Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC
Back to School!
I hope all of you had an amazing week.
Spring Break was too short. Our son was able to help me with a lot of tasks at home. Now he’s back at school! Here’s a pic of him at one of the buildings on campus!

How was your week? I’d love to hear about it!
Cool Deal
I’m offering a cool deal! You can purchase all of my Christmas books for $20! This price includes continental US Postage! That’s 65% off the regular price. I don’t know when I’ll be offering at this price again so grab them while I still have them in stock!

The Blacksmith’s Bride

I’m still writing The Blacksmith’s Bride – a historical novel set a few years after the Civil War. The Blacksmith’s Bride is the third book in the Romance Bride Series.
One of the secondary characters in my novel is a young child (Esther). She goes to school and must take her lunch with her.
Most of you know that I love writing about food in my novels. Many readers mentioned that reading my books makes them hungry. I have some scenes showing Esther eating lunch with her schoolmates. Lunch was called dinner back then. The lunch pail was often a refurbished metal container. For example, a tin that used to have lard, or tobacco might be repurposed to use as a lunch tin.
Kids usually had cold food for lunch such as biscuits, bread and butter, hard boiled eggs, and maybe a meat such as ham or salt pork, and fresh or dried fruit. They might also have jam or molasses sandwiches, and maybe a sweet treat such as gingerbread or a cookie.
The lunch pail may have looked something like this:

The lunch seems somewhat limited to me. If you were in school in the 1800’s, what would you have liked to pack in your pail for lunch?
I’m enjoying writing The Blacksmith’s Bride as each character goes through an emotional journey of change and faith. Be sure to pre-order a copy for yourself and a friend!
I currently have one in-person event – scheduled for June 28th. More information here.
Our Country!
Remember to keep our country in prayer as all/some of these changes take place! At times, transitions do not run smoothly! Also, remember to pray for all that are suffering in our nation! Be sure to check on your friends and loved ones to be sure they are okay!
Butterscotch Bliss
Thanks to all of you for your wonderful compliments about Butterscotch Bliss. Currently, the eBook version is only available for those joining my email list. I recently placed the paperback version onto Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I slightly changed the cover for the paperback version. If you feel inclined – please leave a review – only if you enjoyed the book!