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Have you ever baked bread? If so, what kind of bread did/do you bake?
I’m hosting a book giveaway. I’m giving away 2 copies of The Underground Railroad Brides Collection. These 2 copies are SPECIAL since they’re signed by all nine authors! In order to be entered into the giveaway, you must answer my question about baking bread. You must also leave your email address in your comment! I need an email address in order to ship the books to the two winners!
The title of my story in this collection is called The Bakery Bride. I loved writing this story and I really enjoyed researching how bakeries functioned during historical times. The Bakery Bride is the strongest story that I’ve ever written and I’m so glad that I took a leap of faith and wrote a historical novella.
One thing that I enjoyed learning about, regarding baking, is that during historical times, they couldn’t go to the store and simply purchase yeast. Back then, the yeast used in all breads was from a sourdough starter. The starter was made from natural yeasts captured in the air. Once this yeast is captured, you feed it with water, flour, and maybe some sugar regularly. You use about a cup (or more) of this natural sourdough yeast starter whenever you make loaves of bread. If you feed your starter regularly, and take good care of it, the starter will remain alive indefinitely. This just blows my mind!
I researched this and found that there are some sourdough starters that are hundreds, even thousands of years old! Can you imagine that? Can you imagine somebody during Biblical times starting a sourdough starter and that very same starter could be alive, being used in bread today?? Just thinking about that makes me say “WOW”!!!
I used to love to bake bread. We loved french bread. I’ve become allergic to most of the grains and can’t have bread any more. My email address is below:
Yes I have baked bread. I used to bake bread as we had 6 children no hydro no indoor plumbing for about 6 years or so. We had a fire and ended up moving in with a cousin who was a bachelor and the house was a log kitchen and a barnboard living area with only a wood stove to heat it all. I cooked and baked on the wood stove for that period of time. What a hardship, but I had to persevere in order to keep my family warm and fed. I also made friendship bread from a sourdough starter, my white bread was made from a yeast starter as there was no one in our area who had a sour dough starter and back then I was just a young lady who had to learn how to do things in a beginner way of life. I grew up with my mother making home made bread all the time.
Bread making is very soothing to me. It helps me to think clearly and to pound out any frustrations I have. It’s therapy. I like making all kinds of bread but a good, light and airy, crusty white and raisin cinnamon breads are my favorites. I make bread and freeze it for later use. I love using an Italian rolling pin. I haven’t used a starter in years, but I love the history behind them. Home made bread is so much more healthier than store bought.
I love love to make bread. I make white bread, cinnamon bread, and cinnamon but bread. I also do cinnamon rolls. I used a sourdough starter years
I was given a bread machine, but really didn’t learn to like it. I was once given a starter of what is called friendship bread and that was lots of fun. My favorite bread to make is either banana bread or cinnamon raisin bread, and I love to give them as gifts.
This book sounds amazing and I have always been fascinated by the underground railroad.
Thanks Cecelia!
Yes, I have baked French Bread, Pita Bread and a lot of Banana Bread. I have never used a sourdough starter.
Yes, I used to bake bread frequently. I have made sour dough, white, whole wheat, banana, zucchini, Amish friendship bread,french bread. I used to keep a sour dough starter, also one that used instant mashed potatoes. As a widow, I try to watch my weight and homemade bread is not good for that! I love it! jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com
I used to bake bread almost every day before my husband passed away. I had several cookbooks and baked all different types of breads using one of 3 bread machines that I had. One of my favorites was an eggnog bread and another was a raised cornbread. Yes, I have tried using a sourdough starter, but we loved the bread so much that I had to quit–LOL!
I’m really looking forward to reading The Underground Brides Collection.
I baked bread (homemade yeast rolls) once years ago as a child and haven’t since.
I LOVE to bake bread I have used an Amish starter and a southern starter but never a sourdough one. I make all kinds of breads and rolls but my current favorite is ‘bread in a bag’ because my 5 yr old granddaughters make that with me!
Thanks Cecelia – the books sound amazing!
I have baked bread in my younger days. But in 2002, I developed anesthesia amnesia during surgery and lost most of my memories of my life. I did use a breadmaker to make bread last year, just white bread.
I used to love baking bread! But now retired and disabled, I gave away my ancient bread machine a few years back. I miss the work involved and until I couldn’t anymore I kneaded and proofed many loaves. Then a bread maker was my friend until it felt like that was too much wrk. I’m blessed to have an Italian bakery nearby
I used to bake bread with my bread machine
However, I became diabetic and couldn’t discipline myself, so I had to stop. I occasionally bake quick breads such as Cranberry Nut, Banana Nut, and Pumpkin. Had a sick husband to take care of, who recently passed away, so my time was very limited for baking. My life was just like yours taking care of your mother.
I have never baked bread from scratch… only the boxed quick breads.
I do bake bread-I have a bread machine I use. I have a recipe for french bread that my family loves
My mother always made white bread and wheat bread and I have made those on occasion. I should start doing more of it. My sister-in-law who is a fabulous baker makes almost all of her own bread. She taught us to make rye bread and it was so good. She also gave us the tip to preheat the pans before baking. A long time ago I used a sourdough starter that someone gave me but didn’t use it often enough or take care of it and I had to get rid of it.
I love making bread! I have made sourdough,white, whole wheat, rye, French and Italian.
I’ve never made bread, but I watch my sweet Mother and precious Aunt Jewell make different kinds of bread. No one could make bread like those two. It was like watching an artist painting his Van Gogh. I love many breads, but my favorite is the original bread.
While I’ve got a passion for cooking, especially Italian food [I’m not Italian].
I take after my Mom so I don’t bake bread

Yes, I have baked bread, though not recently. I have made it both the old-fashioned way by hand, and with a bread machine. I have made white, whole wheat. Yes, I have also made sourdough bread from a starter. The sourdough has always been my favorite.
I love making bread. Use bread machine. Make yeast bread, banana, pumpkin and raisin a lot. Jane Squires
I have not made bread in a long time. It is something my daughter and I did during Lent and donated the loaves to the church during the Lenten meals on Fridays. I did get some bread flour and need to make the bread now.
Just seems funny doing it by myself since daughter is now busy with her life. I have never used a sourdough started (really didn’t know there was such a thing) but if it makes it easier, it would be fun to try. I have used a friendship cake starter before and that was some good cake.
Many blessings to all.
I love making bread with my bread machine. My husband loves homemade bread and won’t even eat store bought anymore. I usually do a white bread and a cinnamon bread. We don’t eat a lot of bread but I have never used a sourdough starter before. Holidays are for pumpkin bread and banana bread, our favorites.
I’ve made lots of bread in my 79 yrs. My favorite was burp bread made in a large yelllow plastic bowl. Dough was put in the bowl with lid on, when lid popped (burped)it was ready to use for whatever I desired to make- loaf, rolls, cinnamon rolls,etc.
I 1st made English Muffin Bread for the microwave about 40 yrs ago. It was too moist and I wasn’t confident enough to try it
I 1st made English Muffin Bread for the microwave about 40 yrs ago. It was too moist and I wasn’t confident enough to try it again. Wish I could find that recipe again now that I’m braver
I learned to make bread from my mother at a young age. I have worked in a commercial kitchen as a baker at a restaurant for many years as well but have never used a sourdough starter except for the Amish friendship bread noted in many other posts.
It is a while since I have baked bread. I mostly bake banana bread and make caramel rolls for my family when we have a brunch get together several times per year. I went through a phase when I used my bread maker every Sunday for fresh bread with Sunday dinner when we got home from church. Have been thinking about resurrecting my bread maker again. i ran across it a week or so ago when looking for something else in the closet it is stored in. My mother tried to teach me to make homemade bread once but she was such an expert that she took over and did it herself. I made friendship bread but never sour dough.
I love homemade bread! The only bread I’ve made was in a bread machine many years ago but it was oh so good! I’ve since cut carbs out of my life and don’t eat bread anymore but I do love it!! I also used to bake banana bread quite often.
I was once given a jar of Amish friendship bread starter from my wonderful Mennonite neighbor. That was fun to make and keep it going so I could share.
I have not used a sourdough starter. I used to make cinnamon raisin bread, then I became allergic to cinnamon. Now I make nutmeg bread.
Yes, I have baked bread. My mother is a county fair grand champion bread baker. I am not. It took several flops when I was newly married before I gave up. Eventually, I got a bread machine, and that seemed to work. Years later, I discovered it was most likely the chlorinated city water that caused my bread to flop in the beginning, and the fact that we no longer lived in the city when I started using a machine.
Since then I have tried artisan bread, mostly successful, but my mom’s bread is ever so much better. Currently, I have to limit my carbs, so baking bread is tabled for now. I don’t have the will power to resist freshly baked bread.
And, yes, years ago I used a sourdough starter that my sister gave me, for the friendship bread. That I could do.
No, I have never baked bread. It sounds like something I need to try. Never heard of the sourdough starter.
i used to bake bread constantly until my husband found out he was diabetic. I have made sour dough starter from recipes,but none compares to the 100 year old starter I got when a friend moved away and gave me hers. I love the taste of a good sour dough bread,especially the tangy ones. I have also used an electric bread maker and loved it. I recently gave mine to my daughter for her use and they all love having the fresh bread in the house