Shannon Taylor Vannatter – How I Knew When I Wanted To Become A Writer!

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Do you have a dream? To be entered into the book drawing, please answer that question and read Shannon’s interview! You must leave your email address to be entered into the drawing! I need a way to contact you if you win!

I’d like to welcome author Shannon Taylor Vannatter to my blog today! I first became acquainted with Shannon’s writing when I was a member of the Heartsong Presents book club! I recall the first books I read by her were part of the White Rose Trilogy!

Before we speak with Shannon, I just wanted to let you know that her new novel, Rodeo Family, is now available!


 She’s beginning a new chapter in Aubrey, Texas, away from her abusive ex-boyfriend. As she picks up the pieces of her broken life, Tori’s surprised at the helping hand the church’s new song director, Brant McConnell, offers her, and at the warm emotions he inspires. 
Brant is drawn to Tori. And as their friendship grows, so do his feelings for her. But Tori is still hounded by her past, and the walls she’s built around her heart are high. Can he convince the wounded beauty that he’s exactly the kind of man she needs—and deserves?

I thought it’d be fun to talk to Shannon and hear how she happened to discover that she wanted to become a writer. So, when I asked her this question, this was her response:

In the third grade, I had a creative writing class. I wrote a story about how the sun got too close to the earth one day and burned people. Some ended up red, some brown, the ones who stayed inside stayed white. You get the picture. Apparently, I was questioning ethnic diversity and how it came to be.

Another story was about a vampire named Eripmav, which is vampire spelled backward. And my final story, about a local large house. But in my story, it had a dungeon with people hidden away in stocks. My favorite shows—Dark Shadows and The Night Gallery—reflected in my writing.

I loved the class and my teacher bragged on my imagination and creativity with each story. But that was it—one class. I never had any other classes like that. And so I never dreamed of writing. Never thought about it again.

Until my pre-teens when we moved. Away from all my friends, away from a neighborhood to rural Arkansas. Once again, my stories occupied my time. I made them up in my head and sometimes acted them out in my bedroom. I watched a lot of hunky detective shows, so my stories became damsel in distress with a hunky detective to the rescue.

One particular story stuck. For years, I’d move scenes around, add complications, and change the ending. I thought it was a movie, but I wasn’t interested in Hollywood, so I didn’t really know what to do with it.

And then I met my own hunk, though he wasn’t a detective. Thank goodness. My romantic dreams faded away as I landed my own hero, lived my own romance, and married him. Until in my mid-thirties, when my husband went to work nights and I needed something to occupy my evenings. I went to the library and couldn’t find any clean romance like I’d read as a teen.

That’s when that story surfaced and I thought—Hey, that could be a book. Dun, dun, dun—I heard the music climax during my light-bulb moment. Yeah, I could write a clean romance. I got right on it and it was horrible since I hadn’t had a writing class since the third grade. But as I wrote that first book, my characters kept talking to God, and by the end I had a very badly written inspirational romance.

Nine and a half years of attending conferences, submitting manuscripts, and receiving over two hundred rejections followed. Before I finally got the call—actually an e-mail. By then I was in my mid-forties and wondering why it took me so long to realize I wanted to be a writer.

So what did I do about it? I contacted area schools and offered to teach fifth and sixth graders how to write a short story. I also do a careers class for eighth graders and I’ve spoke about writing as a career at the local college. I don’t know if anything I say will inspire any of the students who hear me. But if there’s a kernel of a writer in a young person, I hope to grow it into their dream and encourage them to follow that dream.

So now, it’s your turn. Have you ever had a dream? Please feel free to dream big and share it with us. All comments will go in the drawing for a print copy of my latest release, Rodeo Family. Please leave your email address when you respond! We need a way to contact you if you win! 


Central Arkansas author, Shannon Taylor Vannatter is a stay-at-home mom/pastor’s wife. She lives in a town with a population of around 100, if you count a few cows. Vannatter won the Inspirational Readers Choice Award in the short contemporary category, The 18th Annual Heartsong Awards 3rd Favorite New Author and #1 Contemporary Award.


Her ten titles are with Heartsong Presents and she’s contracted for five more. Her books are available at,,,, and Learn more about Shannon and her books at and check out her real life romance blog at


Connect with her on Facebook:, Goodreads:, Pinterest:, and Twitter: @stvauthor.

12 thoughts on “Shannon Taylor Vannatter – How I Knew When I Wanted To Become A Writer!

  1. Deanna S

    I use to dream of a lake cabin retirement.. Reading, fishing, enjoying the outdoors or quilting the day away. I did get the dream of quilting, reading, fishing & enjoying the outdoors but, in a modest home in a small town.. So glad you found you dream 🙂 I would enjoy reading your book…
    dkstevensne AT outlook DoTCoM

    1. Shannon Taylor Vannatter

      Hi Deanna,
      That sounds like a nice dream too. I don’t quilt or fish. But I love reading and cabins. I think everybody probably dreams of a cabin. They’re just so cozy, quaint, and quiet. I’d go for a beach house on the ocean.

    1. Shannon Taylor Vannatter

      That sounds like a nice dream took, Shelia. I’m so glad people are sharing their dreams. I once spoke at a ladies only company dinner. I shared pretty much what I put in this blog and then asked if anyone wanted to share their dream. Not one response. I was so uncomfortable.

    1. Shannon Taylor Vannatter

      I had older cousins, Brenda. They watched scary shows, so I did too. Not really because I enjoyed them, but because they were older and I wanted to be as cool as them. Inside, those shows terrified me and I was in torment every time we watched trying to not show how scared I was so they wouldn’t think I was a baby.

      The Wizard of Oz terrified me – the flying monkeys. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory terrified me – the kids in jail. Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer terrified me – The Abominable. So, no I really don’t like scary stuff and never watch shows or movies that are scary anymore. I’ve never seen a slasher movie and never will. I’ve never read or seen any of the Twilight saga and never will.

      I do love weird stuff like the Twilight Zone. Love that show.

  2. Sarah Richmond

    I have a dream meeting the guy that God has for me to marry and have a family own and I also kinda wish to have some horses because horses have always been my favorite animal and I was thinking of maybe giving horse riding lessons but I’m not sure yet!!! 🙂 I always daydream about my future!!! 🙂 Thanks for the awesome giveaway and God Bless you!!!
    Sarah Rebekah Richmond

    1. Shannon Taylor Vannatter

      Hey Sarah, looking to God for a future mate is the right place to look. I like horses from a distance. But they kind of scare me. I used to ride when I was a teen. I fell off once, landed on my shoulder, tore all the tendons and ligaments there. OH HOW IT HURT. I did get back on, but only if my dad held the reigns and walked the horse like a dog.

  3. Rikki Andrews

    I dream of God being able to use me in ways to help others know Him better, and know their purpose and potential. Being able to take what God has given me and use it to bring hope, peace and restoration to those who need to be encouraged. God is good.


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