Category Archives: hm-movies-and-mysteries-reviews

A Gift of Miracles

Have you ever felt as if a dead relative were speaking to you from their grave?

When Darcy, a PHD candidate, writes an important paper, her mentor advises that her paper is too clinical. It needs more heart, depth, and emotion. As a result Darcy is assigned to an advisor, Nathan. Nathan must help Darcy with her writing. How can Darcy put more warmth and emotion into her paper?

A raging storm causes a tree to crash through Darcy’s window. When Darcy helps her dad to clean up after the storm, she finds some of her mom’s belongings. Her findings take her on a journey, a journey that appears to be orchestrated by her mom, from up above.

A plethora of things happening brings Darcy into contact with people who are connected with her mom. These connections are not necessarily obvious. After random encounters with strangers – she’ll later discover how these strangers – these events – are linked to her mother. Nathan is behind her, encouraging her. Darcy is more science-minded and skeptical. She wants things to make sense. But Nathan draws her in, helps her to defy logic and just let events happen without finding a rhyme or reason to it.

This was a super mystery. I loved how it ended! The romance between Nathan and Darcy wasn’t as strong as current Hallmark movies, but, it was still enjoyable!

So, have you ever felt that a dead relative was speaking to you from their grave?

A Timeless Christmas

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. Read our Amazon bestselling Christmas romance titles today! Tell your friends by sharing this link!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel FORWARD into time?

What can I say? This was an absolutely adorable Hallmark Christmas movie! It’s 1903 and shortly after Charles Whitley (played by Ryan Paevey) has a disagreement with his fiancée, his maid serves him an evening drink. He wakes more than 100 years later.

Wait a second…do you like sweet emotional romance novels? Try one of my bestselling books! You will love them! Now, back to the movie….

His house is now a museum. Actors have been hired to play the historical roles of Charles’s staff – it’s a 1903 Christmastime re-enactment. Visitors think he’s an actor, playing the role of Charles Whitley. He’s having a hard time convincing folks of his identity. He is able to convince the tour guide/actress Megan – who happens to be a descendant of Charles’s housekeeper.

Megan tells of her fascination and studies of Charles Whitley. She tells him that Charles went missing in 1903 – the exact day that Charles had his last evening drink. His disappearance is linked to an old clock. He feels the need to go back in time – back to the night he disappeared.

Since his disappearance things have happened, things that he hopes to fix, and the only way to do that would be to travel back to 1903.

I loved seeing Ryan Paevey in those historical clothes. He is too cute – very easy on the eyes.

Turns out that Charles ends up staying in 2020, deciding not to travel back in time. Of course he falls for Megan and they’ll live happily ever after.

I felt there were a few loose ends that needed to be tied up. Since Charles is staying in 2020, how will he live? He has no social security number. He has no identity. Would he have to get falsified documents since, technically, he should be dead? Would he need to obtain falsified documents in order to make a living in 2020?

A Timeless Christmas is based upon a book. I encourage you to purchase it. After you read it, let me know how the book compares to the movie.

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Speaking of books, this movie reminded me of the Washington Irving story Rip Van Winkle. Do you remember reading it as a kid? Rip Van Winkle goes to sleep and wakes up 20 years later to a drastically changed world.

Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow: Illustrated 200th Anniversary Edition

So, have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel over 100 years FORWARD into time? What do you think the world be like? Leave a comment!


This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. Read our Amazon bestselling Christmas romance titles today! Tell your friends by sharing this link!

Father Christmas

***This is a movie discussion not a review. This blog post is written from the mind-set that blog readers have seen the movie – so it contains spoilers.

Can you imagine, searching for your father, for the very first time, as an adult?

The Father Christmas film series includes the following three movies:

Finding Father Christmas

Engaging Father Christmas

Marrying Father Christmas

Miranda’s mom was an actress. Her mom died when Miranda was only a child. Since her mother died during Christmas, Miranda, now an adult, hates Christmas. Her life changes when she’s contacted by an old friend of her mom’s – an elderly gentleman who works in theater. He’s found an old suitcase belonging to Miranda’s mom, and has gifted it to Miranda.

The suitcase contains clues – clues that might lead to Miranda’s dad. Her mom has never told her the identity of her father, so Miranda, who has no family, is anxious to find him.

You’ll love these movies set in a small Vermont town. As Miranda searches for her father, she discovers other family members – as well as love. Ian works at the inn where Miranda is staying and he helps her with her search.

These were charming Christmas mystery movies, and they showed just how tenuous family dynamics can be. These movies also showed that – before getting married – one needs to know the baggage/problems that your future mate may have. Miranda’s life is somewhat complicated since she has no family. Ian came from a different background – so he needs to understand why it’s so important for Miranda to cling to the new family members which suddenly appear in her life.

Not only does she find family related to her father, but, an elderly gentleman, claiming to be her deceased mom’s brother, also enters the picture. Ian is skeptical and Miranda struggles to accept her long-lost uncle. She doesn’t know if he’s really her mom’s brother, or, if he’s a media person, after her for a story. Her biological father was a famous actor, so, initially she’s unclear about her “uncle’s” motives.

These are charming Christmas movies. It’s best to watch all three of them, in order, to get the full scope of the story.

These movies were based upon the novels by Robin Jones Gunn:

Kissing Father Christmas (Father Christmas #3)

Finding Father Christmas & Engaging Father Christmas

Kissing Father Christmas

I highly encourage you to read these books and let me know how they compare to the movies.

So, have you ever searched for a lost relative? If so, were you able to find that person?

Mystery Woman

Have you ever watched the Mystery Woman movies?

The Mystery Woman series features actress Kellie Martin.

Although the Mystery Woman series is old, I recently discovered these gems while searching through the UP Channel movie selections on Amazon Prime. You can also view Mystery Woman movies on Hallmark Movies Now.

Hold on a second. Do you like wholesome mystery stories that remind you of Hallmark Movies and Mysteries? If so, you must try my novel, Shades of Chocolate. It’s a sweet romance mystery that you’ll enjoy! Tell your friends by sharing this link. Now, back to Mystery woman!

I did some sleuthing and discovered that there were several Mystery Woman movies. I was not able to find all of them for viewing. Below is a complete list – the bolded ones are the ones which I was able to watch.

Mystery Woman: Pilot

Mystery Woman: Mystery Weekend

Mystery Woman: Snapshot

Mystery Woman: Sing Me a Murder

Mystery Woman: Vision of a Murder

Mystery Woman: Game Time

Mystery Woman: At First Sight

Mystery Woman: Wild West Mystery

Mystery Woman: Oh Baby

Mystery Woman: Redemption

Mystery Woman: In the Shadows

If you have any suggestions as to how I might access the un-bolded titles, I’d be very appreciative! I can’t seem to find them available.

I really enjoyed these movies because of the strong female lead character. Samantha is brave and she stops at nothing to find the answers to her questions. For example, when her friend is murdered, she doesn’t back down from questioning family members, and other people, even when her life is in danger.

Sam is smart and she also owns a bookstore! A mystery bookstore is the perfect backdrop for these movies. Sam has a helper, Philby, who assists in the bookstore. Philby uses his secret knowledge to unlock the clues that are needed to solve Sam’s mysteries.

Sam is also a photographer. Her picture taking skills help her to solve some of her mysteries. She spends a lot of time developing pictures in her dark room, which is inside her bookstore.

Each of these mysteries are cozy – meaning that there is a murder as the catalyst for each story.

I sensed that Sam would’ve been a strong character as a real detective. When I say real detective, I’m referring to someone who is actually paid to solve mysteries. The way Sam is portrayed in these movies – kind of reminds me of the old Nancy Drew stories I read as a kid. Nancy was also smart, but, like Sam, she didn’t get paid for her detective skills.

I felt that the police commissioner should have been fired. He was totally inept at his job, and he was irritating.

I really liked Sam’s friend, Cassie, who is the police commissioner’s assistant. Like Sam, Cassie is intelligent, and she assists Sam with solving mysteries.

So, have you ever watched Hallmark’s Mystery Woman movies? If so, which ones did you watch? Do you have any favorites?

If you like mysteries, then you should check out my novels, Caramel Kisses and Shades of Chocolate. Both of these books contain strong mystery elements that you are guaranteed to enjoy. Happy reading!

Cedar Cove – The Series – 3

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This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC. If you enjoy The Cedar Cove Series then you MUST READ The Candy Beach Series. The Candy Beach Series are wonderful wholesome, emotional stories with a lot of drama and sweetness. Each novel is set on a beach – there’s also a candy theme. These stories will make you laugh, cry, and feel wonderful. The Candy Beach Series is available on You may also find these engaging stories on, or, simply go to the link at the end of this blog post. Now, lets chat about Cedar Cove.

Justine, Luke and Seth – did you like them?

Justine is Olivia’s daughter. She’s close to her mom, and a bit estranged from her dad. Her family has been deeply hurt by the death of her twin brother, Jordan. Because of her twin’s death, her mom and dad got a divorce. Justine still thinks about her twin brother. When she’s got something on her mind, she’ll watch old videos of she and Jordan, reminiscing.

I liked Justine. There were a few things that she did…well…things to which I didn’t agree. However, she’s young and when one is young, so that explains a lot about her decisions.

Justine dated Seth. They were pretty serious. In the books, I recall Justine dated Seth after dating Warren – just like the series. However in the Cedar Cove books, Justine and Seth actually got married. They bought a restaurant and they actually open the restaurant and run it before it’s burned down. In the series, Justine and Seth never marry and the restaurant burns down before they can even open for business.

Justine couldn’t be honest with Seth about her feelings. I really felt bad for Seth. He’s willing to give up his dream – returning to his fisherman job with a large salary – just to open the restaurant with Justine. He even proposes to Justine and she doesn’t accept his ring. When Seth leaves for his long-term fishing job – I felt it would’ve been best for them to break up.

Once Seth is gone, Justine starts spending time with Luke. She develops feelings for Luke and when Seth unexpectedly returns and finds them on a date, he’s extremely upset.

I didn’t blame him. Seth still thought they were a couple, even though she didn’t accept his engagement ring. Seth even gives Justine a heartfelt speech – giving her an ultimatum. He reminds her of the sacrifices he’s made for their relationship:

  1. He sold is fishing boat so that he could stay in Cedar Cove to be with Justine.
  2. He bought a restaurant so that they could make a living together.
  3. He asked her to be his wife.

It’s obvious that Seth is just tired since Justine won’t make a clean break with him. He holds a torch for her, and that torch is not reciprocated by Justine. He tells her that she needs to do something for a change since he’s made all of the sacrifices. He demands that she move to Alaska with him, if she wants them to stay together.

Justine ends up choosing Luke over Seth.

I thought Luke was a good man with a lot of problems. His PTSD makes it hard for him to deal with anger. His life is a bit of a mess and Justine wants to fix him. Justine needs to understand that she can’t just fix anybody.

I think if Justine knew herself better, then a lot of the drama between this threesome could’ve been avoided. But, as already stated, she’s young, so that could somewhat explain her actions.

I don’t believe Luke was a character in the Cedar Cove books? If he was in the books, then I’ve forgotten all about him! I read the books so long ago that the details are somewhat sketchy.

So, what’s your opinion about Justine, Seth and Luke? Did you like them? Did you agree with their decisions?

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC. If you enjoy The Cedar Cove Series then you MUST READ The Candy Beach Series. The Candy Beach Series are wonderful wholesome, emotional stories with a lot of drama and sweetness. Each novel set on a beach – there’s also a candy theme. These stories will make you laugh, cry, and feel wonderful. The Candy Beach Series is available on You may also find these engaging stories on, or, simply go to the link at the end of this blog post.



Cedar Cove – The Series – 2

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#cedarcove #debbiemacomber #ceceliadowdy #cedarcoveseries #hallmark #hallmarkchannel

This blog post was sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you like warm, emotional series like Cedar Cove then you must read Loving Luke by Cecelia Dowdy. Loving Luke is about a reunion between Luke and Kim, two childhood sweethearts. It’s a Christmas novel full of love, regrets, and second chances. There’s also a bakery and plenty of delicious desserts wrapped within this amazing story. Can Luke and Kim find the courage to overcome their hang-ups and learn to love again? Loving Luke has been an Amazon bestselling novel with several 5-star reviews! Purchase today by clicking on the link at the end! Tell your friends by sharing this blog post!

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What are your thoughts about Grace and Cliff?

Grace is Olivia’s best friend. They’ve been friends since grade school. Grace has just gone through a painful divorce. In Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cove volume 1, Volume 2, and Volume 3 novels, Grace’s backstory was much darker. In the books, her husband had committed suicide. I believe since Hallmark stories are light and uplifting, they felt the need to change Grace’s background.

I had mixed feelings about Grace. In both the book and the TV series, Grace is close to her daughter, Mary Ellen. I thought she was a good mom. She worried about her daughter. Grace was especially concerned when her daughter was dating John Bowman. (The romance between John and Mary Ellen will be covered in another blog post.)

I disliked the way Grace treated Cliff. Cliff owns a ranch. He raises horses. Cliff is attracted to Grace, but he’s a bit shy. It takes him awhile to finally start dating Grace. He’s had his share of romantic hardships, so he’s leery about loving Grace.

Cliff is a nice guy. But, Grace is just so….flighty! Grace had a crush on Olivia’s brother, Will, a long time ago. When Will surprisingly shows up in Cedar Cove, Grace loses her mind! She spends time with Will and Will kisses her! Will even lies to Grace and states he’s getting a divorce.

When Grace finds out about Will’s lies…well…she’s just ashamed of herself. She finally notices that Cliff is a great catch, but, Cliff is upset about Grace’s romance with Will.


If you were Cliff, would you have given Grace a second chance?

If I were Cliff, there’s no way I’d give Grace a second chance. She had her chance and she blew it. Grace is also jealous of Alex, Cliff’s newly hired, gorgeous female rancher. (I will talk about Alex more in another blog post).

Although Alex’s presence did cause some disharmony between Cliff and Grace, I still think Grace was mostly at fault for the problems they had in their relationship.

So what are your thoughts about Grace and Cliff? Do you think they are a strong, solid couple?

This blog post was sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you like warm, emotional series like Cedar Cove then you must read Loving Luke by Cecelia Dowdy. Loving Luke is about a reunion between Luke and Kim, two childhood sweethearts. It’s a Christmas novel full of love, regrets, and second chances. There’s also a bakery and plenty of delicious desserts wrapped within this amazing story. Can Luke and Kim find the courage to overcome their hang-ups and learn to love again? Loving Luke has been an Amazon bestselling novel with several 5-star reviews! Purchase today by clicking on the link at the end! Tell your friends by sharing this blog post!

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Cedar Cove – The Series – 1

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Do you enjoy stories about small towns?

I love stories about small towns! Cedar Cove is a Hallmark Channel series. It went off the air years ago. I recently watched it, for the second time, via Amazon Prime. This TV show is based upon the characters in Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cove volume 1, Volume 2, and Volume 3.

I love beaches and there’s just something so nice, quaint, and romantic about a town that’s on a beach (or in this case, a cove).

I read some of the Cedar Cove books several years ago. So when I make comparisons to the books, the details will be somewhat sketchy.

I enjoyed this series more than the Hallmark Channel romance movies. I think the reason why I enjoyed it is because, it reminded me of a sanitized version of the soap operas that I used to watch. Years ago, I blogged about the following topic: Should Christians Watch Soap Operas?

Although Cedar Cove doesn’t have religious overtones, it reminded me of a soap opera that was cleaner than the ones shown on daytime TV.

I loved the setting. If you’ve read some of my books, you’ll know that I’m a fan of beaches! There’s just something so nice, holy, and…well…beautiful about a sandy shore and water. Cedar Cove is set right on the beach and the residents have to take a ferry into Seattle whenever they want to leave town. I loved seeing folks eating at Moon’s or seeing the characters dine where they had a nice view of the water. Cedar Cove is the perfect setting for romance!

The characters really resounded with me.

There’s Olivia Lockhart. She’s a judge. I thought it was a really cute and inspiring idea to have a woman to be a judge in this small town. She’s strong, respected, and intelligent. Almost everyone loves Olivia Lockhart. No, she’s not perfect, but, she’s honest, trustworthy, and tries to live her life the best that she can. She’s had her share of pain. She’s divorced and she lost her son (Jordan) years ago. She still misses her son and she’s close to her daughter, Justine (Jordan’s twin sister).

I felt that Olivia’s character in the series closely mimicked the character in the books.

Olivia’s attraction to Jack was refreshing and realistic. These two are total opposites. Jack is a news reporter for the Cedar Cove newspaper. He’s a recovering alcoholic. He’s hesitant about acting on his attraction to Olivia because this is the first time he’s dated someone as a sober man. He goes to AA meetings and has a sponsor who helps him out during his rough times. I think Jack likes Olivia so much because she’s nice, sweet, and sympathetic towards others. She’s a gem of a woman and Jack realizes he’s picked a winner.

That’s why their romance gives him cold feet. Jack has lots of trials during this 3-season series. He falls off the wagon and is approached by his ex-wife about a news reporting opportunity in Seattle. Jack struggles with his pain as he tries to reconcile with his son, Eric, whom he hasn’t seen in a long time.

Alcoholism is a subject that I explore in my own writing. It’s a problem that has been in my family for years, and it touches me to see someone struggling with addiction. I believe this is one reason why I was so drawn to Jack’s character.

There’s so much I want to say about this series that I have to break it up into several blog posts. This will be the first post of many.

So, do you like stories about small towns? If so, have you watched Cedar Cove? Which of these characters did you like best: Jack or Olivia?

The Good Witch

The Good Witch – Podcast

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Are You a Fan of Hallmark Channel’s The Good Witch?

Instead of talking about a Hallmark movie, I thought I’d speak a little bit about The Good Witch. The Good Witch is a series on the Hallmark Channel. I’d never really watched it until recently. I saw that it was on Netflix. I’m not a huge fan of witches and witchcraft. However, the few times I’d stumbled upon an episode on Hallmark, I was intrigued enough to watch.

Hold on…do you like to read fiction? I’m a Christian romance author and have published several contemporary and historical titles on Amazon. You can view all of my titles here. Now back to The Good Witch…

So, when I saw that the entire first few seasons was on Netflix, I thought I’d watch. I like the small-town feeling of Middleton. I also like how the townsfolk know one another and want to help one another out and show their support. The one thing about the town that somewhat bothered me was that everybody was White. No Black people at all. Wait, I do recall them showing an African-American couple exiting a restaurant once. I think the series needs more diversity – however, this may have changed in later seasons. I’m currently on season four.

I also like Grey House. A bed and breakfast with beautiful scenery is a nice backdrop for a story. Cassie is a witch and her cop husband has died. Someone on Twitter mentioned that there were movies made before the series. I was surprised to see that some of the characters in the series were children in the movies. Meaning, the same actors that played the character as a child, had now grown up and they played the same character (from the movie) who’d grown into adulthood. I’m speaking of Cassie’s step-children. I saw the same 2 actors in one of the Good Witch movies – except they were much younger in the movies.

The romance between Sam and Cassie was refreshing. They’ve got good chemistry and I can see them moving forward and getting married – which I know they do in future episodes. Sam is a doctor and Cassie is a holistic healer. They have clashing views about healing and it makes for some good chemistry and conflict between them. I thought that the problems that Sam had with his ex-wife, and his son Nick, were realistic.

I also enjoyed seeing Nick’s interaction with Cassie’s daughter, Grace. Grace is such cute, nice teen and both her and Nick deal with their share of teenage angst, like dating, falling in love, friendships, relationships, school issues, etc.

I was surprised that I enjoyed watching this series more than watching Hallmark romance movies. The scenery was nice and I liked seeing the different shops in town.

Cassie’s Bell Book and Candle Shop was…strange. I thought that the concept of her shop was totally unrealistic, yet, the concept worked for this series, if you know what I mean? She didn’t really have much of a theme for her shop. Like, most shops will sell a certain…something. Like a clothing shop sells mostly clothes. A candy shop sells mostly candies. But Bell Book and Candle? Cassie sells some herbs and spices, but, she also had a host of other theme-less things that didn’t necessarily go well together. She uses her powers to just know what her customers are seeking. It can be anything from paint brushes to books to ginger candies or maps!

Cassie’s cousin, Abigail, is an intriguing combination of good and well…naughty. At first I thought she was more or less a villain, but, later, it just turns out that she’s, well….complicated. She can be nice when she wants to be.

If I were a writer for this series, and I had to change something – the only thing (outside of the diversity issue) that I would change would be the mayor. Mayor Tisdale…well…I must be honest. She adds absolutely nothing to the series, at all. She’s flighty and nonsensical and I just don’t quite understand her role. Whenever she steps onto the scene, the background music changes. If you haven’t noticed this then pay attention the next time you watch it. The music switches to this nonsensical tune, as if you’re about to watch some kind of comedy or something? Is Mayor Tisdale supposed to be comic relief?

Also, I feel like I’m watching someone play the role of a mayor. What I mean to say is – when you are watching a movie or TV show that you enjoy and like, you can really get into it. You don’t feel like you’re watching actors playing a role. You feel like you’re actually watching a true, real scene, that’s really happening right in front of you. When I watch Mayor Tisdale, I feel like I’m watching someone trying to play the role of mayor. Almost like watching a high-school play or something from a local amateur actor’s guild.

I think the story would’ve been much stronger if they’d had a “real mayor”. What I mean is, someone who acts as if they are truly a mayor. Like, somebody campaigning for a cause or….I don’t know. Mayor Tisdale talks about such silly things and her tone of voice is so totally unrealistic that it’s nerve-wracking! I think if she were in the role of something else, like, maybe a clothing shop owner, or maybe a restaurant owner, I may like her a bit more? I also didn’t like that person who was added as her sidekick later, her male assistant, to whom she continuously dictates. Makes me cringe.

I also didn’t like how Mayor Tisdale was stripped of her mayoral title because the town’s boundary line had changed? The plot point where Abigail (who is in some kind of temporary role) suddenly has the power to strip Mayor Tisdale of her mayoral role, and then she (Abigail) becomes mayor?? Abigail is mayor for several episodes. I found it hard to watch her in that role, and to see Tisdale stripped of her role. The reason I found it hard to watch is because I felt the entire plot point was so unrealistic and implausible.

After Tisdale lost her mayoral role – well – think about it. If you were to lose your job, yes it would affect you, you’d be worried about finding another job. Especially if you need the money to survive. But, she wants her mayoral title back, but, her suffering was…was not the way a regular person would suffer in the real world after losing their bread-and-butter job! She just kind of went to different businesses and “helped out”. I felt that this plot point would have had a lot more meaning if it’d been written more realistically.

I highly recommend this series for those who want to watch something light and somewhat serious – at times serious. I tend to occasionally fast forward past the mayoral parts. But, other than the mayor, a very enjoyable series.

I also watched The Good Witch Movies. Come read about the movies! Leave a comment!

So, are you a fan of The Good Witch? If so, what do you like about it?


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Loving Luke – a sweet intoxicating, delicious romance. Try it today for 99 cents.

Christmas with Tucker


This blog post was sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you like emotional movies like Christmas With Tucker then you must read Loving Luke by Cecelia Dowdy. Loving Luke is about a reunion between Luke and Kim, two childhood sweethearts. It’s a Christmas novel full of love, regrets, and second chances. There’s also a bakery and plenty of delicious desserts wrapped within this amazing story. Can Luke and Kim find the courage to overcome their hang-ups and learn to love again? Loving Luke has been an Amazon bestselling novel with several 5-star reviews! Purchase today by clicking on the link at the end! Tell your friends by sharing this blog post!

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How do you deal with the death of a parent?

Christmas with Tucker is a Hallmark Movies and Mysteries selection. It was made back in 2013 and I felt the movie was grittier, more serious, than most Hallmark movies. George is struggling with the recent death of his dad. He’s currently separated from his mom, while he lives on a farm with his grandparents. His mom is dealing with her own grief, and he’s to be reunited with his mother at Christmas.

George is drawn to a lonely neighborhood dog, whom he secretly names Tucker. Tucker is left all alone and when Tucker’s owner is hospitalized, George and his grandparents look after the dog. George finds that he can’t part with Tucker and he makes an ALMOST deadly deal with Tucker’s owner – a deal that would transfer ownership of Tucker to George.

I liked a lot of things about this movie. Namely, George is such a nice and mature 13-year-old boy. Although he makes mistakes, he still struggles to do what is right. I say that he’s mature because he took on a somewhat adult role a few times in the movie. He plows the snowy roads, driving a huge snow plow, while looking out for the health and well-being of his neighbors. He helps his grandparents run the dairy farm and he also finds out first-hand just how serious, and perhaps deadly, alcoholism could be.

One of the reasons why I felt this movie was so serious was because of the alcoholism. I don’t recall seeing alcoholism addressed in Hallmark movies. If you know of any other Hallmark movies that deal with the subject of alcoholism, then please let me know about them.

Another strange aspect of this movie is that it was not a romance. It was more of a coming of age story about a grieving 13-year-old boy who finds solace in the company of a friendly dog. There’s a hint of romance – an extremely small hint- between George and his female school friend. He rides with his friend each day on the the bus, and you see a brief update on their lives when they reach adulthood.

If you’ve seen this movie, I’d love to hear your opinion about it. I’d also like to know of any other Hallmark Movies that are similar to Christmas with Tucker.

So, do you know of anyone who had to deal with the death of a parent at a young age?

This blog post was sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you like emotional movies like Christmas With Tucker then you must read Loving Luke by Cecelia Dowdy. Loving Luke is about a reunion between Luke and Kim, two childhood sweethearts. It’s a Christmas novel full of love, regrets, and second chances. There’s also a bakery and plenty of delicious desserts wrapped within this amazing story. Can Luke and Kim find the courage to overcome their hang-ups and learn to love again? Loving Luke has been an Amazon bestselling novel with several 5-star reviews! Purchase today by clicking on the link at the end! Tell your friends by sharing this blog post!

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Timeless Love


This blog post was sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you like emotional movies like Timeless Love then you must read Loving Luke by Cecelia Dowdy. Loving Luke is about a reunion between Luke and Kim, two childhood sweethearts. It’s a Christmas novel full of love, regrets, and second chances. There’s also a bakery and plenty of delicious desserts wrapped within this amazing story. Can Luke and Kim find the courage to overcome their hang-ups and learn to love again? Loving Luke has been an Amazon bestselling novel with several 5-star reviews! Purchase today by clicking on the link at the end! Tell your friends by sharing this blog post!

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Have you ever had a feeling of déjà vu?

From Psychology Today: Déjà Vu” is a common intuitive experience that has happened to many of us. The expression is derived from the French, meaning “already seen.” When it occurs, it seems to spark our memory of a place we have already been, a person we have already seen, or an act we have already done.

Megan is happily married to Thomas. They have two adorable children. Life is wonderful. Then, suddenly, her kids play an impromptu game of Hide and Seek. Megan searches for them, frantically…where are they? She calls out to them, tells them to come out, this game is no longer funny. But, then, suddenly Megan awakens from a coma, in a hospital. Confused, she tells her parents and her best friend that she’s married with children.

Needless to say, they think she’s bonkers. How can she be married with children? The coma must have messed up her brain, right? But, when she gets a job at Thomas’s photography studio, she KNOWS this was the man to which she was married when she was in a coma.

But, he doesn’t know her. As they work together, chemistry builds between them. He’s amazed that she seems to know him so well. He feels so comfortable with Megan. Thomas feels more comfortable with Megan than with his girlfriend (who happens to be a professor at a university.).

This is one of the best Hallmark Movies and Mysteries movies that I’ve ever seen. My heart really tugged for Megan. I kept waiting for Thomas to somehow “remember” her. She knows all about him, right? After all, she’d been “married’ to him in an alternate universe while in a coma. She knows his hopes and dreams. She knows all about his parents. She knows his likes and dislikes.

The reason why my heart tugged fro Megan is because, she kept believing and searching for the truth. She didn’t let go of her “dream” of loving Thomas and having his kids. And she just KNEW so much about him.

If I had to change one thing in this movie it would be providing an answer – an answer as to WHAT exactly happened while she was in a coma. Like, was Jesus talking to her, via her dreams, letting her know about her future happily ever after? Did the Lord want Megan to be there for Thomas during a difficult time – when the death of a family member made him sad? Did God allow her dream about the future – then wake her up in the past – because she was needed to be at Thomas’s side during his time of grief?

Such a heart-warming, touching winter movie that is enjoyable for all! Highly recommended.

So, have you ever had a feeling of déjà vu?

This blog post was sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you like emotional movies like Timeless Love then you must read Loving Luke by Cecelia Dowdy. Loving Luke is about a reunion between Luke and Kim, two childhood sweethearts. It’s a Christmas novel full of love, regrets, and second chances. There’s also a bakery and plenty of delicious desserts wrapped within this amazing story. Can Luke and Kim find the courage to overcome their hang-ups and learn to love again? Loving Luke has been an Amazon bestselling novel with several 5-star reviews! Purchase today by clicking on the link at the end! Tell your friends by sharing this blog post!

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