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The title of my story in this collection is called The Bakery Bride. I loved writing this story and I really enjoyed researching how bakeries functioned during historical times. The Bakery Bride is the strongest story that I’ve ever written and I’m so glad that I took a leap of faith and wrote a historical novella.
One thing that I enjoyed learning about, regarding baking, is that during historical times, they couldn’t go to the store and simply purchase yeast. Back then, the yeast used in all breads was from a sourdough starter. The starter was made from natural yeasts captured in the air. Once this yeast is captured, you feed it with water, flour, and maybe some sugar regularly. You use about a cup (or more) of this natural sourdough yeast starter whenever you make loaves of bread. If you feed your starter regularly, and take good care of it, the starter will remain alive indefinitely. This just blows my mind!
I researched this and found that there are some sourdough starters that are hundreds, even thousands of years old! Can you imagine that? Can you imagine somebody during Biblical times starting a sourdough starter and that very same starter could be alive, being used in bread today?? Just thinking about that makes me say “WOW”!!!
Are you interested in reviewing The Underground Railroad Brides Collection? If you’re on NetGalley, you can request a review copy. If you’re not on Netgalley then email me at cdnovelistATgmailDOTcom and I’ll see what I can do about obtaining a review copy for you.