Picnics and Promises – A New Summer Box Set – Available Now – 99c – Kindle Unlimited!

What’s your favorite childhood summertime memory?

Summer is my favorite time of the year! When I was a kid, I loved being out of school!. We’d run around the neighborhood, playing Red Rover, Dodgeball, Kickball and we’d ride our bikes. We’d yell and scream while we played Monsters. When I got older, I started watching soap operas during the summer! I got hooked onto General Hospital and All My Children. I also read TONS of romance novels and baked fruit pies as well as cakes and cookies. Those were some fun times!

So, what’s your favorite summertime memory? Leave me a comment!

Picnics and Promises is now available – only 99 cents and it’s available on Kindle Unlimited.

Come check out this warm, wonderful, delicious summer box set! Picnics and Promises features my novella, Sweet Delights – The Bakery Romance Series Book 6!  Come celebrate summer by reading Picnics and Promises! This is a fun summer boxed set that features six warm, delicious summer romances! There’s a delicious pie recipe featured at the end of each novella! 

12 thoughts on “Picnics and Promises – A New Summer Box Set – Available Now – 99c – Kindle Unlimited!

  1. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Veronica

    I love spending time in the water, too! Although I do not swim, I’ll still stay in the water all day. I go out as far as I can (on the beach) w/o water going over my head! Fun times indeed!

  2. Nancy Schreib

    The first day of summer vacation, I would take off my shoes and spend the summer barefoot.

  3. Donna Winters

    My best childhood summers were at the family cabin on a small lake in Canada. We would fish for bass, then Dad would clean and cook them for dinner. Also, we spent lots of time swimming every day. In the early years, we picked wild blueberries and Mom baked pies. Yum!

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Donna, those are some fond memories you have! My dad used to go fishing a lot! Sometimes we’d go with him! If we made too much noise, he’d tell us to be quiet because we’d scare the fish away! LOL! After he caught those big catfish(those catfish had mustaches – that’s what I called them!) my mom would slice them open ALIVE and clean them and fry them up for dinner!

      We also went swimming during the summer! There was a swimming pool on the military base and we’d go out to a hamburger place on the base afterwards for lunch. It was so much fun!

  4. ausjenny

    Till I was 8 when dad had a stroke we use to go to my Uncle and Grandfather’s place 2 hours away and then to my cousins another 2 hours drive away. The cousins were all 4 years older so I often got left on my own but it was still ok. At my grandfather’s place they lived near the botanic garden’s where there were 2 playgrounds as at the back was a caravan park on the river. I loved going and watching the water lilies. Also there was a trampoline place there I use to go to and over the road from where we stayed was the town swimming pool

    After Dad had the stroke we didn’t go away but we did 2 weeks of swimming lessons each summer. Had a few day trips. I use to read as well and watch cricket on TV.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      HI, Jenny!

      Wow, that does sound like fun! Swimming, botanical gardens and playgrounds sound like pure bliss! Makes me want to relive those childhood times!

  5. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

    Hi, Melissa! So glad you commented! Yes, that does sound like fun! What a blessing!

  6. Anusha

    My favourite summers were spent at my grandparents’ home during my childhood days. Me, my brother and three of my cousins used to hangout all the times. We would spend the days by going to the local market for sightseeing and we would also have great frozen treats especially made for summer. Sometimes we would make an escape plan to the nearest mountains and spend our days basking in the sun. Nowadays my summer vacations are limited to indoor reading which I’m enjoying nonetheless though I miss those vacations

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Anusha, thanks so much for commenting! That sounds like fun! Those frozen treats sound delicious! Reminds me of when we used to run out and meet the Ice cream man during those hot summer days! We’d hear that bell ringing and we’d get out our money and rush out to buy some cool treats.

      So nice that you were able to spend time with your siblings and cousins at your grandparents’ home! I can understand why you miss those wonderful summer vacations!


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