Daily Archives: October 18, 2015

Man Of The Family


Man of the Family by Leigh Riker is a sweet romance from Harlequin’s Heartwarming Line

Have you ever relocated to another state/area?

Griffin, a former news anchor, is now living in a Florida apartment building as a maintenance man. His teen-aged daughter is still bitter of the abandonment of her mom (Griffin’s wife). Griffin tries to get his small family to live harmoniously in their new home, but, he’s failing miserably. His family is full of bitterness and resentment, and his daughter has terrible behavior problems.

Lawyer Sunny, a family acquaintance, has temporarily re-located to Florida. She’s escaping danger, and she is still haunted from a traumatic childhood experience. Griffin and Sunny find that opposites really can attract.

This book was a good, realistic read. I could imagine both Griffin and Sunny struggling with their emotional issues while trying to love one another. A good story.

Have you ever relocated to another state? How was your move? Did things turn out smoothly once you were settled in?