Sunday Brunch – Angels!

Have you ever seen an angel?

I’ve always been fascinated by angels. I honestly don’t believe I’ve ever seen one, though. One of my Goodreads friends recommended that I watch this sermon about angels that was recorded at her church last Christmas! Wow, I loved it! This sermon gives a great overview about angels!

Hebrews 13:2

New International Version (NIV)

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

When I read that scripture, I think about the old TV series, Touched By An Angel. Remember that show? The angels were on earth, helping people with their problems. Near the end of each show, the angel announced to their assigned charge(s), “I’m an angel, sent by God.”

– See more at:

So, have you ever encountered an angel? Please share your angelic experience with me!


One thought on “Sunday Brunch – Angels!

  1. Sara

    I saw my great grandpa appear at the end of my bed in a time of need, saying “everything will be ok”. And the night before I got married my best friend whom had passed 1 year and 3 months prior, appeared in my dream of me on my wedding day saying “I do”, once that was said he looked right at my husband and I and said “I can go now that I know she is in good hands and will be taken care of.” And he vanished. They are MY Angels!!!!


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