An Amish Miracle Book Giveaway!


***This giveaway is over!! Winner was announced on An Amish Miracle blog post!

I’m giving away a copy of An Amish Miracle (I’ll be reviewing this book within the next few days). You must follow the rules to enter!!

To enter you must:

1. LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES – The publisher won’t ship internationally!

2. Leave your email address when you comment – I need to be able to contact you if you win.

3. You must read Ruth Reid’s interview and comment about something in the interview! I’m doing this to ensure you’ve read the interview.

Interview with Ruth Reid – Author of the novella Always His Providence in An Amish Miracle story collection:

1.        You found your agent through Writers’ Digest magazine, and after you signed with her, you received a contract for your novel. Did you have any writer friends or were you a member of any writers’ organizations that helped you with your publication journey?

I connected with writing friends after I joined the American Christian Fiction Writers on the advice of my agent. I’m so thankful she told me about the group. ACFW is a great on-line community where you can get advice from seasoned authors as well as join critique groups and work chapter by chapter with fellow writers. Now, I not only have wonderful writing friends who share the love of storytelling, I have prayer partners, who have prayed me through some tough times.

2.        Do you have any advice to share with writers who wish to become published?

I’ll pass along my agent’s advice: Join a writing community either locally or on-line and get into a critique group. I would also add, write every day. In order to stay close to your characters, you need to spend time with them every day.

3.        Tell me about your typical writing day.

My writing day isn’t typical at all. I work the night shift seven days on, then have seven days off. My writing time might be during the day or in the middle of the night when my family is sleeping. A few things I do are set a word count goal and not stop writing unless I know where to start the following day. By knowing where to begin, I don’t spend much time staring at a blank screen, and by the time I have to figure out the next scene, I’m already warmed up.

4.        Your interest in the Amish grew from living near them in a Michigan community. Have you ever visited any other Amish communities?

I’ve had the opportunity to visit Lancaster County in PA and Holmes County in OH. One of my favorite memories from those visits was when I stayed in a garage apartment of an ex-Amish turned Mennonite family’s home.

5.        Do you think you might publish a non-Amish novel someday?

I’m willing to write whatever God lays on my heart. He blessed me by opening the door to write Amish, and I am so grateful!

6.        I noticed you purchased a dog after you graduated from pharmacy school. Do you currently have a pet?

We have two dogs. Zyvox is a lazy Weimaraner, and Lady Bird is a spastic Jack Russell.

Thanks much to Ruth Reid for letting me interview her on my blog!


An Amish Miracle:

Always Beautiful by Beth Wiseman

Becky Byler is eighteen and overweight. She is overwhelmed by the embarrassment she feels when comparing herself to other girls her age. Having lost all hope, she considers taking her own life. As she stands before rushing water, unable to swim, Becky begs God for a miracle. In just several months, Becky sees her prayers answered as food and temptation lose their hold over her. She s finally pleased with how she looks, but does she like the person she has become? And has the man she has dreamed of been right beside her all along, loving her exactly as she is?

Always His Providence by Ruth Reid

Widow Rosa Hostetler has one month to pay her delinquent taxes before the county auctions her farm. She s prepared to sell whatever is necessary to pay the lien, but she isn t willing to request money from the community s widow fund. She s embarrassed and refuses to admit she needs help. Rosa depends on income from selling eggs, but when that income is threatened, only a miracle can help Rosa accept the kindness of a neighbor.

Always in My Heart by Mary Ellis

Hope Bowman believes God is punishing her for giving up her firstborn son when she was a teenager. She s hidden this secret from her husband, who is thankful for their daughters but longs for a son. Hope prays desperately, but the son God sends her isn t a new baby but the fifteen-year-old boy she gave up years ago.



21 thoughts on “An Amish Miracle Book Giveaway!

  1. wendy marple

    Writers amaze me that can write while holding down a full time job. I don’t know how you do it.
    Thanks for offering the book.

  2. Julie

    When reading, the characters in a book many times become “real” to me. I never thought about them being “real” to the author but knowing that you spend time with them every day makes them even more real! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the book.

  3. Anne Payne

    I love Amish stories and these three sound great! I have a question for Ruth: How do you go about finding a critique group and do you give the same advice for those of us who want to write non-fiction?
    My husband and I took our first trip to Lancaster PA last year and enjoyed staying in a B&B owned by a Mennonite family, who had been raised Amish 🙂 It’s gorgeous country up there and we look forward to when we can return. Blessings to you both for a Merry Christmas!

  4. Joy Hannabass

    Thank you ladies for this interview with Ruth Reid. I would love to read and review this book. It sounds wonderful and the cover is beautiful!
    Blessings…Joy Hannabass

  5. Cindi Altman

    I wonder how different the communities were from each other that you visited, Ruth.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. Janice Hopkins

    I am a member of ACFW but did not know about online advice, etc. I have 11 manuscripts searching for a home. What would you advise?

    I’d also love to win a copy of AN AMISH MIRACLE, so please include me in the giveaway.


  7. Judy B

    I love Ruth’s books. I am most impressed by Ruth working full time, watching, cheering, and supporting her children in sports, being a full time wife, mother, etc. I’m tired already!! I love that Ruth is allowing God to choose what genre to write. Depending on God’s leading is always the best way to go!

    I would love to win a copy of, An Amish Miracle.

    Judy B

  8. Hattie

    Well, I have to comment on the last part of the interview. A new neighbor moved in across from me. She owns a Jack Russell. Ever since I laid eyes on that Jack Russell, I’ve wanted one. Hope this is a good single from God. The author talking about a Jack Russell just doesn’t seem like a coincidence. I think God is whispering….:)

  9. Lawrence Ballard

    I really like the part of her interview when she said “I’m willing to write whatever God lays on my heart. He blessed me by opening the door to write Amish, and I am so grateful!”. She’s giving God all the glory for her writing skills.

    May our God continue to bless you,

  10. Barbara Sinkkonen

    I love that Ruth Reid writes what God lays on her heart, and that He lays the Amish stories on her heart. I love them! So interesting and different from our lives (my life, anyway). Thanks for the interesting interview and giveaway opportunity!

  11. Anonymous

    It makes so much sense to stop writing for the day knowing exactly where you are going to pick up the next day, so you don’t start out your new writing session just staring at a blank screen. I would be so tempted to keep on going the day before, though, while the ideas are fresh in my mind, i guess it takes a lot of self-descipline to be a good writer! Thanks for the giveaway! kmnodorft(at)gmail(dot)com)

  12. Maryann

    I have also visited Lancaster, Penn. like Ruth. I found it interesting that she got to stay with a former Amish/Mennonite family in their garage apt. I also like that Ruth is open to write whatever God lays on her heart.

  13. Shelley Morris

    I love Amish stories. I think everyone should have a dog as a pet, of course mine thinks she’s human. I find it interesting that you work full time & write in your spare time. That’s great! Merry Christmas to you & your family.

  14. Lori

    Since i have started reading Amish books i just can’t seem to find enough to read about the plain life they lead.The only Amish town i have been to is Aurthur IL and it was just amazing to see.Thank you for the chance to win.

  15. Phyllis

    I to was very impressed with the statement “I am willing to write what ever God lays on my heart.” I also was impressed with the fact that she works a full-time midnight shift job and writes and is raising a family. Either is a full-time job. I worked midnights for several years. It is very hard to just try to live any kind of normal life while doing that. Thanks and God Bless.

  16. janet

    How awesome to be able to stay with a menonite family. A vacation to the Amish area is moving higher and higher on my bucket list, soon it will be at the top.

  17. Emma

    How long did it take you to write this story? An Amish Miracle sounds wonderful.Thank you for the opportunity to win.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.


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