Judges 7:4 But the Lord said to Gideon, “There are still too many men. Take them down to the water, and I will thin them out for you there. If I say, ‘This one shall go with you,’ he shall go; but if I say, ‘This one shall not go with you,’ he shall not go.”
Can you hear God’s voice?
When I read through the book of Judges, I notice Gideon, fighting battles with his army, obeying God’s word. As stated in Judges 7:4, Gideon seems to hear God’s voice as clearly as you might hear a friend talk to you on the phone. Or, he may hear God’s voice as clearly as you talking to someone at your own kitchen table, in person.
I’ve always wondered why those in the Old Testament, the saints of God, seem to hear Him so clearly. They seemed to have a deeper connection to the Lord, deeper than what we have today. Yes, we pray to Jesus, ask for His advice, but, it’d be nice to hear a clear voice, straight from Heaven, just as Gideon heard when he went into battle with his army.
God gave Gideon directions, and in spite of God’s strong, clear voice, Gideon was still doubtful. If God told him that he were going to overtake his enemies and win the battle, Gideon wanted more proof, sometimes he wanted proof twice or three times. He doubted God, in spite of His clear, strong voice.
Does God speak so clearly to us now? Since Jesus has come and died for our sins, saving us, does God feel that he no longer needs to speak directly to us, in a clear, strong physical voice? Does Jesus want us to pray and have faith – and that’s enough?
Perhaps, since those in the Old Testament were known to doubt God, in spite of His strong voice, perhaps God doesn’t want to waste His time speaking clearly, in a physical voice to us, since we continue to doubt Him?
How clearly do you hear God’s voice? Have you ever felt that God were speaking to you, directly from Heaven?
Absolutely I feel the Lord and hear His voice. There was a time when I felt I couldn’t hear his voice. But when you are looking for something you can’t see it. And when it comes to the Lord it’s about my heart not head. Amen?