Daily Archives: June 10, 2013

Deadly Devotion by Sandra Orchard

Deadly Devotion by Sandra Orchard

Deadly Devotion by Sandra Orchard

What would you do if your friend’s cause of death was a suicide – yet you knew that the suicide was not the real cause of death? Would you confront the police to re-open the case?
Kate Adams is devastated when her elderly friend/mentor (Daisy) dies by committing suicide. However, Kate is convinced that her friend’s death was NOT a suicide. She storms into the police station and confronts police officer Tom Parker. Shouldn’t they re-open the case? There’s no way that Daisy could have poisoned herself, her faith was too deep, and Daisy realized that the Lord would frown upon her taking her own life.

Daisy and Kate were in the midst of discovering an herbal remedy for depression. Is it possible that this breakthrough was the cause of Daisy’s death? Kate is convinced that Daisy was murdered, and now she needs to convince Tom Parker that they need to find the killer as soon as possible.

I liked this book because it dealt with the subject of suicide – I loved how Kate believed in her friend, refusing to accept that Daisy would take her own life. I also liked how the different herbs and teas were described. I’m sort of interested in herbal remedies and it was kinda cool reading a novel where herbs and remedies were discussed. Also, there were so many twists and turns in the book that you kept guessing until the very end. There were also some interesting and quirky secondary characters who took this story into several page-turning directions. This book was a pretty good suspense read.

So, what would you do if your friend’s cause of death was a suicide – yet you knew that the suicide was not the real cause of death? Would you confront the police to re-open the case?

***My e-book, Milk Money, is only 99 cents! Download it now before the price goes up! :-)


~Cecelia Dowdy~