18 And Zacharias said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years.”
19 And the angel answered and said to him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and was sent to speak to you and bring you these glad tidings. 20 But behold, you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time.”
Have you ever seen an angel? If you were to ever see an angel, would you believe your eyes? Would you listen? Would you think that you were dreaming?
The angel Gabriel appeared to Zacharias, telling him that his prayers had been answered and that his barren wife, Elizabeth, would give birth to a great son, John The Baptist. Zacharias did not initially believe Gabriel’s words, so, he was struck mute until shortly after the birth of his son.
Zacharias learned his lesson on the day he saw Gabriel in the temple – always believe an angel’s words.
How would you react if you were to see an angel? Have you ever seen an angel? Would you believe the angel’s message?
I’ve never seen an angel, but, I’ve often imagined what it would be like to see one of these heavenly creatures. From what I can recall from reading my Bible, angels are usually big, wingless, male-looking beings. Can you imagine, being alone in a room and then you see an angel? Honestly? I think I’d have a heart attack, or, think that I’m dreaming!
Please share your thoughts on this amazing subject!
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Yes. My angel drives a Cadillac…
@Rikki – What??
No I have not seen an angel before but I do believe in them
Hi, Heather. Yes, I believe in angels, too!
This is an interesting topic of discussion!!!
Although, I do believe in angels, I cant say that I’ve actually seen one (as described by the bible).I also believe that we can be entertained by angels in form of persons that we encounter in our everyday lives. I agree with you Cecelia…if I did see one, I do believe that I would panic, lol!!! I would definitely have to ask the Lord to help me not be afraid of what he has allowed me to witness.
I do remember there being times where I heard the voices of angels during worship services. I also remember a picture that was taken back when I was younger, and my mother has it to this day… we took family pictures outside of our house, in the yard. When we got those photos developed, there in the picture was both a rainbow and what appeared to be shining clouds forming an angel with wings. My mother always told us that it was not by accident that we saw this. She always prayed that God would disperse his angels to watch over our home. That was sign enough for us. Just thinking about that causes me to rejoice, as we did that day!!!
So, maybe I did see an angel… we can be entertained by them at ANY given moment. We must always be on watch.
Faith =)
Oh, Faith, thanks so much for commenting! I really wish I could see that picture! If you’re ever able to get your hands on it, or, if you still have it in your family, you should scan it so that the rest of us can see it! It’d be great to share on my blog!
I subscribe to an Angels magazine (I believe it’s printed by Guideposts). The magazine talks about people’s experiences with angels, but, they don’t describe the angels as being like the ones described in the Bible. The angels are described as regular people (like you spoke of).
If I were to encounter someone like this, call me dubious, but, I doubt I’d think of this person as being an “angel.” Yes, I might think that God was watching out for me, but, not sure if I’d think of this person as being an angel. I know I’ve prayed for certain things and my prayers were answered, sometimes my answered prayers involved people that I knew, providing me with what I’d prayed about. Since I already know and have a relationship with these people, I knew they were not angels.
I do realize that some people encounter others, people that they do not know who provide some answer to prayer or comfort, who they believe are angels. It’s just hard for me to accept these people as angels since the ones in the Bible are described much differently! But, it’s possible, I suppose!
Hi Cecelia.
Next time I go to visit my mother, I will definitely ask her if I can have a scanned copy of that picture to share =)
Be blessed,
Thanks, Faith!
No, I have never seen an angel, but I do believe they are everywhere. I believe God has the power to send them in any form that He desires and that we might not recognize the angels when he sends them to us in our time of need.
Hi, Loraine
Interesting concept about angels taking on a different form and us not recognizing them. Thanks for leaving your comment.
@Sarah – me either!
I’ve never verified that I’ve seen an angel– but I certainly believe they exist and it is quite possible that I’ve seen/talked to one before.
I don’t believe I have ever since an angel. I am a Christian who firmly believes in the power of God and that God can send angels to take care of us. I often times think that I have many angels in the form of people that are constantly looking out for me and my family. I believe I would be in such amazement that I wouldn’t be able to speak. I would worshiping God because I would feel humbled and honored that he thought enough of me to present me with such a gift.
@Natasha – I highly doubt that I’ve seen an angel, although, I suppose it’s possible?
@Debora – I agree, it would be amazing, humbling…so many emotions would go into an angel-sighting experience. If I were to see an angel (like the angels portrayed in the Bible) – I’d probably have a heart attack!! I’d be scared, and oh so amazed!
I haven’t seen an angel, but I have seen signs from a very special angel who looks over me all the time. My husband who died in 2001 comes back to visit often and I will feel his presence in many ways. I will be asleep at night and feel him put his arms around me as he used to do when he was alive. I will hear him talking to me at night which comforts me during trying times. Is it my imagination, I don’t beleive so! He has sent me so many signs over these twelve years.
This was his favorite poem!
You have a way with laughter
You came to me with fears
We hugged and faced disaster
We cried so many tears
Now as the day is ending
And night turns out the lights
See the qifts I’ve given
Know my work is done
When the wind blows
Then a garden grows
and the fields are gold and fine
and the love you left behind
Is the fruit that turns to wine
And a candle keeps on burning
The fire warms and glows
The snow will keep on falling
The river always flows
I shared my many secrets
Sung the songs at night
My touch, kiss, my dreams
Will live within your heart
So look on all our land
As I take away my hand
When the wind blows
Then a garden grows
And the fields are gold and fine
And the love you left behind
Is the fruit that turns to wine
But as the day is done
And night turns out the light
See the gift I’ve given
I know my work is done
My work is done.
My name is Rebecca Booth! Sorry about the misprint!
My name is Rebecca Booth, sorry about the typo!
I lost the first comment I sent, so here goes! I have a very special angel who visits me all the time. My husband died in 2001 and he has come back in my dreams and I can feel his arms around me when I am sleeping. He also talks to me and is there for me when I am down. He has also sent little messages throughout these twelve years. Maybe I am dreming, but I am always comforted.
Wow, Rebecca! What a touching experience! Thanks for sharing!