Sunday Brunch – Have You Ever Seen An Angel?

Have you ever seen an angel?

Hebrews 13:2

New International Version (NIV)

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

When I read that scripture, I think about the old TV series, Touched By An Angel. Remember that show? The angels were on earth, helping people with their problems. Near the end of each show, the angel announced to their assigned charge(s), “I’m an angel, sent by God.”

Have you ever had an experience where you saw an angel? Perhaps you were going through a tough time, or you received a mysterious warning from a person and before you could thank this person, they’d miraculously disappeared? Have you encountered people or a person in your everyday life whom you thought may have been an angel?

I haven’t, but, I’d be interested in hearing about your experience. So, have you ever encountered an angel?

~Cecelia Dowdy~

8 thoughts on “Sunday Brunch – Have You Ever Seen An Angel?

  1. Gay N. Lewis

    I received a warning from one. He didn’t disappear, but I knew from his appearance and eyes he was an angel. I heeded the warning. I write books about angels, of course the books are fantasy and humorous, but the Hebrews 13:2 idea is there. Angels exist to carry out assignments from God.

  2. Davalynn Spencer

    My daughter saw an angel just before she turned 3. We had just moved to a different town and were unfamiliar with everything. I pulled into a do-it-yourself car wash and probably shouldn’t have due to fading daylight and the neighborhood. I remember praying frantically that the Lord would protect us. On the way out, Amanda said, “Mommy did you see that man with the big muscles? He was standing right over there.” I looked where she pointed and knew that there had been no man of any kind over there because my eagle eyes had been scanning like crazy the entire time. I believe she saw the angel that God sent to protect us.

  3. Judy Duarte

    My father saw angels before he passed away. He’d been in hospice care and had been unable to speak clearly. But he kept pointing up and to the right, then up and to the left. I asked him if he saw Jesus, if he saw angels. He didn’t say anything. Instead, he grabbed for my mother, who sat at his right, and pointed out something to her. Then he reached for me, who sat at his right, and pointed at something. Neither of us could see anything. I said, “Daddy, do you see Jesus? Do you see angels? I can’t see anything, but I’m glad you can.” Then, clear as a bell, he said, “Thousands of them. Amazing.”

  4. Leah

    My nephew thinks he saw one. He helped a lady across the street when no one else would take the time and when he turned around to see her she was completely gone. He said there was no way she could move that fast as old as she appeared to be. I think I saw one also. I was driving past a bus stop and saw a middle aged woman in a very heavy coat waiting there and she looked so weary and out of place. Like she needed help badly. I had a deep feeling like I should ask her if she needed any help but I drove past the stop and feeling guilty I turned around quickly to go back and when I did she was completely gone. There were no cars on the street, no where for her to walk to, no stores for her to go into. It was like she completely disappeared. Right at that moment the ‘angel’ scripture came into my mind. I feel like I missed my opportunity to be used by God and I felt horrible about this for a long time, still do.


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