Category Archives: Conferences

Writers Conference At Washington DC’s Howard University

I’m participating in a conference on Saturday, August 14, at Howard University’s Divinity School. Here’s a video link about the conference as well as the address:

Video Link

National Christian Writers Conference at Howard University
B. E. Mays Hall
Howard University
2400 Sixth Street NW
Washington, DC 20059
August 14, 2010

If you come, be sure to grab me and say hello!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

And The Winner Is…

The winner of the Stephen Bly Book is:
Cindy Navarro – Cullman, AL

Congrats, Cindy!

Also, I just registered for the ACFW Conference in Indianapolis! If you’re going and you see me, be sure to stop and say hello!

Also, if you live in the Washington Metropolitan area, I will be teaching a workshop in August at the following conference:

National Christian Writers Conference at Howard University
B. E. Mays Hall
Howard University
2400 Sixth Street NW
Washington, DC 20059
August 14, 2010

I’ll be speaking about the following:
How to Write a Book Proposal for Christian Fiction

In this work shop participants will learn:
How To Become Familiar With Your Target Market.
How To Write A Strong Query Letter.
How To Write A Strong Synopsis
How To Write Great Sample Chapters.
Writing A Statement Of Faith.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Question From A Writer

Allison wrote to me with the following question. I’ve edited the question for clarity:
I have a story now in my brain and have written it down, first couple of chapters, but how do you know that God is calling you to write? I have experienced one rejection, well two. One agent responded and said I was involoved with an important work, but said she couldn’t take it due to health reasons. This agent is now taking proposals, but I’m not sure if I should submit to her. The other one said no because he thought it would be a hard sell in this market. So he said he was gonna pass. Should I listen to them? What am I doing wrong?

This is an open-ended question that I could answer in a few blog posts. All I can do is speak from my writing experience. I’ve never had an agent, so I’m probably not the best author to ask about advice as far as agents go. I’ve searched for an agent off and on for about two years now, and so far, no represenation.

However, what you really should do, is figure out what type of book you’re writing. If you go into the bookstore, where would you imagine that book shelved? Then, you need to figure out how to approach editors (and perhaps agents) that represent that particular genre.

I’ve read romance novels since I was a teenager. When I was about twenty-eight, I was at my desk at work during my lunch break. I had no romance novels to read, so I started writing a book, and I’ve been writing ever since. I joined Romance Writers of America because I knew I wanted to break into that genre of fiction. I attended local RWA meetings, as well as yearly national conferences. These conferences placed me in front of people who were looking to sign on new authors. Plus, I learned oodles of information from the workshops and I made a ton of friends! Since I’ve gotten married and had a child, I don’t go to conferences as much as I used to, but I still go when I can. Since I write Christian fiction, I now attend the American Christian Fiction Writers conference when I’m able to do so.

I started off writing secular romances, but, I was throwing a message in there without realizing it. If you have time you can listen to this interview to hear more about my publication journey. Just suffice to say that I was rejected more than two times…I was rejected dozens of times, I’m not sure how many rejections I got before I received my first contract but it was a lot. It took five and a half years of attending conferences, workshops and networking before I got a book deal. Even after that first book contract I still had trouble getting other contracts. It’s hard.

I have heard that having a good agent can make things much easier, and that’s why I’ve been searching for one. It’s probably best to look for an agent because in the Christian market, most publishers will no longer look at submissions without your having an agent. I have been able to submit on my own to the few who do take unagented submissions, plus, if I meet an editor at a conference, he/she will usually allow me to submit, even if they only take agented material.

How did I know that God was calling me to write? When I found out about the Christian fiction market, it just felt like something I wanted to do. My love of books and reading has always been strong, and once I knew I wanted to get published, the desire to see my novels in print never went away. I just knew I wanted to do this, and I worked hard at it, having a strong feeling that it was what I needed to do.

You might want to check out this recent post on Literary Agent Chip Macgregor’s blog. Gina Holmes shares her publication journey. She also tells about how she found her literary agent…all I can say after reading it is…it wasn’t easy, and she was persistent!

I hope that answers your question! If anybody else has any other questions about writing or publishing, send them my way! I’ll do my best to respond!

~Cecelia Dowdy~


My writing friend, Patricia Woodside, blogged about not attending the annual ACFW conference. I thought I’d blog about that, too! I attended the last three ACFW conferences and I had a great time! The fellowship was great, the food was good, and the price was about right, considering most of our meals were included in the conference price.

Tonight is Friday, and if memory serves me correctly, this is the night when the publishers and agents take their authors out to dinner or something. This is the night of Barbour’s annual social time with their authors at either a restaurant or some other venue. I’ll be missing out this year since my plans changed for 2009. I attended the RWA conference last summer since it was right in my neck of the woods – Washington D.C. Since I didn’t have to purchase airfare, I decided to go to RWA instead. I hadn’t been to an RWA conference since before I’d gotten married AND had a kid, so it was nice to attend and see some familiar faces, faces that I hadn’t seen in person in awhile!

I’ve been reading the posts of different ACFW members who are blogging and facebooking about the conference. Sounds like I’m missing some fun, but I’m enjoying being at home, too.

I’ll be off next week so hubby and I get to spend some quality time together. Due to babysitting logistics, we were not able to properly celebrate our anniversary last weekend, so, I booked a room at the following Bed and Breakfast – right in the heart of Amish territory! We’re going to stay overnight tomorrow night, plus, we’re supposed to be having dinner tomorrow with an Amish family at 6:00! Should be fun! I hope to take LOTS of pictures to post on this blog!! Our son will be staying with his grandparents, so we don’t have to worry about bringing him with us!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Harlequin Party!!

I’ve been too tired to blog about the Romance Writers of America conference. So far, the best part, was the Harlequin party last night! Harlequin is sixty years old and they had dessert stands – complete with different sweet treats throughout the decades.

The desserts were great and the music was fantastic! They played music from my era – mostly seventies and eighties tunes!

As a reminder, just want to mention again that you can download Harlequin titles for free as part of their 60th anniversary celebration. The link for the downloads can be found on this blog post.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Romance Writers Of America Conference

I’m heading off to the Romance Writers of America conference today. Since it’s local, I don’t have to fly. I’ll be taking the metro to the hotel. I wanted to mention again that I’ll be signing Milk Money and Bittersweet Memories tonight at 5:30. If you’re in the area you can drop by and say hello!

I’m not sure how often I’ll be blogging throughout the conference. It all depends on how I feel once I get there. I’ll try to post as much information as I can during the conference and afterwards.

~Cecelia Dowdy~