The Underground Railroad Brides Collection – Kindle (and other e-book versions) is on sale from 1/14/2020 – 1/21/2020 for $2.99! Grab your copy today and tell a friend!
The Underground Railroad Brides Collection – Kindle (and other e-book versions) is on sale from 1/14/2020 – 1/21/2020 for $2.99! Grab your copy today and tell a friend!
Well, I’d told my husband that I wouldn’t be blogging about this – but – it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind. So, I’m changing my mind. This issue has literally taken up most of my free time over the past week. Reading news articles, blogs, Facebook and Twitter posts, etc. That’s a huge deal – if I’m going to spend so much free time reading about something!
The recent happenings made national news – articles are in the New York Times as well as The Washington Post, as well as a lot of other newspapers and websites. It would take me TOO LONG to write about everything that’s happened – took me a long time to digest all of the facts.
For a complete (or mostly complete) list of the happenings in RWA, which started right after Christmas, kindly go to this Twitter Link (apologies in advance for all the profanity on the Twitter link! This was the most concise, complete list of events that I could find at the time!). It’s A LOT of information.
It’s just so sad that RWA has come to this. Hopefully, this will not be the end to this organization.
I received my first book contract via an RWA conference. I met Tracie Peterson at an RWA conference during a Faith, Hope and Love (RWA’s inspirational chapter) meeting. It was through her recommendation that I received a contract from Crossings Book Club (part of the Doubleday Book Club empire) for my first novel.
I received a second book contract from Harlequin (Steeple Hill imprint) via a local RWA chapter retreat.
I’ve learned so much through this organization. I will admit that I’m not as active as I used to be, but, I’ve remained a member for over twenty years.
Yes, I’m busy and have lots to do outside of writing, but, RWA has been my first choice when it comes to writers organizations.
Sad and depressing that they’ve had a some serious allegations regarding racism and diversity. I’m glad these allegations have come to light, but, it’s depressing to hear about them. I haven’t been to a conference since 2009, and I’ve only attended a handful of chapter meetings since I got married and had a son (who is now 14).
I feel so strongly about what’s happened, and I’ve spent so much time and energy reading and thinking about it, that I feel the need to see some RWA members to talk about what happened. I’m actually going to attend the all-day local chapter meeting being held tomorrow in my area. They’ve changed the agenda to focus on the recent events.
It’s a big deal for me to take my precious free time to attend a local RWA chapter meeting, but, I feel the need to go….
Sad, sad, sad….
Christmas is over and now we’re into 2020! I hope all of you enjoyed your holiday. My holiday was wonderful! I didn’t have to work since my job shut down for the week. They’ve done this two years in a row! I hope they do the same in 2020! It’s nice having those days off at the end of the year!
You can access my New Year’s newsletter here!