If you like historicals then, you should check out A Teacher’s Heart. It’s a historical romance novella collection that I’m sure you will enjoy.
I hope and pray all of you are staying safe during the Coronavirus Covid 19 outbreak. Never, in my entire life, have I ever seen anything like this. I heard on the news that the entire country of Italy is quarantined and all stores, with the exception of food, and other necessary stores, are closed down. Nobody is allowed out of their house without a good reason (like going to store). So many people have died in China and over Europe.
The same is also happening in the state of California and in New York. My son’s school is closed and my the place where I work is closed. However, we are allowed to work from home.
If a year ago, somebody predicted that this would happen, I would never have believed it, not in this day and age. I’m still trying to wrap my head around all that’s been going on in the world. I feel like this is something that would happen in a science fiction novel. It just doesn’t seem real. It doesn’t feel real. I almost feel like I’m dreaming, if you know what I mean.
Please keep all affected in your thoughts and prayers. We need healing and miracles in the world right now! Jesus, please help us!
I’m giving away two copies of A Teacher’s Heart. Please follow these directions if you want to be entered into the drawing: the only way to be entered is if you leave a comment by answering the question referenced below. You must leave your email address in the comment! How are you and your loved ones holding up during the coronavirus/covid 19? Again, answer that question and leave your answer as a comment on this blog post!
Continental U.S. only!
Have a blessed day! Stay safe and don’t forget to pray for all of those affected by the coronavirus!
It’s been nice spending more time with family but the past week has felt like a year! Time sure moves slow when you’re forced to slow down. We’re coping by praying, reading and a little stress eating
We are holding up. My Mom, my husband and I are all handicapped. We have home health aides who come in to assist us. I utilize the pick up for groceries. At this time, it looks as if my Mom may have developed cellulitis. Please pray that the doctor will call in antibiotics. She does not want to go to the hospital with all that is going on with the Coronavirus. Thank you for the opportunity.
We are doing well but I think it helps that we have been retired for a few years so we are used to staying home a lot. I feel sorry for the families who have had their schedules tossed into the air then when it lands they have to reorganize their lives and not knowing how long before they switch back to the ‘old’ schedule.
wfnren at aol dot com
I am doing great. I live in the country on a lake so I am used to spending time alone and keep stocked normally. I have a cousin with cancer who is needing surgery. Another cousins husband has spent over a month in the hospital. Drs can’t figure out what is causing his seizures and mood disorder. A granddaughter is having seizures and is needing to see a neurologist.
Since I work for a small newspaper, my business is considered essential so I’m heading to the office everyday but going home early. Hubby and I are joking that the confinement is good practice for when I retire. I have to admit I’m stressing a lot over all of this while my hubby is just laid back. He does most of the cooking so it’s been fun to be home serving as his sous chef. He’s retired already so his day has not been too changed except he can’t go to the gym. I have more time to knit and we both have been doing deeper Bible studies.
We are doing just fine. Staying indoors as much as possible and praying a lot for all the folks afflicted by this horrible virus.
I’m staying strong by holding on to the Word of God and watching sermons on YouTube. God alone can get us through this situation!
Thanks so much for the chance to win a book! My email is achsahkl@yahoo.com
We are doing ok and hoping that we turn the corner from this craziness.
Greetings, My sister taught first grade for 34 years!
When it came time to retire; I remember her crying…
I am sheltered in alone. I am trying to organize a lot
of various things like books, craft room, clothing, etc.
My son and his family are in their home… Luckily he is
able to work from home. Blessing… I miss my 3 grandchildren
very much!
Much love and blessings to all,
We are doing our best to keep isolated. We keep in touch with our families with the computer and try to inspire each other to do the right thing. We have all gotten a lot closer since this whole pandemic started.
Cindy Weaver
My husband and I are retired and his dr appointments have been canceled. We’re fortunate as I have 2 son-in-laws still working and my 3rd daughter is working from home. I have 4 grandchildren working in essential services so all of our families have one member still working. Email is karijean52@yahoo.com
We are holding up well and thankful,
My husband and I are doing well! This has only served to remind us who we are in Christ and that we are His!
Since it’s just my husband and I in the household and we’re seniors, we’ve pretty much carried on a normal schedule so far. Our routine of eating out twice a week, has changed to carry out or drive thru only! I miss seeing friends in those businesses. But this week with more closures will change things more drastically. Today my beauty salon will close. I go weekly. Fortunately I already had my normal appt today. We’ve shopped for groceries as usual, possibly extra when we’re out, but less items available or limited. It’s scary. We try to pick up items for our son and family when we’re out and vice versa, and we keep extra here at house for them, just in case!
After an announcement in VA of school closure for the rest of the year, it makes us very sad as our granddaughter is to graduate this year! Her formal is off, her graduation as well as her spring musical. She was to play Olaf in it. Just heartbreaking.
For now since we have a very small church congregation, we are meeting one time a week only. My husband is pastor and it’s so difficult to make this decision. We’re not equipped for video, etc.
We should pray for one another and the decisions we make. Oils love to win the book. I love reading.
I love all of your books
My daughter, her kids and I are playing Animal Crossing on the switch. Even my granddaughter who doesn’t live with us plays with us. It’s a fun way to communicate with those we temporarily cannot see. Thank you for your books.
We are used to self-isolating because of my many allergies. That said, we are having difficulty finding a few things at the grocers. My husband went 8 days ago to pick up a few fresh foods and he could not find eggs anywhere. I wish now that we had a couple of pet chickens… other than that, we are doing well. We have been in the habit of buying stock groceries regularly and rotating as needed, so the shortages haven’t hit us as hard as some.
We are doing pretty well during the crisis. We are staying at home and self distancing from everyone. We are ordering some items online and therefore not having to go to the grocery store. Our family members have bought grocery items that we need, and have delivered them to our home. Due to underlying health problems, we are taking precautions to stay as healthy as possible.
My son and are holding up ok. I am right here with as you go from subject to subject on his chromebook. Also I am calling parents and students to help with home. Last but not least I am in the processing of editing a book for an author. Just keeping busy, because idle mind needs not to wonder.
Staying at home and only getting out to the store when needed. Finding some extra activities online to keep the kids busy.
During this coronavirus/covid 19 virus…
my hubby and I are doing fine, staying in, and only getting out for prescriptions, milk, and eggs, etc. as needed. God has been so good to us. We just received a phone call from our primary doctor office ..his nurse calling asking how we were doing. I thought that was something getting that call from Tonya. Your novel ‘A Teacher’s Heart’ looks interesting and would love to win one to read and review. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Here is my email address: agdwhd@gmail.com. I hope you and your family are doing OK. Take care! Arlena Dean
My family and I are doing fine. We’re staying home, and my sister, a marvelous cook, lives within walking distance of my house!
I am still working. I am a pharmacy technician so I will still be in with the public and trying to help people. Me and my hub and have 4 children. One is still in college and they are piling the work in. Another is a kindergarten teacher, this is here 1st year as a teacher and she is surviving. Other two are older and are working from home. Big changes in this interesting world. We will see how thing go from here. Hopefully with my job we still get to be together through it all.
I work as a pharmacy technician so I will continue to work during all this. We have 4 children but one is still in college and they are piling in the work. Also have one that is a 1st year teacher and it is hard to see kindergarten students work online. Other two are a little other and they get to work from home so they are safe. Just glad we get to be together through all.
Please delete second one in my name sorry computer glitch
My life hasn’t really changed that much yet. I never went to town much anyway so I don’t really miss that. I find myself praying short prayers through out the day for the Lord to keep everybody safe that has to out and about.
We are doing ok handling this one day at a time and helping others when we can praying and enjoying family time. Several of us are still working . I was called off yesterday I work in the hospital but they stopped visiting and shut down all waiting rooms. Thanks and please stay safe.
i live in a retirement apartment and we are doing ok. just going out when we have ,too. so far we are good in our small town.
i love yourbooks.
I live alone so not much has changed. A group of people in my community are making masks for nursing homes and who ever needs them. I have donated a lot of fabric etc that I have been hoarding. Started cutting out masks for them tonight
I normally stay pretty close to home but not being able to go to church is the worst thing. Our area is like most in that there are food shortages and a low supply of cleaning products. Our daughter and six year old granddaughter live with us and I am now doing her classes for her since school is cancelled. I think it is harder on my husband than me because he is used to going someplace almost every day and this is no longer an option.
Blessings to you and yours!
We are doing great. Not much change around my house except for not going to church. My husband and I are retired/disabled so we are pretty much home all the time except Dr visits, going to grandkids birthday parties and church.
We live on a mission compound and I’m the cook. We are no longer getting together for meals. Instead of cooking for 35 people I’m cleaning. I have extra time for reading and quilting
My husband and I are doing well during this time! I am doing spring cleaning, a lot of reading, adult coloring and learning to do hand lettering! We are also attending church online on Sundays.
Spending lots of time reading and watching movies and tv shows. tWarner419@aol.com
I’m getting more writing done because I can’t be distracted by meeting friends, etc. Thankfully both my job and hubby’s are continuing as normal. I work at Target in the cash office and my husband is considered an “essential” employee so he is still going to the office. Nothing too different really except being in the hunt for TP and Lysol wipes! LOL! Thanks for the opportunity to win! The books sounds great! bearsden90@comcast.net
Praying! Lots of praying!
My hubby and I are working – essential services.
Blessings to you and yours!
I’m a caregiver by trade and author getting my book Peonies in the Morning finished up and ready for readers! So, helping others has been something that lets me avert my attention to better things and not this virus. So reach out and help someone today, it will make you feel better about you and your life!
My life has changed since I’m in the elderly with a chronic health condition category. I’ve been at the social distancing category since the first of the month. My Publix grocery now has an early hour before opening for seniors only, so that and sometimes a grocery delivery whenever I can find a time opening for that.
My husband is ten years younger and a healthcare worker so there is some concern about him being out and about, but as an RN I understand the desperate need for him and other healthcare workers to be on the job.
I keep up with family and friends via computer and phone. I’ve been an avid reader all my life, so reading is always happening here. In fact, I’ve enjoyed reading your books since early in your career. ;p
I also have a blog, but Bluehost has messed it up by removing photos and my theme, so I’m also spending time trying to get that straightened out.
As a pastors family we are a tad stressed… working from home, helping 3 teenaged boys school at home & im doing my own college homework too. Then on Saturday we have to coordinate the livestream & church service too.
So, I’m going with stressed.
We are doing fine. My son and daughter in law already work from home, so this was not difficult for them. But now they are crisis schooling their 7 year old son with my help as I am a retired elementary teacher.
I am keeping busy with reading (you know I am addicted Cecelia) and working on genealogy. My husband is filling his time studying chess books.
Stay well!
My husband and I are essential truckers, hauling campers to set up in areas of high need.
We are both doing well. I am retired and only go out for groceries. He still has to go to work every day. We are missing our children and grandchildren but talk and FaceTime with them,
jstomalis1053 at comcast dot net
We’re doing pretty well. The kids aren’t keeping up on their school work as well as they should be, but we’ll get there. It’s an adjustment for sure.
My family and I are doing well so far. Thank the Lord most of us were already working from home, so it’s not a big adjustment. But it is hard to believe, like you said, that it’s such a widespread virus and killing so many!
My husband and I are staying home. Its not a lot different for me. I’ve been on disability for my back since 2008, so I’ve been reading and reviewing a lot if books since then, and still doing that. I also crochet Prayer Shawl small Afghans for 2 churches, so I’m keeping that up. As for my husband, he has retired, mostly, he still does work for one guy, hes a mechanic. He is driving me crazy wanting to go somewhere, but so far hes stayed at home. We are ok with sitting this out until its safe to get out again.
We are doing well. We are both working from home. My mom and I get to
join in an online devotional for two weeks. It has been so encouraging.
We are doing ok right now. On day 4 of isolation after returning from a trip to New Zealand and Fiji. My 90 year old mother in law was with us so we are at her house for now. Looking forward to being able to go home to our own house in 10 days or so providing we all stay well. I think we will as both countries were virtually no risk while we were there.
Oops, an addendum
. I am spending time reading, praying, on FaceTime with family. It is a difficult time for sooooo many. God has plan and one day we may know what it is! My email is hislopglenda@gmail.com.
I am trying hard to relax during this time. I live alone so there is nobody to share the time with. I grab my camera and go outside and capture photos of nature. My email address is prezcb4s@charter.net
My family and I are doing the best we can with shelter in place. Teaching online has been a new experience itself.
Lisa B