This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you enjoy movies such as Bottled with Love then you should try Rocky Road Dreams by CECELIA DOWDY. Rocky Road Dreams is about a lawyer named Kyle Baxter. Kyle is on a month-long Christmas hiatus from his job. He rents a house on the Outer Banks for his extended vacation. Melanie Richards, his childhood friend, lives across the street. When they were kids, Melanie had a crush on Kyle’s identical twin brother Keith. Kyle never thought he stood a chance with Melanie since she was smitten with his brother. Keith is now married and both Kyle and Melanie are single.
In Rocky Road Dreams, Melanie writes Kyle a letter, telling him how she feels about him. You must read this wonderfully engaging story! It’s a perfect beach-themed Christmas story that you’ll enjoy each year! Be sure to tell your friends by sharing this link, or, by sharing this blog post. The purchase link is also at the end of this blog post.
Now, let’s talk about Bottled With Love.
When was the last time you wrote a letter?
I’m not talking about an e-mail, but, a real, honest-to-goodness letter where you have real paper and a real pen and you actually WRITE the words directly onto the page?
Well, Abby, is writing a letter, a letter about all of her wonderful qualities, and her deep thoughts and desires. After she’s dumped by her boyfriend, right before a wedding, her Aunt suggests she write the letter to herself – so Abby does this. She then tosses the bottle into the sea.
Then, the bottle is found by Nick – who coincidentally is the son of Abby’s boss. Abby’s employer is seeking a new business acquisition and Nick, the estranged son, has been convinced to come home, temporarily. He’s going to assist Abby to search for a new company to acquire for his father’s business.
I thought this movie was cute and sweet, but, it was not phenomenal or anything like that. Hallmark had been advertising this movie like crazy, making it appear as if it would be the best movie of the year! I liked the movie, but, I didn’t LOVE it.
Abby and Nick have some problems getting along in the first part of the movie (which is typical of lots of Hallmark films) but, they do learn to work together, which is nice. I also enjoyed seeing them texting, not knowing the identity of one another.
One of my main problems with the film was – I just found it a bit….unbelievable and TOO coincidental that Nick happened to find Abby’s bottle, in another state, and just HAPPENED to find the bottle accidentally in his suitcase after he came to Boston. Then he just happened to be paired up to work with (Abby) the girl who wrote the letter. The letter that Nick had found in ANOTHER STATE!
Whew, that was a mouthful. I guess I would’ve liked it better if…well…if he’d found her letter and then they got to know one another online before meeting. Not sure how I’d work that out in the story, but, there were too many coincidences – yes, the way the events played out was possible, just didn’t sound very plausible.
I thought both of them did a nice acting job and I especially loved seeing them work together at the cider orchard. Oh, this just my personal opinion, but, I thought Abby’s glasses seemed a bit out-dated or something! I thought she looked prettier without those large-framed glasses on her face!
So, overall, a nice, sweet movie, that’s likable, but, not lovable.

This movie made me think of a nice book that I read A LONG time ago! It’s called Echoes and it’s about a woman and a man who meet online. The details are kind of sketchy since I read it several years ago. But, I’d thought how the characters in this book interacted and met seemed realistic and plausible. You should read it if you like clean, sweet stories!
So, when was the last time you wrote a letter? To whom did you write the letter?
This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you enjoy movies such as Bottled with Love then you should try Rocky Road Dreams by CECELIA DOWDY. Rocky Road Dreams is about a lawyer named Kyle Baxter. Kyle is on a month-long Christmas hiatus from his job. He rents a house on the Outer Banks for his extended vacation. Melanie Richards, his childhood friend, lives across the street. When they were kids, Melanie had a crush on Kyle’s identical twin brother Keith. Kyle never thought he stood a chance with Melanie since she was smitten with his brother. Keith is now married and both Kyle and Melanie are single.
In Rocky Road Dreams, Melanie writes Kyle a letter, telling him how she feels about him. You must read this wonderfully engaging story! It’s a perfect beach-themed Christmas story that you’ll enjoy each year! Be sure to tell your friends by sharing this link, or, by sharing this blog post. The purchase link is also at the end of this blog post.

It kinda reminded me a little of the my favorite movie You got mail. Talking to each other through messages but know who each other was. It was a little confusing on how exactly they were corresponding. I did enjoy the movie though
Ahh….You’ve Got Mail! I remember that movie! It was a sweet film with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan!
I really liked this movie, I’m a fan of Andrew’s. I would live to find out where they got Abby’s eye glasses. They are so cute. Anyways love Hallmark movies.
Hi, MH!
I thought the movie was cute, but, did not live up to all of the Hallmark hype I’d been hearing for weeks. The glasses were too big. They looked out-dated, like the glasses folks used to wear back in the eighties.