Author Archives: Cecelia Dowdy

3-24-2025 Newsletter!

Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC
Back to School!

I hope all of you had an amazing week.

Spring Break was too short. Our son was able to help me with a lot of tasks at home. Now he’s back at school! Here’s a pic of him at one of the buildings on campus!

How was your week? I’d love to hear about it!

Cool Deal

I’m offering a cool deal! You can purchase all of my Christmas books for $20! This price includes continental US Postage! That’s 65% off the regular price. I don’t know when I’ll be offering at this price again so grab them while I still have them in stock!

The Blacksmith’s Bride

I’m still writing The Blacksmith’s Bride – a historical novel set a few years after the Civil War. The Blacksmith’s Bride is the third book in the Romance Bride Series.

One of the secondary characters in my novel is a young child (Esther). She goes to school and must take her lunch with her.

Most of you know that I love writing about food in my novels. Many readers mentioned that reading my books makes them hungry. I have some scenes showing Esther eating lunch with her schoolmates. Lunch was called dinner back then. The lunch pail was often a refurbished metal container. For example, a tin that used to have lard, or tobacco might be repurposed to use as a lunch tin.

Kids usually had cold food for lunch such as biscuits, bread and butter, hard boiled eggs, and maybe a meat such as ham or salt pork, and fresh or dried fruit. They might also have jam or molasses sandwiches, and maybe a sweet treat such as gingerbread or a cookie.

The lunch pail may have looked something like this:

The lunch seems somewhat limited to me. If you were in school in the 1800’s, what would you have liked to pack in your pail for lunch?

I’m enjoying writing The Blacksmith’s Bride as each character goes through an emotional journey of change and faith. Be sure to pre-order a copy for yourself and a friend!


I currently have one in-person event – scheduled for June 28th. More information here.

Our Country!

Remember to keep our country in prayer as all/some of these changes take place! At times, transitions do not run smoothly! Also, remember to pray for all that are suffering in our nation! Be sure to check on your friends and loved ones to be sure they are okay!

Butterscotch Bliss

Thanks to all of you for your wonderful compliments about Butterscotch Bliss. Currently, the eBook version is only available for those joining my email list. I recently placed the paperback version onto Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I slightly changed the cover for the paperback version. If you feel inclined – please leave a review – only if you enjoyed the book!

3-17-2024 Newsletter

Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC

Guess Who’s Home?

I hope all of you had an amazing week.

It’s Spring Break and our son is home for a week-long visit. I have a lot of stuff that needs to be done around this messy house! He’s going to help!

Do you have anything amazing planned for this week? I’d love to hear about it!

The Blacksmith’s Bride

I’m still writing The Blacksmith’s Bride – a historical novel set a few years after the Civil War. The Blacksmith’s Bride is the third book in the Romance Bride Series.

One of the secondary characters in my novel is mute. It’s a young child. She can hear, but, she can’t speak. Actually, she won’t speak. She witnessed something. Since she’s seen this awful event – she has not spoken.

In historical times, psychological problems were difficult to diagnose and treat. I’m researching this subject matter as I work on my novel.

Have you ever been acquainted with someone who is/was mute?

I’m enjoying writing The Blacksmith’s Bride as each character goes through an emotional journey of change and faith. Be sure to pre-order a copy for yourself and a friend!

Paperback Book Bundles

Enjoy reading paperbacks? I’m still offering a 30% off sale on my paperback book bundles: The Bakery Romance Series and my Christmas Romance bundle. The books are gift wrapped and come with stickers and other goodies.


I currently have one in-person event – scheduled for June 28th. More information here.

Our Country!

Remember to keep our country in prayer as all/some of these changes take place! At times, transitions do not run smoothly! Also, remember to pray for all that are suffering in our nation! Be sure to check on your friends and loved ones to be sure they are okay! One of our family members recently had surgery – so it’s been a busy week for us as we’ve helped her during this time for recovery.


I’ve started a Youtube Channel! Subscribe and tell your friends!

Follow me on Tiktok!

Do you like to discuss romance movies? I’ve started a new Romance Movie Review Facebook Page where I post videos about my favorite romance movies! Come join me!

Read my winter stories for some emotional, heartwarming entertainment! Most of my titles are in Kindle Unlimited.

Butterscotch Bliss

Thanks to all of you for your wonderful compliments about Butterscotch Bliss. Currently, the eBook version is only available for those joining my email list. I recently placed the paperback version onto Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I slightly changed the cover for the paperback version. If you feel inclined – please leave a review – only if you enjoyed the book!

Enjoy the rest of your day!

The Bakery Romance Series

Loving Luke Raspberry Kisses Shades of Chocolate Sweet Dreams

Sugar and Spice Southern Comfort Sweet Delights Cinnamon Kisses

The Candy Beach Series

Caramel Kisses Chocolate Dreams Milk Chocolate Kisses Bittersweet Dreams Coffee and Kisses Rocky Road Dreams

The Romance Bride Series

The Baker’s Bride The Doctor’s Bride The Blacksmith’s Bride

Signed Paperbacks

Christmas Book Bundle – $40 (free shipping) – continental US

The Bakery Romance Series – $75 (free shipping) – continental US

The Candy Beach Series – $70 + postage

Divine Desserts Publishing | c/o Cecelia Dowdy 7600 Ora Glen Drive, Box 951 | Greenbelt, MD 20768-0951 US

3-10-2025 Newsletter


Getting Creative

I hope all of you had an amazing week.

We have a lot of stuff in our house that we still need to get rid of. While going through things, I stumbled across my son’s old coloring book and crayons. He hated coloring. Even when I colored with him, he simply didn’t like it. The last time this book was used was probably 15+ years ago.

I opened the book and started coloring. I used to enjoy coloring pictures with my son. Coloring can be therapeutic. If you’re blocked while working on a story – a simple task like coloring might help to unlock your mind.

When my son was in kindergarten, the teacher said that coloring helped with the children’s coordination (with their hands.). I believe that coloring can help with mental coordination as well. I’ve noticed over the last decade that adult coloring books have exploded on the market.

Do you color to relax? If so, what do you color? Do you own an adult coloring book?

Paperback Book Bundles

Enjoy reading paperbacks? I’m offering a 30% off sale on my paperback book bundles: The Bakery Romance Series and my Christmas Romance bundle. The books are gift wrapped and come with stickers and other goodies.

The Blacksmith’s Bride

I’m still writing The Blacksmith’s Bride – a historical novel set a few years after the Civil War. The Blacksmith’s Bride is the third book in the Romance Bride Series.

The heroine in The Blacksmith’s Bride is named Francine. You might remember Francine from The Baker’s Bride. Francine was a secondary character and somewhat of a villain in that novel.

She was a socialite. Now, she’s lost her husband and all of her wealth and she’s struggling to make ends meet.

Can you imagine being raised in a wealthy household and never working one day in your life? Then, you lose everything, and you’re struggling to take care of yourself?

When she’s attacked, her plight gets even worse.

I’m enjoying writing The Blacksmith’s Bride as each character goes through an emotional journey of change and faith.

Next Week

I’m looking forward to next week! Our son will be home for spring break! Do you have any exciting plans on the horizon? If so, I’d love to hear about it!


I currently have one in-person event – scheduled for June 28th. More information here.

Our Country!

Remember to keep our country in prayer as all/some of these changes take place! At times, transitions do not run smoothly! Also, remember to pray for all that are suffering in our nation! Be sure to check on your friends and loved ones to be sure they are okay!


I’ve started a Youtube Channel! Subscribe and tell your friends!

Follow me on Tiktok!

Do you like to discuss romance movies? I’ve started a new Romance Movie Review Facebook Page where I post videos about my favorite romance movies! Come join me!

Read my winter stories for some emotional, heartwarming entertainment! Most of my titles are in Kindle Unlimited.

Butterscotch Bliss

Thanks to all of you for your wonderful compliments about Butterscotch Bliss. Currently, the eBook version is only available for those joining my email list. I recently placed the paperback version onto Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I slightly changed the cover for the paperback version. If you feel inclined – please leave a review – only if you enjoyed the book!

Enjoy the rest of your day!

The Bakery Romance Series

Loving Luke Raspberry Kisses Shades of Chocolate Sweet Dreams

Sugar and Spice Southern Comfort Sweet Delights Cinnamon Kisses

The Candy Beach Series

Caramel Kisses Chocolate Dreams Milk Chocolate Kisses Bittersweet Dreams Coffee and Kisses Rocky Road Dreams

The Romance Bride Series

The Baker’s Bride The Doctor’s Bride The Blacksmith’s Bride

Signed Paperbacks

Christmas Book Bundle – $40 (free shipping) – continental US – on sale for a limited time

The Bakery Romance Series – $75 (free shipping) – continental US – on sale for a limited time

The Candy Beach Series – $70 + postage

3-3-2025 Newsletter

Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC

I hope all of you had an amazing week.

It’s the beginning of a new month. Amidst all that’s been on my mind lately, I just realized that I never started my garden. I usually start the seeds indoors and then plant outdoors weeks later. I’m hoping to start planting indoors this week.

Are you planting a garden this year? If so, what are you going to plant?

The Blacksmith’s Bride

I’m still writing The Blacksmith’s Bride – a historical novel set a few years after the Civil War. The Blacksmith’s Bride is the third book in the Romance Bride Series. I’m still researching while I write my novel. In an earlier newsletter, I described a formal ball that may have occurred in 1867 Philadelphia.

Another cool thing that I researched was the formal ball invitation. Such an invite may have been printed on thick, high-quality cardstock. The cardstock was likely ivory or cream-colored. The ink was dark – usually black or sometimes navy blue, and the letters were slightly raised. There may have been a decorative floral border. Sometimes there could be a monogram. Such an invite may have looked similar to this:

Moist Yellow Cake

I made the most delicious, moist, buttery yellow cake recently. Whenever I feel down, a good piece of cake will cheer me up! Here’s the recipeIf you make it, let me know how it turned out!


I currently have one in-person event – scheduled for June 28th. More information here.

Our Country!

Remember to keep our country in prayer as all/some of these changes take place! At times, transitions do not run smoothly! Also, remember to pray for all that are suffering in our nation!

Be sure to check on your friends and loved ones to be sure they are okay! A friend of mine recently had a heart attack and is scheduled for surgery. If you have friends who are sick or hospitalized be sure to visit or call them to be sure that they are okay!

Butterscotch Bliss

Thanks to all of you for your wonderful compliments about Butterscotch Bliss. Currently, the eBook version is only available for those joining my email list. I recently placed the paperback version onto Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I slightly changed the cover for the paperback version. If you feel inclined – please leave a review – only if you enjoyed the book!


I’ve started a Youtube Channel! Subscribe and tell your friends!

Follow me on Tiktok!

Do you like to discuss romance movies? I’ve started a new Romance Movie Review Facebook Page where I post videos about my favorite romance movies! Come join me!

Read my winter stories for some emotional, heartwarming entertainment! Most of my titles are in Kindle Unlimited.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

The Bakery Romance Series

Loving Luke Raspberry Kisses Shades of Chocolate Sweet Dreams

Sugar and Spice Southern Comfort Sweet Delights Cinnamon Kisses

The Candy Beach Series

Caramel Kisses Chocolate Dreams Milk Chocolate Kisses Bittersweet Dreams Coffee and Kisses Rocky Road Dreams

The Romance Bride Series

The Baker’s Bride The Doctor’s Bride The Blacksmith’s Bride

Signed Paperbacks

Christmas Book Bundle – $50 + postage

The Bakery Romance Series – $95 + postage 

The Candy Beach Series – $70 + postage

Divine Desserts Publishing | c/o Cecelia Dowdy 7600 Ora Glen Drive, Box 951 | Greenbelt, MD 20768-0951 US

Simple Moist Yellow Cake

This is a simple, moist, buttery yellow cake with chocolate frosting.

Ingredients for cake:

2 cups flour

2 cups sugar

3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1 stick (1/2 cup) softened butter

3 eggs (at room temperature)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup whole milk

2 drops yellow food coloring (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Spray a rectangular pan with cooking spray.

Sift together flour baking powder and salt into a large mixing bowl. Add sugar and butter. Mix on a low speed until all of the ingredients are well combined. Add eggs, one at a time. Mix well after adding each egg. Add vanilla extract and food coloring and mix well.

Heat a cup of whole milk in the microwave until hot. This is very important – do not skip this step! The hot milk adds moisture to the cake! (If you don’t have milk on hand, you can use half and half (I used 1/2 cup half and half + 1/2 cup of water), or you may use evaporated milk.) Again – whichever variation you use – you must heat the entire cup of liquid before adding to the batter!

Add the hot milk into the batter and stir until well combined. The batter will be very thin. This is fine – makes the cake ultra moist!

Pour batter into the rectangular pan. Bake for 45 minutes. Cooking time may vary depending on your oven.

Once the cake is done, leave it in the pan.** You do not have to remove the cake from the pan unless you wish to do so. Let the cake cool before frosting it.

Chocolate Frosting

2 cups confectioner’s sugar

6 tablespoons cocoa powder

1/3 cup butter, softened

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

2-4 tablespoons of milk (I used half and half)

Mix sugar, cocoa, and butter. Add milk, one tablespoon at a time. Mix after each tablespoon is added – keep adding milk until the frosting is your desired consistency. Mix in vanilla.

Plop all of the icing on top of the cake and spread it evenly on top of the cake.


**Leaving the cake in the pan simplifies frosting it. If the cake is in the pan, you do not need to frost the sides.