Daily Archives: June 12, 2013

Like Sweet Potato Pie by Jennifer Rogers Spinola

Like Sweet Potato Pie by Jennifer Rogers Spinola

Shiloh Jacobs, a new Christian, continues to struggle with her ever-growing faith. She’s still getting settled in the deep south, getting used to southern folks doing the following things: talking with a southern accent, eating grits, and shooting deer. She misses Japan, but wonders if she’ll ever find a way to make it back to her beloved former home. She’s still suffering from the sting of her plagiarism mistake, which temporarily ended her journalism career.

Now that she’s living in the home she’s inherited from her mother, she tries to find a way to make a living. The IRS is breathing down her back, wanting her to pay her back taxes. Will she find a way to get herself out of her financial quandary? After all, if she doesn’t find the money to pay the back taxes, she could lose her home.

Meanwhile, she’s somewhat confused about her attraction to Adam, the local gardener. He’s not all that great-looking, (totally the opposite of her cheating ex-fiancé), yet, there’s something about him that’s utterly appealing.

Amidst all of this, there’s a sparkling cast of realistic southern characters as they work through their own set of problems, of which include infertility.

I really enjoyed this novel! The characters were realistic and the descriptions of scenery, the seasons, feelings, etc. were so good that the words literally sparkled on the page. You really felt Shiloh’s struggles and it was easy to empathize with the issues she was facing.

I also liked the fact that the hero is not drop-dead gorgeous (unlike most romance-type/women’s fiction novels). Adam is just an ordinary-looking guy with a strong faith in Jesus – yet Shiloh, who used to be superficial, is smitten with Adam. Overall this was a great read and I highly recommend it!

***My e-book, Milk Money, is only 99 cents! Download it now before the price goes up! :-)


~Cecelia Dowdy~