Category Archives: Mystery and Suspense Titles

Bring Me Back


Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris – a secular title

Have you ever known anybody who was missing? If so, was that person ever found?

Finn was in love with beautiful, red-headed Layla. They vacationed in France, and when she goes missing at a rest stop, Finn feels as if his whole life is spiraling out of control. How can he live without Layla in his life? Twelve years later, he’s now engaged to Ellen, Layla’s sister. Their relationship is a bit strained and tenuous. The threat of Layla’s return hovers between them like a poisonous mist.

I really enjoyed this book. It’s somewhat hard to talk about it without giving spoilers. It’s a suspense/mystery story and it keeps you wondering until the very end. Layla and Ellen used to play with Russian dolls when they were little (the dolls that come in a set and they fit inside of one another). Someone is mysteriously leaving these Russian dolls on their doorstep. Could this person be Layla?

I also loved reading a book set outside of the states. I’ve been mostly reading American novels and it was refreshing to read a European title. I highly recommend this book if you like a good, suspenseful read that’ll keep you guessing until the end.

So, have you ever known anybody who was missing? If so, was that person ever found?

A Scarlet Cord by Deborah Raney


A Scarlet Cord by Deborah Raney

Have you ever known somebody in the Witness Protection Program?

Melanie is still grieving over her husband’s death. She’s left his clothes in his closet, never removing the items since his death. She finds comfort in seeing and smelling her deceased spouse’s clothing. She still thinks about him, too. However, things change when Joel Ellington moves to her town. A new church member/church employee, she finds that she’s attracted to him. But, Joel seems to have un-explainable secrets. Melanie also wonders about his strange reactions to certain events.

Joel moves to Melanie’s town to make a fresh start. Romance just can’t fit into his life right now. His life is plagued with pain and secrets, but his budding feelings for Melanie are so strong. Might it be possible for him to have a normal romantic relationship with Melanie in spite of being haunted by the past?

I enjoyed this book. It shows how hard it is to love somebody in spite of being haunted by tragic circumstances. Joel’s love for Melanie was strong, so strong that he hesitates about his decision about having a relationship with her. Melanie has deep feelings for Joel, too. But when things shift, Melanie is plagued with solving a mystery. She’s stubborn as she seeks answers to plaguing questions.

So, as far as you know, have you ever known anybody in the Witness Protection Program? 


***If  you like mystery and suspense titles then you should try my novel, Shades of Chocolate. Over 100 Amazon reviews!

Deadly Night, Silent Night


Deadly Night, Silent Night by Margaret Daley

Have you ever found it hard to move forward with your life after losing a spouse?

Widow Rebecca Howard is a workaholic, covering her grief by making her store a success. Her father had always wanted her to be a success, so, she’s determined to make their family sporting goods store lucrative business. But, trouble has been brewing. Someone has been hacking their computer system and making threats on their store.

Alex Kincaid has ghosts from his own past to overcome. He’s good friends with Rebecca’s twin brother and he’s secretly had a crush on Rebecca when they were kids. Rebecca needs to rely on Alex’s expertise to catch the criminal who is targeting her business. As they work together, their attraction deepens.

I enjoyed this highly-charged, suspenseful novella. You’ll be sitting on the edge of your seat as you read this story, and it will keep you guessing until the very end. A good Christmas read.

So, have you ever found it hard to move forward with your life after losing a spouse?

Still Mine


Still Mine by Amy Stuart – this is a secular title

Have you ever known someone who was missing? If so, was she/he ever found?

When Clare is sent on a mission to find a missing woman (Shayna), she’s forced to take a hard look at her own life. Clare becomes enmeshed within the lives of the inhabitants of Shayna’s town. There’s Charlie, the local drug dealer, and his girlfriend Sara. Clare and Sara share a camaraderie while Clare finds herself taking drugs, drinking alcohol, things that she really need so avoid. There’s also Derek, the town’s doctor as well as Jared, Shayna’s ex-husband. There’s also Wilfred and Louise, Shayna’s mentally-unbalanced parents. Who is responsible for Shayna’s disappearance and why was Clare hired to find her?

While Clare searches for Shayna, she’s reminded of the abusive life she’s left behind. She’s forced to face her own fears while the mystery in the town of Blackmoore unravels.

I found this to be a very dark read. It was very suspenseful. I also found the ending to be a bit abrupt and unfinished. I’m a bit curious to know if there will be a second book in this series? I’d recommend this book if you like dark, suspenseful novels.

Have you ever known someone who was missing? Was that person ever found?

Redemption – A Devotional

For a change, I thought I’d post the following devotional on my blog. My online writing friend, Lillian Duncan, tells us that our faith in God is all we need for salvation – works, being good people, serving others, etc. does not guarantee your salvation. Read on:

Displaying Redemption_h11626_300.jpg


Romans 3: 22-24

 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 


The title of my newest book is REDEMPTION so it seemed to me a good topic to write about in a devotion. defines redemption as an act of atoning for a fault or a mistake; deliverance or rescue; deliverance from sin; salvation; atonement for guilt.

The title came about as a result of Jamie, the main character being ashamed of things she’s done in her past as a consultant to the FBI. As a result she feels God can’t love her the way she is. So she seeks redemption by putting herself in dangerous situations to help other people.

But the redemption part of the story doesn’t stop there. Enrique, the tall, dark, and handsome FBI agent seeks redemption as well. From Jamie. Then there’s the bartender Jamie meets on her quest to find a friend’s missing child. He’s trying to overcome a lifetime of criminal acts. More redemption.

And then there’s the father of the kidnapped child—who is the kidnapper! Talk about needing redemption. No wonder this book is named REDEMPTION!

That makes for a good plot in a suspense novel, but it’s important to know that we can’t save ourselves through good acts, through helping others, or even being really good people. There is only one way to receive redemption: meaning salvation; meaning going to heaven to live with God forever!

We are saved through our faith in Jesus—and only through our faith in Jesus.

No amount of good works can earn us a ticket to heaven! It doesn’t matter how “good” we are, how much money we give to good causes (including the church), or how kind we are to others.

Only our belief in Jesus as the Son of God can save us.

And the reverse is true as well as Jamie discovers in my novel, REDEMPTION. Your past doesn’t matter. God loves you just the way you are. He won’t turn his back on you because of your past, present, or even your future mistakes.

And that is more awesome than I can say, but 2 Corinthians 9:15 says it best: “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”


To celebrate the release of REDEMPTION, I’m giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card. So hop on over to TIARAS & TENNIS SHOES at  to enter. Leave a comment on the post entitled REDEMPTION and you’ll be entered to win.





Others may think Jamie Jakowski is a hero, but she knows differently.

Haunted by her past, she seeks redemption by helping others in spite of the danger to herself. However, after almost orphaning her daughter, Jamie opts to retire. When a friend needs her, Jamie agrees to one last undercover operation.

She is determined to reunite a heartbroken mother with her kidnapped son. Used to working alone, Jamie’s not happy when she’s assigned a partner. And after a failed operation and their failed romance, Enrique Rodriguez is the last person she wants to work with—ever.

To succeed, Jamie must confront her past as well as the people who want her dead.




Lillian Duncan: stories of faith mingled with murder & mayhem!

Lillian is a multi-published writer with several Amazon bestsellers, including The Christmas Stalking and Betrayed. Lillian writes the types of books she loves to read—fast-paced suspense with a touch or two of romance that demonstrates God’s love for all of us

Whether as an educator, a writer, or a speech pathologist, she believes in the power of words to transform lives, especially God’s Word.

To learn more about Lillian and her books, visit: Tiaras & Tennis Shoes is her personal blog at


Deadly Communications by Lillian Duncan – Author Interview


I’d like to welcome author Lillian Duncan to my blog! I found the premise to her story interesting because her heroine is a speech pathologist! My son stutters and he had to go to speech and language pathologist for over a year to help him with his stutter. Her story sounds intriguing and I encourage you to purchase a copy to read!

Deadly Communications



Improving communication skills is never easy. In this case, it could be murder!

Maven Morris is a speech-language pathologist on medical leave–or as she likes to put it: out to pasture.

When she’s offered a lucrative position by one of the community’s most powerful men to help his traumatic-brain-injured daughter improve her communication skills, Maven discovers deadly secrets behind the iron gates of the mansion.

Now, she must find the courage to seek justice no matter who gets hurt–even if it’s her.




Lillian is a multi-published author who lives in the middle of Ohio Amish country with her husband, two parrots, one Jack Russell, and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel she’s thinking of renaming Clifford since he keeps growing and growing and….

As a speech pathologist in the public schools for over thirty years, she worked with students of all ages with a wide variety of conditions, but especially with deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Whether as an educator, a writer, or a speech pathologist, she believes in the power of words to transform lives. especially God’s Word.

Lillian writes the types of books she loves to read—fast-paced mystery and suspense with a touch of romance that demonstrates God’s love for all of us. To learn more about Lillian and her books, you may visit her at or She also has a devotional blog at







Deadly Communications features Maven Morris, a speech-language pathologist (SLP) who gets a little too involved with her clients. Okay, a lot too involved. When a client she’s working with leaves abruptly, Maven is suspicious and she won’t rest until she finds her.


What’s the setting for DEADLY COMMUNICATIONS?

It takes place in the city of Wooster, Ohio. Coincidently, it’s a city I’ve lived near most of my life. But, of course, the story is fictional and not based on reality!


How did you come up with the title for DEADLY COMMUNICATIONS?

How could that not be the title? When a speech-language pathologist (SLP) gets involved in a murder mystery, what else could you name it?


Is DEADLY COMMUNICATIONS the first book you published?

No, I’ve been blessed to have several books published in the past few years. My last release was BETRAYED in January of this year. It was the second in my Sisters By Choice series. The third, REDEMPTION, will be released in September.




Three things happened within a few days of each other to inspire DEADLY COMMUNICATIONS.

First, my brother asked why I didn’t write a story featuring a speech-language pathologist. To which my answer was that it would be difficult to come up with a suspense story and an SLP.

Secondly, a few days later I was talking with someone whose daughter had been involved in an accident and was now experiencing communication difficulties.

Thirdly, as writers are prone to do, I was sitting daydreaming and had a vision of a young woman running through the woods and into ongoing traffic.

That’s all it took! My writer mind took over from there and DEADLY COMMUNICATIONS was born.


So, then it sounds as if you were a speech-language pathologist. Tell us a little about that job.

I retired as an SLP from a large city school district in Ohio, then spent several more years working part-time in smaller, rural districts near where I live. Between the two jobs, I don’t think there is any type of child I haven’t worked with at least once.

I loved my job and still miss it. Mostly I miss the children, not the paper work involved. If it weren’t for serious health issues, I would still be working.


What do you want readers to take away from DEADLY COMMUNICATIONS?

Before the story starts Maven has experienced a series of life-changing events that have led to depression. Maven chooses to get out of bed and keep moving. It’s not easy when life throws us a curve ball or two. It may not seem fair, but how we react to those things will determine the quality of our future.

As the story moves forward we see Maven struggle with her spirituality as she faces some difficult circumstances in her life. I want readers to know they can do the same.


Was it difficult to write a character with communication problems?

Not at all. In fact, that was part of the fun of writing DEADLY COMMUNICATIONS. In the scenes where Maven is working with her client, all I had to do was close my eyes, imagine the interaction, then open my eyes, and write it.


What is your writing process?

I am not an outliner. I wish I were—it seems easier to me. But my mind doesn’t work that way. I never know what is going to happen in my story on any given writing day. It’s as if my mind is a movie screen and I watch that day’s events and then I write it.

When I start a new story I usually have a clear picture of the main character in mind and what obstacle he/she will face, but anything goes after that. If I’m writing and start to feel bored—then I kill someone or blow something up. And that way it’s a surprise to me and to my readers.


Do you know who the bad guy is when you begin your story?

Not usually. Most of the time I have several characters who it might be and as the story comes to a conclusion, I’m surprised right along with my readers. DEADLY COMMUNICATIONS was no exception. I wasn’t sure who the culprit was until the very end. Maven and I suspected one person, but we were wrong!


Most people don’t think of murder mysteries and suspense novels as Christian Fiction. What do you say to them?

I can certainly understand their point of view. And for some readers my stories might be a bit too graphic or edgy and that’s okay, I would say my readers are those who like traditional suspense and mystery novels but are tired of all the explicit language and sex scenes that aren’t necessary to a good story.

I don’t promote or glorify violence in my stories and show characters experiencing the natural consequences of their bad choices and bad actions. My characters are usually on a spiritual journey as well—but some are further along than others.


Then what makes your stories Christian Fiction?

I don’t promote or glorify violence in my stories in any way. My characters experience the natural consequences of their bad choices and bad actions.

My stories always have an element of faith in them. How that plays out depends on the individual plots of each specific story. My main characters are always on a spiritual journey, though some may be further along than others.

One more word about Christian Fiction, it has changed dramatically over the past ten years. Other than erotica, readers can find their favorite genre as Christian Fiction as well as mainstream fiction. There are Christian Fiction books out there for every book lover—historical; romance; regency; science fiction; even horror novels.


What are you working on now?

I have a devotional blog POWER UP WITH GOD’S WORD: Secrets For a Better Life at: I was diagnosed with bilateral brain tumors two years ago and so many of the devotions focus help others who are facing a crisis—physical or spiritual.

The third book in The Sisters By Choice series (REDEMPTION) will be released in September. Along with that that I’m working on the second in the Deadly Communications series. As of now, its title is Nowhere to Belong.



My website is and I have a devotional blog at My blog is TIARAS & TENNIS SHOES at  I’m also on Twitter as @LillianDuncan and on Facebook at

Thanks for being on my blog, Lillian! I’ve enjoyed this!


Hazardous Duty by Christy Barritt

Hazardous Duty by Christy Barritt

Have you ever worked as a cleaner/housekeeper (either domestic or commercial)? If so, did anything unusual ever happen on the job?

Gabby St. Claire had to quit college during her senior year to take care of her alcoholic father. She’d been going to school to be a forensic psychologist. The closest job she can find for her dream career is being a crime scene cleaner. She cleans up crime scenes after the police are done collecting their evidence. When she’s cleaning the house of a high-powered politician – a politician who may have killed his wife – she finds evidence that the police missed. Can she prove that the politician killed his wife instead of the scapegoat they have in custody?

Somebody is trying to kill Gabby. Parker, a police detective, is trying to assist in the case. Gabby is convinced that the supposed-politician-wife-killer is after her life too. After all, she did uncover the evidence, and the police have not told the public about her findings.

Since the police are so lazy about finding the real killer, Gabby takes it upon herself to find the killer. When they arrest her co-worker for a related crime, Gabby is doubly interested in finding the killer/arsonist. After all, she needs to prove that her co-worker is innocent.

Gabby attempts to solve the crime while an assortment of zany characters assist her. There’s Sierra, her animal-loving/animal-rights neighbor, Riley, a handsome mysterious man who lives across the hall. Why is Riley so secretive about his life? There’s also Parker (a Brad Pitt look alike) who is the detective on the case. Why does he continue to ignore Gabby’s evidence findings?

I thought this book was a humorous, delightful read. The story moves quickly and the chapters are written in a way that’ll make you want to keep reading. Overall, it was a good mystery.

So, have you ever worked as a cleaner/housekeeper (either domestic or commercial)? Did anything unusual ever happen on the job?

Deadly Devotion by Sandra Orchard

Deadly Devotion by Sandra Orchard

Deadly Devotion by Sandra Orchard

What would you do if your friend’s cause of death was a suicide – yet you knew that the suicide was not the real cause of death? Would you confront the police to re-open the case?
Kate Adams is devastated when her elderly friend/mentor (Daisy) dies by committing suicide. However, Kate is convinced that her friend’s death was NOT a suicide. She storms into the police station and confronts police officer Tom Parker. Shouldn’t they re-open the case? There’s no way that Daisy could have poisoned herself, her faith was too deep, and Daisy realized that the Lord would frown upon her taking her own life.

Daisy and Kate were in the midst of discovering an herbal remedy for depression. Is it possible that this breakthrough was the cause of Daisy’s death? Kate is convinced that Daisy was murdered, and now she needs to convince Tom Parker that they need to find the killer as soon as possible.

I liked this book because it dealt with the subject of suicide – I loved how Kate believed in her friend, refusing to accept that Daisy would take her own life. I also liked how the different herbs and teas were described. I’m sort of interested in herbal remedies and it was kinda cool reading a novel where herbs and remedies were discussed. Also, there were so many twists and turns in the book that you kept guessing until the very end. There were also some interesting and quirky secondary characters who took this story into several page-turning directions. This book was a pretty good suspense read.

So, what would you do if your friend’s cause of death was a suicide – yet you knew that the suicide was not the real cause of death? Would you confront the police to re-open the case?

***My e-book, Milk Money, is only 99 cents! Download it now before the price goes up! :-)


~Cecelia Dowdy~


Vanished By Irene Hannon

Vanished by Irene Hannon

Moira is driving on a dark, country road on a rainy night. She’s lost and when she spots a distressed woman, she accidentally hits the woman with her car. Distressed, she wants to help this woman and a man appears, offering her help and solace. Moira then passes out, and when she awakens, she discovers that she can’t find the woman whom she’s hit and she can’t find the man who offered his assistance. Plus, there are other disturbing things that happened during the course of her accident that don’t add up.

Determined to get to the bottom of that dark, rainy night, she hires Cal, a former policeman who runs a private detective agency. Cal and Moira are instantly attracted to one another as they work together, trying to piece together the clues they find from the crime scene.

This is a suspenseful, intriguing romance with Christian characters. The characters are also overcoming their past emotional experiences so that they can be free to find love again. Over all, this was a good read. Thanks to Baker Revell with providing me a free review copy.


~Cecelia Dowdy~



Yuletide Stalker By Irene Brand – From The Blog Archives

Yuletide Stalker – Love Inspired Suspense – video book review!
Published by: Steeple Hill Books
ISBN: 978-0-373-87401-9
Publication Date: 2006

I really enjoyed this book. The author does an awesome job of describing the scenery in Hawaii. I was in Hawaii for my honeymoon a little over three years ago, so I was able to compare her descriptions to what I saw while on vacation. I felt as if I was right back on the island!

Maddie Horton is invited to visit Linc Carey in Hawaii for Christmas. Linc is a military man who gave emotional support to Maddie and her mother after her father’s ‘accidental death’ ten years ago. Once Maddie arrives in Hawaii, she discovers her father did not die accidentally, but was murdered, and the murderers have escaped from prison. The murderers’ family have their sight set on Maddie because they want to seek revenge against her father since they feel he’s responsible for the deaths of their kinsmen. Maddie is stalked by someone, and she wonders if she’s losing her mind.

Linc vows to protect Maddie, and Maddie feels animosity toward Linc since he treats her like a child. Due to their eleven-year age difference, it is hard for Linc to accept that Maddie has grown into a beautiful woman. When Maddie realizes she loves Linc, she hesitates about revealing her feelings because she’s not sure if Linc loves her as a woman, or as a ‘daughter’ because of their age difference.

When she is abducted, you hope and pray she makes it out alive.

This book was suspenseful, but not too suspenseful. I also noticed that the author had a twenty-year-old woman as her heroine and a thirty-one-year-old man as her hero. I don’t see this much in contemporary romance novels nowadays. The heroine is usually older than twenty. However, I believe the author did a good job in making the romance believable despite the age difference. She made it believable because Maddie was so mature for her age. She lost both of her parents before she reached adulthood, which forced her to grow up quickly.


~Cecelia Dowdy~