Category Archives: Fiction

Diet And Exercise

Do you have a diet/exercise routine that works for you? If so, share it with a comment.

I’m going to go off the beaten path and talk about a subject that I rarely mention on this blog – diet and exercise. A blog reader emailed me about an idea for her own blog. When I emailed my response back to her, it turned out the post outlined my struggle with high blood pressure over the last two years, which prompted me to post my experience here.

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure about 2 years ago, it’s hereditary. Since I’ve been in my thirties and forties I’ve been on the heavier side, but people wouldn’t necessarily categorize me as “fat” – I was skinny while in my twenties, seriously.

Anyway, I was on different meds for the HBP off and on for a year. Every med gave me a negative side effect. Soon I got tired of that crap and went to a holistic doctor. She gave me a list of a bunch of vitamins and herbs to take. I take them all. The main one that keeps my HBP down is the Hawthorn. Also, exercise helps.

Exercising at home was not working for me. My job was stressful, and when I got home, all I wanted to do was sit back and relax. So, I decided to exercise during my lunch time while at work. I bring work-out clothes and go for a brisk walk/run for about a half hour or 45 minutes. Plus, they have a gym at my job so if it’s cold or rainy, I get on that treadmill! Exercising is nothing “new” to me. I used to run 10K races while I was in my twenties/early thirties. Also, I exercised regularly at the gym.

My routine lagged when I got pregnant. The pregnancy was difficult and after our child was born, I didn’t really feel like exercising. Well, our “baby” is six now, so, I guess I can’t use the child as an excuse for not exercising!

I’ve been exercising during my lunch break for about eight months now. I cut out fast food (except on weekends – I was eating fast food almost every day when I was diagnosed with HBP) and I watch my sodium intake but, for the most part, I eat whatever I want whenever I want. I love carbs, so I don’t really watch my carbs. I eat oatmeal (the oatmeal that’s JUST OATS, the holistic doctor told me to stop eating the flavored oatmeal packets, too much salt in them) or some low-sodium cold cereal every morning for breakfast. I eat my breakfast at work. I also eat a low-sodium lunch and dinner. Sometimes I snack, sometimes I don’t. Depends on if I feel hungry or not.

People just started randomly commenting about my weight loss about a month or so ago. At first, I didn’t really notice it. I don’t weigh myself (too depressing) and I don’t really watch my figure – I started this new plan to keep my HBP down not for vanity reasons. The weight loss was secondary since I didn’t really have a goal of losing X amount of pounds – I just wanted a normal blood pressure reading so that I could stop taking that terrible medicine the doctor gave me.

However, lately, people have been saying, “Hey, you’ve lost weight,” or “Hey, you’re slimming down.” At first I thought they were just being nice, but, too many people were randomly commenting about my weight loss, plus, my jeans are very loose, they barely stay on my hips, so, I’m starting to pay attention now.

I love sweets! The weekend before last, I made vanilla bean panna cotta for the very first time! Yum! Last weekend, I made an apple pie and it was GOOD!! I don’t eat sweets every day, but I eat them when I want them. If I want to bake something, I do it! I don’t count calories or pounds.
OH, BTW, my blood pressure is BELOW normal/NORMAL now. I usually do a reading whenever I go to the grocery store at the BP machine and I also have a small BP contraption at home. It’s just a small square contraption with a cuff and a rectangular box – like the picture on this blog post.

This routine is working for me, so I was curious about others who read this blog. So, do you have a diet/exercise routine that works for you? If so, share it with a comment! Also, I’d be interested in knowing if something happened to make you change/start your diet/exercise routine.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

The Incredibles! :-)

Do you have any favorite books that you’ve read in 2011? If so, what are they?

The Incredibles – no, I’m not talking about the Disney animated movie! I’ve decided to use that term to describe the four books mentioned in this blog post. I did a similiar blog post here.

These three novels are the best I’ve read in 2011, so far. What makes them incredible? Various reasons. Keep in mind that I didn’t scroll through my blog, making a decision about the top three books. For the MOST PART, these are books that keep coming to my mind, long after I’ve read them, over and over. I’ve read a TON of great books over this year, however, all books won’t stick in my mind as frequently as these. Also keep in mind that these are books that I’ve READ in 2011 – it doesn’t necessarily mean that the books were PUBLISHED in 2011! So here’s Cecelia Dowdy’s list of The Incredibles!:


Courting Trouble by Deeanne Gist
This book made the list because it was compelling, spicy, Christian romance and I found myself going back, reading pages over again. I NEVER do that! This is the first book I’ve read by this author and I look forward to reading more!


A Whisper Of Peace by Kim Vogel Sawyer This book made the list because the heroine was strong, independent and likeable. Also, I think Kim did a great job dealing with the issues of race and reconciliation in this book. The setting was spectacular and I know I’ll be thinking about this book for a long time!


A Heart Revealed by Julie Lessman This book made the list because it’s hot and spicy romance that I’ll remember for a long time. This story was about two hurt, broken people falling in love while overcoming great obstacles. Also, it was nice visiting the O’Connors again – I honestly think this is one of my favorite fictional families! I also liked how she wrote about a woman who is scarred/disfigured. You feel sympathetic to the heroine and you’re drawn into the story from the first page.

So, there’s my list! What are your favorite reads for 2011?

~Cecelia Dowdy~

From The Blog Archives – Why Are Soap Operas So Popular?

Why are soap operas so popular?

In light of the final episode of All My Children being aired yesterday, I thought I’d re-post one of my old blog posts today. If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you’ll know that I’ve talked about soap operas a few times over the years. I even dreamed about starting my own Christian-based soap opera on my old blog post.

I’ve been analyzing soap-opera popularity for awhile now, and, as a writer, I’ve wondered why soap operas are so popular? The storylines are convoluted and very senseless, yet, people (including myself) have watched them for years and years? Why?

I know if I’d written some of the storylines that I’d seen on soap operas, the editor and the readers would have a fit since the soap opera plots are so ridiculous. Are these ridiculous plots the reason why people are so drawn to the soaps?

Granted, the fascination is ending since soaps are now being cancelled. A few are still running, but I sense, in time, that soap operas will be extinct. So before reading my archived blog post, feel free to share your thoughts about this question:
Why are soap operas so popular?

Just wanted to mention that I haven’t watched soap operas regularly since 2008. I might catch an episode a few times a year on the cable soap opera channel, though.
~Cecelia Dowdy~


Okay, I’ll admit it. I’ve been watching soap operas off and on since I was in high school. I used to be a big fan of All My Children and General Hospital. Over the last twelve years, I’ve been an avid watcher of The Young And The Restless. However, you’ll notice that I said I watched them off and on. The reason I can’t keep watching soap operas for extended periods of time is because, although I enjoy some of the story lines, the concept of reality slowly sinks into my brain and I think the stories are stupid! Really! Most soap operas have the following types of story lines in common, which can get tired and old after awhile:

1. Infidelity
2. The Evil Twin(or a variation of this).
3. Coming back from the dead.
4. Changing the history of past events, or inventing “new” history to support a storyline.
5. Multiple marriages.

Another pet-peeve of mine regarding soap operas is the children. Haven’t you ever noticed how fast they grow up? These kids are born one year – and they’re infants – about five years later they’re out of high school. They’re shipped off to boarding school or college for a few years and come back all grown up. I sense the writers/producers think that soap opera watchers have limited memories and will forget the actual age of these children!

The infidelity is a kicker! My goodness! Somebody is always sleeping with somebody else’s husband or wife! The marriage will then end, and that’ll lead to the one I listed as number five (multiple marriages)! When you look at these soaps, after awhile you discover that certain characters have been married to half the town, and sometimes the ex-wives and ex-husbands of the same spouse can become good friends, the fact that they’ve been married to the same person is not a deterrent from the friendship.

The Evil Twin…that one is definately unbelievable! I’ve seen this used a number of times with a soap opera. Sometimes the two are actually twins, and other times, they are related but look so much alike that they can pass for twins. Other times, it just so happens, that there’s another person out there, lurking, who looks just like one of the characters on the soap opera! Also, this new look-a-like is evil….hmmm….

Coming back from the dead! Whew! I thought that cats were the only ones that had nine lives! Whoever made up that saying certainly never saw a soap opera! I mean, come on, coming back from the dead? In soap opera land, when people die, it’s common for them to NOT have a body for the funeral! And this scenario can sometimes lead number 2(or maybe I should call it, the unevil twin?) where it’s believed that someone has come back from the dead, and it’s discovered that there is a relative, or someone lurking out there, that looks just like said dead person, but this new lookalike could be good or evil…hmmm.

Sometimes, when I watch a soap opera, all I want to do is clean it up! How about, a Christian soap opera? You can have infidelity, murder(forgot to mention number six up at the top. You’ll eventually have somebody murdered, then you’ll have to slug through the trial very slowly, while the wrong person is being tried, and then finally, the truth comes out!), evil twins, but my soap opera would have a faith element. How do these cast of charcters get past these obstacles…through their faith in God, that’s how. I would show how a woman has to forgive the “other” woman for sleeping with her husband. I’ll have to show how a woman has to forgive her husband for sleeping with his mistress. I’ll have to show husband begging wife for mercy, renewing his covenant with God and starting afresh with his wife while they put the past behind them and learn to lean on God, and seek Him for answers to their problems!

I’ve noticed that in the soaps I’ve watched, they don’t really mention God or going to church much. It’s mentioned some, but sparingly. The only time I recall a soap opera having a man of the faith on regularly was Father Jim Vocheck(?sp) on the now defunct soap called Loving. Since I haven’t watched every single soap opera out there, I’m wondering if there are others that I’m not aware of?

These are the soap opera musings that were twirling through my head as I give The Young And The Restless a break for awhile. They even have the “twin” scenario with a twist, somebody had plastic surgery to look like one of the characters…hmm. Also, somebody who was murdered (number six on my list) has a cousin who comes to town, who looks just like the murder victim. Hmmm. Ever see identical twin ‘cousins’ as opposed to identical twin sisters….???

Cecelia Dowdy

The Changing World Of Publishing

I’ve been feeling a bit melancholy of late. Reason why? I’m still kind of bummed that the Heartsong Presents line is being cancelled. I was working on a proposal to send to them, and then I heard about that.

Top it off with Borders shutting down a few weeks ago.

The publishing world is changing drastically. Since Borders is now closed, I’ve wondered about the fate of printed books? I just received my Kindle e-reader as a birthday gift and I love it. Do you think we’re moving toward the time where printed books will be history and will no longer exist?

I’ve also heard in various writers’ circles that other publishers will eventually get rid of their trade paperback books. Just makes me stop and wonder.

Also, I’ve noticed that a slew of commercially-published authors have started releasing self-pubbed e-books. I’ve heard some make great money and others have not had that much success in sales and money. Will the book world change so much that commercial publishers will cease to exist and everybody self-publishes e-books? Those who are deemed to be successful are the ones who make lots of $$$?

Or, I also wonder if commercial publishers will get even more picky about the authors that they want to publish. Do you think that commercial publishers might reach the point where they choose new authors from the selection of successfully published e-authors?

What’s the point of this blog post? I’m not sure! I’m just thinking about the vast changes being made in the world of publishing and trying to digest everything. I know it’s gonna be hard to figure this all out. I just think it’ll be weird and a bit sad if we ever reach the point where… there are NO MORE BOOKSTORES!!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

My Birthday Gift!

My birthday is today and my hubby purchased me a Kindle! It’s certainly taken me long enough to get an e-reader! Until today, I’ve always used the Kindle for PC, and I used the PC Kindle to download freebies and I’ve purchased a couple of items on the PC Kindle. It’s nice to now have a REAL KINDLE, though! To test out my new Kindle I purchased a book. My first Kindle purchase?

A Good Excuse To Be Bad by Miranda Parker! 🙂

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Love Letters – Reminisce About Your First Love Letter!

by Cecelia Dowdy

This is a repeat of an old blog post!

Do you remember your very first love letter?

The first time I received a love letter was when I was in the sixth grade and I was eleven years old. I sat at my assigned desk during math class. When I was about to leave, I looked down and saw a piece of notebook paper under my seat. I picked it up and was shocked to see the words from a secret admirer…my secret admirer! I don’t remember what the note said, BUT, I do remember that this person had taken a piece of masking tape and attached a nickel to the note as a gift for me!

Believe it or not, I never did find out who wrote me that letter! I recall being kind of upset that he’d only left me a nickel…it was the seventies and there wasn’t much that you could purchase at the store for five cents! I recall wishing he’d left me a dollar instead!

After that, I don’t really recall writing love letters very much, but, I remember my female friends in high school and college writing letters and secret notes to guys that they had a crush on. The only time I remember exchanging love letters was with my husband and it was via email. We met through an online dating service and while we dated we sent several emails to each other. As a matter of fact, we still exchange emails! 🙂

So do you remember writing or receiving your first love letter? Who was it from? To whom did you address your first love letter?
Leave your response in the comments!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Pen Pals! :-) – Have You Ever Had A Pen Pal?

Photo courtesy of Free Digital Photos

by Cecelia Dowdy

Does the title of this blog post bring back memories? Have you ever had pen pals? If so, do you remember their names and where they were from? How long did the writing relationship last?

Pen pals is a somehwat “archaic” term. The reason I say this is because with the advancement of the internet, I don’t think people write letters to one another anymore using pen, ink, envelope and stamp. When I was growing up, I believe my fascination with pen pals was one of the indications that I’d become a writer when I got older.

I recall reading the Archie Comic books and there was a list of people from which to choose pen pals listed in the book. Also, you could send in money to the comic book people and they’d mail you the address for a pen pal. I recall taping approximately 75 cents onto the order form and mailing it out to the comic book people. In return, I received pen pals.

I recall two of my pen pals quite well. One was named Karen G. (I won’t reveal the last name, but I remember it.) and she lived in Jacksonville, Florida. The other one was named Tammy K. and she lived in…Maine, Montana, Massachusetts? I only recall that Tammy’s home state started with a M. I exchanged pictures with both of them. Karen had short curly dark hair and Tammy had long brown straight hair. Sometimes, we’d exchange gifts. Tammy sent me a necklace once and it had a pendant in the shape of a chocolate ice cream cone! 🙂

I wrote to these girls for about a year or so? Then, the relationship just tapered off to nothing. The letters stopped suddenly and when I wrote, I finally received no response from either of them. I wonder where these ladies are today and if they even remember writing to me back in the seventies.

So, have you ever had pen pals? If so, do you remember their names and where they were from? How long did the writing relationship last?

Don’t forget to leave a comment!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

The Passing Of Author Stephen Bly

I was shocked to discover author Stephen Bly passed away on Wednesday. I didn’t realize he was ill. I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting Stephen in person, but we “talked” online over the years. My prayers are with Stephen and his family.

I’ve hosted Stephen on my blog over the years. He was the highly respected author of over one hundred books, most (maybe all) in the Christian market. He also wrote several books with his wife. If interested, here’s a listing of all of the blog posts in which he was featured. Rest in peace, Stephen. My thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Janet, and the rest of his family.

You can find Stephen’s obituary on the Novel Journey Blog.

S.B Blogpost #1

S.B. Blogpost #2

S.B. Blogpost #3
S.B. Blogpost #4

~Cecelia Dowdy~

The Royal Wedding! :-)

Did you watch the royal wedding? If so, what did you think about the event?

I have to go off the beaten path of my regular blog topics to talk about yesterday’s Royal Wedding! Wasn’t it lovely? I’m still swooning over the event! What did you think of her dress? I thought William looked handsome in the military uniform. I also loved the feeling of anticipation in the air when Kate walked down the aisle and William had not seen her yet, and Harry glanced back and saw the bride coming.

Like a lot of the world, I was up at 3:45 to watch this event from beginning to end (just as I did 30 years ago for Diana’s and Charles’s wedding)! I didn’t want to miss a moment! I did miss the kiss because I had to take my son to school, but, I was able to see it when they showed the highlights! I watched footage off and on all day yesterday! I also didn’t mind re-watching stuff that I’d already seen! 🙂

I also enjoyed the way the couple glanced at each other…you’ve got two billion people watching your wedding, but, those looks they exchanged, were still private and intimate and touching.

I think this couple will have a happy and long marriage. It appears that they’re really, truly in love and when the press compared their wedding to Diana’s (30 years ago) it was a direct contrast to Diana’s wedding. Charles and Diana barely looked at each other and neither of them smiled. It was almost as if a feeling of doom surrounded them. But Kate and William appear to be suited for one another and I think it helps that Kate is years older than Diana, making her more suitable to enter the ranks of marriage.

I know this couple will have many trials and tribulations in spite of their desire to live a normal life. Can you imagine photographers watching your every move and reporting it? Can you imagine, not being able to eat a sandwich in public without being noticed?

However, in spite of all this, my gut tells me that this marriage will be a happy one, for the most part, and won’t end as traumatically as Diana’s and Chrarles’s wedding.

What are your thoughts about the wedding and the marriage? Leave a comment.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Soap Operas – From The Blog Archives

Should Christians watch soap operas?

After hearing that All My Children and One Life To Live were canceled, I felt compelled to pull this old post from my blog archives. I’ve watched All My Children before, and I used to be somewhat of a fan. However, I’ll admit that I haven’t watched it in years – too time-consuming and the storylines get too weird. I’ve also watched One Life To Life occasionally. Leave a comment answering the following question: Should Christians watch soap operas?
The other day, my husband sent me this link to an article stating that the soap opera, The Guiding Light, will be canceled after 72 YEARS ON THE AIR…this soap opera pre-dates television (I’m assuming it started as a radio show)! He sent me the article because he knows that I used to watch soap operas – but I’ve never watched The Guiding Light.

A few years ago, I blogged about soap operas here.

After I wrote that blog post (I was mostly talking about The Young And The Restless on that post) I stopped watching soap operas. I got into a time crunch and the soap operas didn’t make my TO DO list.

I started watching soap operas in high school because I was bored. I lived in a remote rural area. During the summertime, there was really no place to go. My mom didn’t drive, my dad was at work all day, I had no money, and I had no car to drive. I spent my summer days walking around the neighborhood, reading books, and watching soap operas! Since I read books so quickly – I practically inhaled them, I got most of my titles from the bookmobile that came to town every two weeks. I also fondly remember watching General Hospital while Luke and Laura fell in love and out of love. I recall watching All My Children when Greg and Jenny fell in love and evil forces strove to keep them apart. I also remember Jessie Hubbard and Angie getting together and falling in love. I’d get freaked out when these storybook romances would end, but watching these stories gave me something to do during those boring hot summer days. To top it off, I’d spend the rest of my day reading romance novels. It’s hard for me to get into the soaps nowadays, I guess, because the stories never end. They go on and on…imagine, a 72-year-old story like The Guiding Light?

I’ve sometimes dreamed of having a Christian soap opera on the air where people can talk about finding faith and forgiving others.

Do any of you watch soap operas now, or did you used to watch them? If so, which ones did you watch? Why do you like them? How long have you been watching the soaps? Do you think Christians should watch soap operas? I’ll start by saying I don’t see anything wrong with watching them as long as you don’t get too carried away…it’s kind of like, reading a secular novel or watching a movie. It’s entertainment and overall, soaps aren’t any better or worse than a lot of the other secular entertainment out there.

I enjoyed the soaps because they were entertaining and I’d get caught up in the characters’ lives. Sometimes they were placed in perilous situations and I just wanted them to get rescued! If they were hurt and in the hospital, I wanted them to recuperate and get better! But, if they died, it’s possible they could come back from the dead later! LOL!

Feel free to answer these questions and to throw in any other opinions you have about soap operas. I’m kind of anxious to hear what others have to say!

~Cecelia Dowdy~