brother’s Avatar, Jake is intrigued, the Avatar looks just like him!

His superiors are after an important, rare mineral that’s kept in an inaccessible place, near a huge tree, in Pandora.

Jake “gets into” his Avatar when he’s asleep. While in this foreign body, Jake finds that he can walk, which is really cool since he’s paralyzed. His coworkers also incorporate their Avatars, while sleeping too. While in the bodies of these foreign blue creatures, they can talk and interact with the native people of this faraway space land. When the foreign people “choose” Jake as a “special person.” He finds that his role drastically changes in this special project.

I really enjoyed this movie. Although I’m not much of a fantasy/sci-fi fan, I still thought this movie was good. The scenery was breathtaking and I loved seeing this foreign land and loved seeing the weird-looking beings who inhabit this place. I also liked how the Pandora beings interacted with plants and animals. The Pandora people could physically link themselves to their animals, mentally giving their animals commands.

If you were paralyzed, could you see yourself taking your twin’s place, in a special project, like Jake Sulley did in this movie?

If you’ve seen this movie, leave a comment – let me know what you thought about it.


~Cecelia Dowdy~