Image courtesy of John Kasawa at
Is it wrong for Christians to drink alcohol? Over the years, I’ve found that many Christians have mixed views about drinking. The Apostle Paul warns us not to get drunk with wine in the book of Ephesians:
Ephesians 5:17-18
17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit,
At a wedding at Cana in Galilee, Jesus and his Apostles attended. When they ran out of wine, Jesus miraculously turned water into wine:
John 2:3-9
3 When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”…6 Nearby stood six stone water jars…7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. 8 Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.” They did so, 9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew.
I wonder why Christians have such conflicting views about drinking? Many Christians consider having a glass of wine, or a beer, to be a sin – yet, some Christians drink wine during communion, and Jesus may have served his Apostles wine during the last supper – the fruit of the vine:
Matthew 26:28-29
28 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. 29 I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
Also, the Bible advises drinking wine to help with stomach problems and illnesses:
1 Timothy 5:23
23 Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.
I do believe it’s wrong to get drunk, and, if you’re prone to alcohol addiction, then, you should not drink at all. But, I’ve heard some ask – how much is too much? How does one measure how much to drink?
So, what’s your opinion? Is it wrong for Christians to drink alcohol? I’d be interested in hearing the responses to this thought-provoking question. Leave a comment!
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I was raised Southern Baptist so in that church, drinking is just “sin” no matter what. If you bring up that they drank wine in the Bible they are quick to tell you that wasn’t real “wine” just grape juice. But when I grew up and read the Bible, I wasn’t sure why the Bible said not to get drunk on “grape juice” or why it was the custom to save cheap grape juice for the end of the wedding when the guests were already drunk and wouldn’t notice. I’ve never known anyone to get drunk off grape juice. The wine of the Bible was wine.
Still, it is hard to get over my upbringing. I get bouts of insomnia and have tried medication from the doctor but have found that a glass of wine will help so I use it for that. But I live in a small town and go to a SBC so I feel like I have to hide when I buy it or make excuses when church folk see it in my cart. I don’t let my kids see me drink it and my insomnia comes with my cycle so I only use it once a month. Still, I feel horrible for using it b/c of how I was raised.
Hi, Missy
You’re absolutely right. The wine in the Bible is wine…why would it say not to get drunk on “grape juice”. Makes no sense. I hate it when clergymen lie about things like that. Why are they not truthful? Your use of wine reminds me of the scripture which I quoted where they said that the wine could be used for stomach illnesses. The wine was fermented, so, it has alcoholic content…your Southern Baptist’s church’s interpretation is very strange, indeed…
Carefully read the Word of God, if drinking causes you to stumble or fall in your personal walk with God, don’t do it!
@Sharon – heck yeah! I wholeheartedly agree with you! If taking a sip of alcohol will cause you to stumble, then, you should abstain from alcohol, and not take a drink, ever!! I’m glad you stopped by and commented!
I agree with what you’ve said. Jesus, Paul and others didn’t find drinking alcohol to be the problem: it was drinking too much that was the problem. In that, nothing has changed. Whether to abstain completely or to drink a little is, I think, a matter for the conscience of the individual Christian.
I think we, as Christians, also have an obligation to Caesar here, in that if we do drink alcohol, it should always be within the law for where we are. So no drinking then driving, no underage drinking and no supplying alcohol to minors.
We also have a responsibility to be aware of who is around us: it’s probably better to abstain around the alcoholic friend, for example, in the same way as we wouldn’t eat a cream bun in front of the friend who is dieting.
Hi, Iola
I agree with your comment 100%! Also, your comment brought something else to my mind. You’d mentioned obeying the law in your area, and that there should be no underage drinking? When I was in high school, some of my class mates went to Europe for Spring Break for a field trip. Since the drinking age was UNDER 18 in Europe, their parents had to sign a permission slip, acknowledging that their child would under new drinking laws while in another country. I honestly don’t recall if my class mates drank any alcohol while on their trip – it was such a long time ago…
Hi Ceceila, the box of 21 books came!!! Thank you so much. Now to decide which to read first.
On the topic: I can’t drink anything alcholic because it makes my medicines not work. I have bad memories of a realtive, having so many car crashes and worrying about the people in the other vehicles. Also had an uncle who drank too much and it ruined his liver. There are lot of problems that arise from the addiction. My cousin’s granddaughter was in the back seat of the car and a drunk driver smashed into the car and she died. Many bad things can come from too much drinking.
Hi, Carol!
So glad the books arrived! I hope you enjoy them!
Yes, alcoholism causes lots of problems! If addicted, one should abstain from drinking! I’ve also heard that it’s unwise to drink while taking certain medications!
Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving a comment!
Hey Cecelia.
How are you?
Glad to see you are still around and blogging.
As for drinking, as a Christian, I say “no”. The bible says that we are to be set apart, and used for God’s purpose. If I am drinking alcohol, how does that set me apart from the world. I beleive that it wouldn’t.
Anyway, take care my friend. And thanks for a very provoking and inciteful post.
Hey, Zareena
Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I enjoyed reading your response!