Wasn’t Titanic the most amazingly, romantic movie of all time?
I’m using this page on my blog for you to comment about my TITANIC (Titanic Fanfiction) or you can comment about the movie in general. There’s also a Titanic Fan Fiction page on my website if you want more details about the meaning of Fan Fiction.
My story starts after the sinking of the Titanic and in my Fanfiction version, Jack LIVES!!
Me gusta es mi pelicula favorita desde muy pequeño la e visto es una historia muy comdovedora. Son ecenas q llegan al alma ,q dan centimiento,ganas d llorar los felicitos a los dos mas ala dama , asi deseara q una chica luche x mi asta el dinal.
Hola, Sixto!
No hablo espanol bien!
I’m reading one of your fanfictions on the site fanfiction.net and I was wondering where else can I read your fanfiction other than that site?
The one I’m reading is ‘Jack And Rose, Both are Alive!
Hi, Kait!
Thanks so much for commenting, and letting me know that you enjoy my work! I’m afraid I currently don’t have any other fan fics available at the moment!
I’m focusing on writing romance novels right now, selling those on Amazon. Just in case you’re interested, here’s the link to my recent book (only 99 cents): http://amzn.to/1wMXQDU
I do plan on writing more fan fics, when I have some spare time!
Oh, on that site my penname is MJ’s50’s girl
I read your fanfiction about titanic movie, it’s very interesting and well written. The flow of the story, climax, writing style, I enjoyed everything! After reading your story I also wanted to write a fanfiction as a titanic fan and also a fan of Leo. Is there any site I can publish, if I write?
Hi, Sithara
Thanks for your kind words about my Titanic Fan Fiction!
The reason why my fanfic is well-written is because I’m a professional romance novelist.
I’ve had novels published and distributed in stores all over the world.
I currently self publish my work on Amazon.
I highly encourage you to try Rocky Road Dreams: https://amzn.to/31dBYv0 – my new release. It’s a strong romance story and I’m sure you will enjoy it!
Regarding fan fiction. I published mine on Wattpad and on Fanfiction.net.
I hope you have an amazing day!