Chance at Romance

Chance at Romance – Podcast

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Have you ever had an online romantic relationship?

Well, Samantha is about to start an online relationship with Heath, except, unbeknownst to Samantha, the relationship is really with Heath’s preteen son, Donny! This movie cracked me up! No, it’s not one of my favorites, but, I like it better than most of the Hallmark Movies that I’ve seen.

Hold on a second. Do you like clean, wholesome romance stories that remind you of a Hallmark movie? If so, you should read my novel Loving Luke. Loving Luke is every bit as good and sweet as a Hallmark Christmas movie! Now back to Chance at Romance…

Samantha, a barista at a coffee shop, is tired of these going-no-where dates. I chuckled when she was eating in the restaurant with her date – he was allergic to everything and it was obvious he had some MAJOR issues. Well, when she spots Heath, as well as Heath’s artwork, at a showing, she contacts Heath via his website. She has one of his prints and she’s always admired it.

But, instead of corresponding with Heath, she corresponds with Heath’s son (Donny) who is his website manager. Donny wants his dad to remarry and he thinks that Samantha is perfect – after all, she’s not Celeste. Donny can’t stand Celeste, his father’s art agent.

Donny sends Samantha a train ticket and makes arrangements for her to come to their house. She’s then stranded because of bad weather and a road closure.

I loved the interaction between Samantha (Sam) and Heath. The chemistry between them was strong. I also loved seeing Donny grow and learn to be a kid again. He’s meddlesome and worries about adult issues, but, Sam gently tells him that he should be hanging out with his friends instead of trying to set his dad up on a date.

Donny does reconnect with old friends as Sam’s pot pie business booms during her short visit to Heath’s and Donny’s town. Those pot pies looked AMAZING and Hallmark should share a recipe for Samantha’s Homemade Chicken Pot Pie!

My only pet-peeve about this movie was Heath….he was so…well…let’s just say he wasn’t very intelligent. Like, when he made the necklace with the porcupine needles for Sam, Celeste sees it and wants it. She gives some stupid reason for wanting the necklace and Heath gives it to her! What a dumb thing to do! He warns her not to wear it…does he not realize that Celeste does what she wants to do – the woman does not listen. Heath really needs a good dose of common sense.

Also, when Celeste picks him up from his house to go to London…well…he just goes with her. Another dumb move. I know she’s his agent but…hasn’t he ever heard of taking a separate flight? Celeste starts saying terrible things about Sam and Heath barely says anything about it. He tells Celeste not to talk like that…but, he was NOT very forceful about defending the woman he loves. I felt he should’ve made more of an effort to defend Samantha’s honor to Celeste. If he REALLY loved her, he would’ve gone the extra mile to prove his love….

Heath had no backbone, plain and simple. He was a weak hero – if he were stronger, then I believe this movie may have made my favorites list.

Back to Heath…his calling and calling Sam after he “kisses” Celeste? Why didn’t he just go to see her already? Yeah, I know he shows up on a white horse at the end, but, he should’ve gone after her right after he discovers that she knows about the kiss. He didn’t fight enough for Sam’s love and I don’t think he did much of ANYTHING to discourage Celeste’s advances!

So, have you ever been in an online romantic relationship? If so, what happened? Did you marry? Did you live happily ever after?


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2 thoughts on “Chance at Romance

  1. Pam Whorwell

    I met my husband through E-Harmony. We have now been married going on 12 years. He is aw
    esome and God has truly blessed us.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Wow, Pam, that sounds so AMAZING! So glad to hear how you met your hubby and that you’ve been married for close to 12 years! I hope you have a blessed Sunday!


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