Sunday Brunch – Have A Little Faith!




Have you ever had weak faith?

Numbers: Chapters 13-14

In yesterday’s blog post I mentioned Moses sending his spies to the land of Canaan (the land flowing with milk and honey). When they returned, the spies gave a bad report about the land, stating that the Nephilim (Amalekites) were huge, and they were like grassphoppers compared to these beings. This bad report caused a big uproar amongst the Israelites. They doubted they could take over the land. The only spies who had faith were Joshua and Caleb. They knew that the Lord was on their side and would protect them from these giants.

The people grumbled, doubting the Lord’s protection. They even spoke of stoning Caleb and Joshua! The Lord became angry. He told the people that Joshua and Caleb, as well as all of the Israelites children who were under twenty years old would inherit the land of Canaan. The rest of them would loose their inheritance, becoming desert wanderers until their deaths.

The Lord killed the men who’d spread the bad report. Going against the Lord’s wishes, the people went up to the promised land (Canaan) anyway, only to be attacked by the Amalekites and Canaanites.

The Israelites were so stubborn, not listening to the Lord. They ignored the Lord’s miraculous signs/miracles!

Have you ever been faced with a strong fear, and doubted your faith in God? 

So glad that Jesus came, bringing hope and grace for us all! I know my faith has been weak! But, back in the Old Testament, I’ve always felt that God seemed to be in more direct contact with his chosen followers. It was a world much different than the way we live today. Even the earth was different, geographically, back then!

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