Still Mine


Still Mine by Amy Stuart – this is a secular title

Have you ever known someone who was missing? If so, was she/he ever found?

When Clare is sent on a mission to find a missing woman (Shayna), she’s forced to take a hard look at her own life. Clare becomes enmeshed within the lives of the inhabitants of Shayna’s town. There’s Charlie, the local drug dealer, and his girlfriend Sara. Clare and Sara share a camaraderie while Clare finds herself taking drugs, drinking alcohol, things that she really need so avoid. There’s also Derek, the town’s doctor as well as Jared, Shayna’s ex-husband. There’s also Wilfred and Louise, Shayna’s mentally-unbalanced parents. Who is responsible for Shayna’s disappearance and why was Clare hired to find her?

While Clare searches for Shayna, she’s reminded of the abusive life she’s left behind. She’s forced to face her own fears while the mystery in the town of Blackmoore unravels.

I found this to be a very dark read. It was very suspenseful. I also found the ending to be a bit abrupt and unfinished. I’m a bit curious to know if there will be a second book in this series? I’d recommend this book if you like dark, suspenseful novels.

Have you ever known someone who was missing? Was that person ever found?

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