Heaven Is For Real!


Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo!

Have you ever known anybody who’s had a near-death experience, and claimed to have visited heaven? How would you describe heaven?

Colton Burpo was a child who suffered from a serious illness. During a medical operation, he told his dad (Todd Burpo) that he’d gone to heaven. While in heaven he saw Jesus, John The Baptist, dead relatives, animals, etc.

This is a popular book that’s been made into a movie. When I read this book, I’d wondered if there were many people out there who’d experienced heaven. I know I’ve heard of a few people, on TV and in the media, who claim they’ve been to heaven during a near-death experience.

I enjoyed this book, but, wonder what would’ve happened if Colton Burpo had not survived? I know if I’d lost a child, my faith would weaken…a lot! But, if Colton had not survived, we would not be reading about his miraculous journey to heaven and back!! This book has touched so many lives. It’s a book about having a deep faith in Jesus, the faith of a child!

So, have you ever known anybody who’s had a near-death experience, and claimed to have visited heaven? How would you describe heaven?


5 thoughts on “Heaven Is For Real!

  1. Pam Halter

    I think it’s probably easier for a child to describe heaven, as they typically don’t have a problem with descriptive words like adults do. I find I’m so skeptical over stuff like this. I believe the spirit realm is real and active – more than we know – and I also believe the enemy can and does deceive people. The enemy knows our entire lives. Our friends and family’s entire lives. It would be so easy for him to tell that little boy all the things he saw. I don’t know. And I feel bad for being suspicious. I hope the experience was real. I pray God will draw lost people into a saving relationship with Himself because of this book and movie. What Satan intends for evil, God uses for good, right? I’m thankful for that.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy

      Hi Pam

      I understand your skepticism. I’m skeptical myself when I hear supernatural stories, even if they’re Godly. I think my skepticism stems from being raised Jehovah’s Witness. They rarely talk about supernatural experiences with the Lord, including healings and miracles. If you haven’t read the book, I encourage you to do so. I honestly believe that the Lord communicated with this physically sick child. It’s a great book and I rarely finish reading non-fiction books, but, I finished this one!

  2. Darlene Wells

    If you havent read the book, you really need to, before suggesting that satan had a hand in this. The entire book glorifies Jesus, His death amd resurrection. The little boy even saw a vision of the battle of armageddon, and told his dad “it s ok. JESUS fights with us and we win.” I dont see satan being in the business of glorifying Jesus and showing his own ultimate defeat by Jesus amd His Children.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy

      Hi, Darlene

      Thanks for commenting. I believe that this little boy visited heaven. In the book, they also mentioned another young person, an artist, who drew pictures of heaven and the little boy thought the artist’s pictures were valid representations of heaven. I think this may happen more than we realize, but, we just don’t hear about it too often. People may be skeptical about sharing their experiences because they may think that people might not believe them? Kinda hard to say. I know I have heard (not sure where) about people having near-death out of body experiences in the past.

      You are correct, the movie does glorify Jesus. I’d read a review about the movie and heard that it’s different than the book.

  3. Trish

    The book HEAVEN IS FOR REAL was a fascinating read for me.  For many it has given them hope for eternal life.  To me, this is a far too important a subject to put my hope in a little boy’s experience.  I wanted to see what God had to say so I went to the Bible.  I have written a Bible study about heaven.  I would be delighted to send you a free copy.  Email me at heaven.study@yahoo.com and I will email you a copy.  If you have only seen the movie, I would suggest you read the book.  The movie changed somethings, add things that did not happen and left out some great material.


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