Video review for The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie.
#RachelLinden #ceceliadowdy #novel #themagicoflemondroppie #sweetstory #fiction
Video review for The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie.
#RachelLinden #ceceliadowdy #novel #themagicoflemondroppie #sweetstory #fiction
This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC. If you like movies such as Love Hard, then you MUST READ The Bakery Romance Series by Cecelia Dowdy. The Bakery Romance Series is an Amazon bestselling series. Visit ceceliadowdy.com/books. The link is at the end of this blog post.
Have you ever participated in online dating? If so, what happened? Did any of your dates turn into a long-term relationship?
I saw this movie on Netflix and LOVED it! Natalie has had a lot of disastrous dates. She talks about these awful dates on her dating column. She meets Josh on a dating app. Natalie and Josh bond via long phone conversations. The story takes an interesting turn when she decides to surprise Josh by making the long-distance trip to visit him for Christmas. When she arrives at his home, she realizes that people don’t always portray themselves in a truthful manner.
What I most loved about this movie is that it shows how Josh needed to boost his self-confidence. He is working at a job that he hates just so that he can please his dad. Josh also lives in the shadow of his favored older brother. Josh knows what he’d like to do for a living – but he just needs to find the courage to pursue his dreams. He shows Natalie his true self – what I mean is Josh shows Natalie aspects of himself that he’s not had the courage to share with his own family.
This movie really resonated with me because I dated online decades ago. I recall speaking to one man who said that he no longer participated in online dating. He said that women were not truthful in their ads and he was wasting his time.
When I met one of the men from the dating app in person for the first time – he stated that he was surprised. He said that I was the first person who truthfully portrayed how I looked. He claimed that although the ads had photos, the pics only displayed the person’s face. He said that women would lie about their weight – as well as other aspects about themselves.
Love Hard makes the point that looks aren’t everything. Just because a man is good-looking, doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s actually a good man. Josh proved his kindness. He was nice to Natalie and helped her out. It takes Natalie awhile warm up to Josh. She returns Josh’s kindness as both of them learn their lesson about love, romance and relationships.
So, have you ever participated in online dating? If so, what happened? Did any of your dates turn into a long-term relationship?
This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC. If you like movies such as Love Hard, then you MUST READ The Bakery Romance Series by Cecelia Dowdy. The Bakery Romance Series is an Amazon bestselling series. Visit ceceliadowdy.com/books. The link is at the end of this blog post.
Have you ever been in danger of losing your home because you couldn’t pay the rent/mortgage?
Angela Morgan is in danger of losing her home. She can’t afford to pay her mortgage and she’s unsure of what she can do. In spite of her financial troubles, as well as the difficulties involved with being a struggling single mom to 3 teen-aged boys, she’s still willing to help people. She volunteers at a local outreach center by helping young women to learn job interviewing skills.
Angela’s apple cake is a big hit at her son’s school. The cake is a family recipe and she remembers her mom showing her how to bake her special cake. She decides to sell her cake at $40 each to raise the funds to pay her mortgage. There’s also a side of romance when she runs into Melvin, a guy she used to date over ten years ago.
Angela was full of pride. At times, it was difficult for her to accept help from others. She persevered and she was not one to give up easily. She’s used to doing things alone since her ex-husband doesn’t help her very much. I recall during one scene, when Melvin tells of his feelings for her, she turns him away. Her son reprimands her for not giving Melvin a chance.
Overall, the acting in this movie was good. The movie itself was good, too. I just wish the scenery was more engaging. I suppose I’m used to seeing pretty scenery in women’s/romance movies. I thought the scenery was too dark and dim, especially the scenes in the house. The snow was dirty, too, not pretty and engaging. But, those aspects have nothing to do with the quality of the film or the message and acting. That’s just my personal taste in movie sets, is all.
So, Have you ever been in danger of losing your home because you couldn’t pay the rent/mortgage? If so, were you able to save your house? What did you do to come up with the funds?
I’m blogging about the movie, Christian Mingle, over at Inspyromance.com today! Come join in the discussion!
Have you ever lost a spouse? Did you feel as if your spouse were somehow with you after they’d died?
Bob is a happily married man. He’s married to a woman who is passionate about animals. What night, everything in his life takes a turn for the worse.
Grace is a woman in need of a heart. It doesn’t appear as if she’s going to live for very long. When she receives an unexpected gift, a live-saving gift, her life gets better.
Bob is finding it hard to adjust to life after his wife is gone. He’s hesitant about dating and when he meets Grace, he finds himself drawn to her in an unusual way.
I really enjoyed the romance in this movie. I also enjoyed the characters. Grace is an orphan and she’ has a passel of overbearing male relatives who care about her. She loves receiving the gift of life – she can now enjoy things she used to do, like painting and working in her family’s Italian restaurant.
Bob’s life had gotten depressing and sad. He eats takeout each night and he doesn’t clean up his messy home. He misses his wife and meeting Grace is like a breath of fresh air.
If you like nice, sweet romance movies then give this one a try. There are also subtle hints of the supernatural in this film, which made the movie even more appealing.
So, have you ever lost a spouse? If so, did you feel as if your spouse were with you after they’d died, in a weird supernatural way?
The Wedding Plan – A Movie Review
Have you ever heard of a bride who plans a wedding WITHOUT a groom?
Well, that’s the premise for this wonderful foreign film. It’s been a long time since I’ve watched a foreign film and I was so glad I chose to watch this one on Amazon Prime!
When Michal’s fiancé breaks off their engagement right before the wedding, she’s determined to move forward with her wedding plans. A Jew, she has deep faith that the Lord will provide a groom for her. She’s deeply religious, sometimes funny and she has an unusual occupation. She owns a mobile petting zoo. It’s kind of cool to see a woman petting snakes and furry rabbits, owning her own business. Michal was so determined to find a husband for her wedding.
I highly doubt I’d have had the guts to go through with a wedding, thinking God would provide a husband for me, if my fiancé were to cancel our engagement. That takes a lot of faith and courage. This story was a labyrinth of Michal meeting men as she seeks for a groom.
Overall, a highly unique, highly recommended movie.
So, have you ever heard of a bride who plans a wedding WITHOUT a groom?
Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you became a paraplegic?
This movie is about Will, a cantankerous and bitter young man who has recently become a paraplegic. Louisa is hired to be Will’s assistant. Will objects to Louisa’s presence in his home. But, Louisa is tough, and she refuses to take Will’s objections seriously. She sticks it out because she needs the job.
I loved seeing how both of these characters grew and matured. Will and Louisa come to an understanding and and their lives drastically change.
Louisa is determined to make this work and she’s not a quitter. She also questions her relationship with her boyfriend. Is he the right man for her?
I think Will is surprised when he actually opens up and starts to trust Louisa.
I hated the ending. Seriously. But, I guess it’s difficult to judge how someone deals with a situation when one has not been in that situation him/herself.
So, have you ever wondered what life would be like if you became a paraplegic? I can’t even begin to imagine that….
Have you ever relocated to a new town and felt like an alien among your new neighbors?
When Lucy’s job sends her from Miami to a cold Minnesota town to restructure a manufacturing plant, she’s stunned when she meets the town’s inhabitants. She’s from a warm city and these are gossipy, nosy, country folk. She doesn’t care for the union representative for the plant employees (Ted).
The town doesn’t know if they can trust Lucy, after all, their livelihoods are in her hands. The plant provides lots of jobs and they don’t want Lucy to cut any of their jobs.
I really loved seeing this small town. It was so realistic and sweet. I especially loved how Blanche took Lucy under her wing and became her friend (as well as her secretary). I loved seeing the townsfolk socialize and look out for one another. I also loved seeing the budding feelings between Lucy and Ted. Such a sweet story.
I really loved seeing how Blanche’s secret tapioca pudding became central to the plot. I love tapioca! I wanted to taste her secret recipe!
So, have you ever relocated to a new town and felt like an alien among your new neighbors?
Have you ever fallen in love, even though your love interest seems to be the wrong choice for a mate?
The Choice is a love story that is based on a Nicolas Sparks novel (no, I’ve never read the book). When Gabby meets Travis, her new neighbor, she’s irritated because he appears to be a jerk, playing his music too loud. When Gabby’s medical doctor boyfriend goes out of town, this story takes an interesting turn.
The attraction between Gabby (a medical student) and Travis (a vet) is a classic example of opposites attract. When I first started watching this movie, I was bored. But, the movie got better as the attraction between Travis and Gabby deepens and then there was someone who objected to their relationship.
I loved seeing the scenes on the water. Seeing folks hanging out with friends, having a good time, made for some pleasurable viewing.
Travis falls HARD for Gabby. He even takes her for a boat ride to show her his secret island. Gabby struggles to accept Travis’s love. Is it right for them to continue dating, in spite of her circumstances?
I loved seeing the animals in this movie. It’s so cute to see how animals can play a part in bringing two people together.
Overall, a good movie. I was NOT expecting that traumatic event near the end. I don’t want to say what happens because it’ll spoil the film for you.
So, have you ever fallen in love, even though your love interest seems to be the wrong choice for a mate?
Have you ever had a childhood experience that haunted your life?
When Tilly returns to her childhood home in the secluded Australian outback, she’s changed…a lot. She’s now a successful dressmaker and the ladies in town are clamoring for her to make them a new dress. The town has little access to fashionable clothes and Tilly is their ticket to looking beautiful for their beaus.
But, Tilly is not in town to make dresses. She approaches her mom, desperate to recall the details to a murder which she’s forgotten. Perhaps being back in this God-forsaken town will jog her memory.
Tilly also connects with Teddy, a sympathetic childhood friend who develops a soft spot for her.
I really enjoyed this movie. The movie showed how rotten and unforgiving people can be, but, also you saw people jump to Tilly’s defense to help solve the details of the murder mystery. There were so many emotions packed in this movie: love, hate, fear. A tragic event happens that I was NOT expecting. It’s difficult to talk more about the emotions without giving spoilers.
This movie had me mesmerized from the beginning and the acting and the scenery was AMAZING! Such a treat to watch this film and I highly recommend it.
Kate Winslet is one of my favorite actresses – due in part to her acting in Titanic (my all-time favorite movie). Kate and the rest of the cast did great in this movie.
So, have you ever had a childhood experience that haunted your life?