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Have you ever baked bread? If so, what kind of bread did/do you bake?
I’m hosting a book giveaway. I’m giving away 2 copies of The Underground Railroad Brides Collection. These 2 copies are SPECIAL since they’re signed by all nine authors! In order to be entered into the giveaway, you must answer my question about baking bread. You must also leave your email address in your comment! I need an email address in order to ship the books to the two winners!
The title of my story in this collection is called The Bakery Bride. I loved writing this story and I really enjoyed researching how bakeries functioned during historical times. The Bakery Bride is the strongest story that I’ve ever written and I’m so glad that I took a leap of faith and wrote a historical novella.
One thing that I enjoyed learning about, regarding baking, is that during historical times, they couldn’t go to the store and simply purchase yeast. Back then, the yeast used in all breads was from a sourdough starter. The starter was made from natural yeasts captured in the air. Once this yeast is captured, you feed it with water, flour, and maybe some sugar regularly. You use about a cup (or more) of this natural sourdough yeast starter whenever you make loaves of bread. If you feed your starter regularly, and take good care of it, the starter will remain alive indefinitely. This just blows my mind!
I researched this and found that there are some sourdough starters that are hundreds, even thousands of years old! Can you imagine that? Can you imagine somebody during Biblical times starting a sourdough starter and that very same starter could be alive, being used in bread today?? Just thinking about that makes me say “WOW”!!!
I do Love to bake bread! I Love the Amish breads so I will get my starter from a friend who has them!
My Favorite Bread is the Cinnamon Amish Friendship Bread! It smells wonderful when baking and is delicious!
If you don’t have a starter you can make your own. I Love to make smaller loafs and wrap them in pretty packages and I give them to my neighbors at Christmas time!!
I use a recipe from my mother in law that I use for bread, rolls, and cinnamon rolls. It smells delicious while baking!
Yes i have baked bread before. Im not very good at it though. I have just done white bread and sweet bread. I have however used sour dough starter to make sour dough pancakes just like my Mom did when i was little but hers are still better
Unfortunately I do not bake I whether I am a big fan and appreciate when I have the opportunity to get a fresh homemade loaf
I do love baking breads; makes the house smell sooo good!!!
I’m not a great cook and haven’t baked bread, but I remember my aunt baking sourdough bread and,oh,so delicious! I have always been interested in the Underground railroad and would love to read the Underground Railroad Brides Collection!
rbooth43 at yahoo dot com
Yes, I have made bread from scratch bread. I’ve made French bread, biscuits, yeast rolls, naan, and herb crusted French bread as well. I’m not sure what a starter is… so I’m going to say no, I’ve never used one. I do better with quick simple recipes.
I have baked bread before, but not recently as I don’t have the time. Pineapple Zucchini bread, pizza dough, and yeast rolls. The yeast rolls recipe is an old family favorite that doesn’t give an amount for flour it just says “add flour”. I have not used sour dough starter, but my mother has.
I am not a very good bread baker. I can make some naan (very fat and small naan), a good Italian loaf and pizza dough, and banana bread. I have attemoted a few times with sourdough and things did not go well! Hahaha. I would be so happy to get a copy of this book. It is on my list!
My favorite bread to bake is Cinnamon Strusel Bread
With it’s cinnamon it smells heavenly baking. No I have never used a sourdough starter but would sure love to try it. Sourdough is one of my absolute favorite breads! My mouth is watering just thinking of it.
I love baking especially different types of bread. My all time favorite and my families is zucchini pineapple bread. I have never used a sour dough bread starter but there is always a first time to try.
I haven’t baked yeast bread,but I have baked quick breads.
I made bread from scratch all the time as a teenager. I have used Amish starter, but it has been many years. My favorite bread was oatmeal, I made for my German grandfather. I actually wanted to own my own bakery, but they are a thing of the past. I made cinnamon rolls, dinner rolls, donuts from scratch. I am a single person & don’t find enough time for baking at home these days.
I actually haven’t baked bread, but I do make homemade yeast rolls. My husband is the bread baker in our family. He learned from his nana. Since he’s German, his bread is more of a heavy bread. He makes white, wheat and pumpernickel.
Yes, we have used starter before. I actually love to use it. It’s been a while though. You can also use starter for biscuits and it makes really good strawberry shortcake.
Oh, I would be overwhelmed to win “The Underground Railroad Brides Collection.”
Thank you
Oh, I do make banana bread, oatmeal bread zucchini bread and several more sweet breads.
I didn’t think about those type of breads.
I love making bread my favorite is Banana Nut, Pumpkin, blueberry, and The Friendship Bread bc I add all types of things in it.
I’ve never baked bread
But I love bread…especially ciabatta!
Thank you for the chance!
I like to make quick breads, as I have not had very good luck with yeast breads. I tried Swedish rye bread when I was much younger. It was so-so. Later I bought a bread machine, but the breads were more like door stops. I have enjoyed making friendships breads for friends and neighbor and had starters all over my counter top. Usually I like cranberry orange bread or zucchini bread.
The Underground Brides book sounds interesting and maybe a tear-jerker.
I have only made bread in a breadmaker, but my favorite was the plain white bread.
Oh I’ve tried to make bread. I’ve tried just plain bread and I always comes out with a raw spot in it.Help.
I used to bake bread, but haven’t for a very long time. My favorite bread was using my grandmother’s cottage cheese bread recipe. And no,it doesn’t taste like cottage cheese. That’s just one of the ingredients.
I never used a sourdough starter. It sounds as though it would be an interesting thing to do, especially if one kept the starter going. I’m afraid that I might forget to feed it. Sometimes I forget to eat.
I’ve made bread (white)from scratch but didn’t rise – found out you don’t let it rise when its damp & raining. Also banana nut bread, Amish Friendship Bread. I love going to Ethridge, TN to the Amish Community & buying fresh baked bread. Its about a 2-hr drive from us. Due to health I’m no longer able to stand & bake like I used to.
I will admit to not doing well with trying to make bread. So, probably a box mix is the only chance I have for it to be edible.
Hi Cecelia, please don’t enter me in the drawing since I’m one of the authors. I wanted to comment though. I have baked a lot of quick breads like pumpkin, banana, and zucchini. I’ve never used sourdough starter, but I’ve read about it in the Little House on the Prairie books. Good luck with your drawing.
A couple of my favorites are zucchini bread and banana nut. They fill the house with wonderful smells and they are wonderful while warm.
I have never used a sourdough starter.
I have never tried to bake bread, but my mother makes a wonderful fruit loaf.
While I have never made homemade bread, my mom has made it several times. She made it with sourdough starter one when I was a girl, but none of us liked it so she never made that again.
I would love to bake bread but I don’t do it. I don’t know why because I watch cooking videos of people making bread. I have made Amish bread from a starter that was given to me by a friend. I made it a bunch of times till we got tired of it. Then I froze a starter and made some more later. I finally quit but I did look on Pinterest here while back for a recipe on how to make a starter. Thanks for a chance to win this special copy of The Underground Railroad Brides Collection. I would love to win.
Oh yeah! Would that not be wonderful to have a started that was passed down through the generations? And my favorite is the cinnamon Amish bread I baked. But I love any sourdough bread with a pat of butter.
I’ve baked Friendship Bread from a gifted starter. I would like to start experimenting with different types of bread and flavors.
Dolita Martin
I’ve baked Friendship Bread from a gifted starter. I would like to start experimenting with different types of bread and flavors.
I used to make a plaited loaf every Saturday for several years. I love butter plait with jam!
I remember to use a sourdough starter once. I recieved it from a friend and had to increase it and give a part of it to a next friend. This way the same sourdough went around my circle of friends. It was a funny game and the bread tasted special.
I used to love baking bread – mostly a fluffy sweet white bread. My kids would devour both loaves while they were still hot. I’ve never used sourdough starter but sounds like a good experiment. Perhaps I’ll start making bread again….
mindyhoung AT msn DOT com
Hi Cecelia, this collection sounds wonderful! As an HR writer I love the historical facts you learned about the baking process especially discovering that there are “starters” out there 1000 years old. So cool! Now to get down to business, back in the day when bread machines were all the rage we made bread frequently. Not sure if that counts but you did need packaged yeast. LOL! I’ve also made Friendship Bread. Have you heard of that? You use a starter similar to the one you mention. You add sugar and flour during the process and make the bread on Day 10. It’s called Friendship Bread because you divide the starter on baking day to share with others. I’ve never started the “starter” (wow) myself but I do have the recipe. Let me know if you’d like it. Might be a cool thing to offer newsletter subscribers.
We bake bread during the winter. Right now it is white bread since I can’t have wheat bread often due to the higher potassium. I have also made bread from a sourdough starter that was fed with potato flakes. It was absolutely the most amazing bread.
No I never baked bread.
I baked a lot more breads when the kids were home. I made wheat, white, biscuits, rolls, Ezekiel, pizza dough, Italian… My friend told me the house she is living in used to house people who made a lot of wine which left a lot of narural yeast in the air conducive to sourdough bread making. She has a hard time making a yeast type of bread.
I bake banana bread and have been asked several times by friends to make it. My daughter when she was pregnant with our first granddaughter said that was what she craved all the time.
I have made white bread a couple of times–too much work.
I love making pumpkin bread and banana bread though. Yummy!!
I have made white bread a couple of times–too much work.
I love making pumpkin bread and banana bread though. Yummy!!
I have made Amish Friendship bread before. It’s so good.
I do love to bake bread and I finally have the time to do it since I retired! I am now teaching my granddaughter to bake bread. I have used a sourdough starter but when I was working it was hard to keep up feeding it and baking when it was ready. Our favorite bread is cinnamon raisin! We love it fresh out of the oven!
I have made a lot of bread. I made 2 loaves last week. One was white. The other was oatmeal. I have made wheat bread.
I think I tried using a sour dough starter once. But we did not like the bread.
I will be praying for your mom
Lillian Crouse
I have made a lot of bread. I made two loaves last week. One was white and the other was oatmeal.
I have made wheat bread.
I think I used a sour dough starter once. But we did not like the bread.
And then there is zucchini bread…
I baked regular white bread, I know boring. No never used a starter kit, my email
I have made a lot of bread. I love to make italian herb bread. I also make a rosemary bread. Both are delicious. I have made amish friendship bread using a homemade starter that takes about ten days of prep. Thanks for the opportunity. My name is Donna and you can find me at
I have made a lot of bread. I love to make italian herb bread. I also make a rosemary bread. Both are delicious. I have made amish friendship bread using a homemade starter that takes about ten days of prep. Thanks for the opportunity.
I bake bread. My favorite is the one my mom taught me to make. Its called hot cornbread. It contains onions, jalapeno, and sharp cheese. It has been so goos that now its all we eat with our meals. IDo like other breads but my mom’s bread is the best in my opinion!
I love to bake cinnamon bread
No I’m have never been a bread maker, but It (bread making) has been on my mind, I had to switch to Gluten Free food products and bread in this category is to expensive. I have a habit of starting new things and then stopping within three months. So, I waiting on the Lord for an answer.
I also love to bake! I’ve been incorporating more & more white wheat flour into my yeast bread recipes and am thrilled with the results. I’m not a huge sourdough fan, but love to bake almost any other kind of bread whether yeast or quick bread varieties. In a few days, my son’s girlfriend & I are going to make cinnamon rolls together. My son is thrilled – every young woman needs to have a good cinnamon roll recipe in her recipe file!
I enjoy baking quick breads like banana bread. I also have made Amish friendship bread using a starter. I have tried baking yeast breads without much success. I tend to add too much flour on the flour board which results in a too tough bread.