So, how has your year been?
It’s New Year’s Eve and I wanted to take some time to reflect with my blog readers my email list. This has been a good year for me writing-wise. I started my own company, Divine Desserts Publishing, and during Christmas 2016, I started doing boxed sets with other authors. I’d never worked with a group of authors before on a published writing project. It was a fun and lucrative experience. I made some new friends and I’ve found that it’s great to work in a group where folks share a plethora of story ideas.
For the first time in my life, I wrote a historical. The historical is a novella scheduled to be published by Barbour Publishing as a part of The Underground Railroad Brides collection in June 2018. I still have to pinch myself – I can’t believe I actually stretched my wings and wrote a historical. It was a fun experience and I found once I got started on the story, I was able to keep right on writing. If I’d not been required to write a novella, I sensed that my story could have been made into a full-length novel.
In my personal life, my husband and I have been busy our twelve year old son. I just find it hard to believe he’s twelve now! Seems like he was just born yesterday. Our son was busy with track season during the spring and summer and he also played soccer.
I’ve also been working on a novel partially based upon my husband’s life. I’m going to be releasing Southern Comfort in 2018. I’ve been excited about this book and I hope you’ll enjoy it too.
So, how has your year been? Please tell me about it!
2017 was a little bit bad but most of it was wonderful!!! Our granddaughter was born in February, that was the best!!!
Wonderful, Julia!
It has had it’s challenges, but I was glad to get much reading and writing done.
I also took three trips to Pennsylvania and one to St Catharines, Ontario.
Your trips sound wonderful, Jim! My year had it’s challenges, also!
2017 had a few challenges (a major home repair and a lingering upper respiratory thing were the biggest), but overall, it was a good year. I got to two good literary events and made progress on my next book. Female Problems will release in 2018. I’m hoping to do two more literary events (both of them involve major travel) and of course get Female Problems out asap. Still working on juggling writing with editing and such, but it’s coming along :-).
Hi and congratulations, Cecelia, on the new business, and on writing the historical novel. It’s encouraging to hear good news.
My 2017 had challenges, too, but there were so many more good moments than there were bad. It felt like I was more aware of opportunities to spend time with other artists, and THAT was good for a person like me, who can be somewhat quiet.
Blessings to you in all you do in 2018!
Hi, Nedra
Always nice to hear from you! So glad that 2017 went well for you (for the most part)!