Category Archives: Newsletters

3-17-2024 Newsletter

Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC

Guess Who’s Home?

I hope all of you had an amazing week.

It’s Spring Break and our son is home for a week-long visit. I have a lot of stuff that needs to be done around this messy house! He’s going to help!

Do you have anything amazing planned for this week? I’d love to hear about it!

The Blacksmith’s Bride

I’m still writing The Blacksmith’s Bride – a historical novel set a few years after the Civil War. The Blacksmith’s Bride is the third book in the Romance Bride Series.

One of the secondary characters in my novel is mute. It’s a young child. She can hear, but, she can’t speak. Actually, she won’t speak. She witnessed something. Since she’s seen this awful event – she has not spoken.

In historical times, psychological problems were difficult to diagnose and treat. I’m researching this subject matter as I work on my novel.

Have you ever been acquainted with someone who is/was mute?

I’m enjoying writing The Blacksmith’s Bride as each character goes through an emotional journey of change and faith. Be sure to pre-order a copy for yourself and a friend!

Paperback Book Bundles

Enjoy reading paperbacks? I’m still offering a 30% off sale on my paperback book bundles: The Bakery Romance Series and my Christmas Romance bundle. The books are gift wrapped and come with stickers and other goodies.


I currently have one in-person event – scheduled for June 28th. More information here.

Our Country!

Remember to keep our country in prayer as all/some of these changes take place! At times, transitions do not run smoothly! Also, remember to pray for all that are suffering in our nation! Be sure to check on your friends and loved ones to be sure they are okay! One of our family members recently had surgery – so it’s been a busy week for us as we’ve helped her during this time for recovery.


I’ve started a Youtube Channel! Subscribe and tell your friends!

Follow me on Tiktok!

Do you like to discuss romance movies? I’ve started a new Romance Movie Review Facebook Page where I post videos about my favorite romance movies! Come join me!

Read my winter stories for some emotional, heartwarming entertainment! Most of my titles are in Kindle Unlimited.

Butterscotch Bliss

Thanks to all of you for your wonderful compliments about Butterscotch Bliss. Currently, the eBook version is only available for those joining my email list. I recently placed the paperback version onto Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I slightly changed the cover for the paperback version. If you feel inclined – please leave a review – only if you enjoyed the book!

Enjoy the rest of your day!

The Bakery Romance Series

Loving Luke Raspberry Kisses Shades of Chocolate Sweet Dreams

Sugar and Spice Southern Comfort Sweet Delights Cinnamon Kisses

The Candy Beach Series

Caramel Kisses Chocolate Dreams Milk Chocolate Kisses Bittersweet Dreams Coffee and Kisses Rocky Road Dreams

The Romance Bride Series

The Baker’s Bride The Doctor’s Bride The Blacksmith’s Bride

Signed Paperbacks

Christmas Book Bundle – $40 (free shipping) – continental US

The Bakery Romance Series – $75 (free shipping) – continental US

The Candy Beach Series – $70 + postage

Divine Desserts Publishing | c/o Cecelia Dowdy 7600 Ora Glen Drive, Box 951 | Greenbelt, MD 20768-0951 US