Here Comes Trouble


Here Comes Trouble by Debbie Macomber

Have you (or someone that you know) ever dated a rich person? If so, did his/her wealth affect your relationship?

When Nolan Adams publishes a column about Maryanne, a spoiled and rich debutante, vivid sparks fly between the twosome. Maryanne does not want to be portrayed as a rich and pampered woman, although rich and pampered is her lifestyle. She lives in a pricey, high class apartment. Her father arranged for her to get a wonderful job at the newspaper. She’s always had everything handed to her on a silver platter, and she wants to prove to Nolan that she can work on her own, with no help from her family, and still make a living.

Trying to live life as a regular, non-wealthy person proves challenging. But, Maryanne is falling hard for Nolan, but, can Nolan let go of his past pains and learn to love Maryanne? Nolan has been raised with limited means, and he feels that Maryanne is out of his league. No way can he pursue her.

This was a nice sweet story. I’d thought from the cover (it’s part of the Glad Tidings collection), that it’d be more about Christmas. But the Christmas holiday is only mentioned briefly in the beginning and at the end.

So, have you (or someone that you know) ever dated someone who was wealthy? If so, how did it affect your relationship?


Here Comes Trouble by Debbie Macomber

One thought on “Here Comes Trouble

  1. Sara

    A kid and I tried dating in high school. His parents were very wealthy and they lived on the hill, dubbed “snob hill” because if you lived up there you were rich and better than anyone else in town. Needless to say after sneaking around for a month trying to date we gave up. He is also now married and lives on snob hill like his parents and guess who is a snob? LOL….the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree there.


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