Christmas At Pemberley Manor


Okay, can I tell you how much I LOVED this movie? Can I? What was your favorite scene? Have you ever attended a Christmas Festival? If you have, what was it like?


As usual, this discussion will contain spoilers since I’m assuming all have seen the movie already!

Event planner Elizabeth is assigned by her evil boss to arrange the Christmas Festival for the town. When there’s a mishap, the town is left without a venue to hold the event.


She pleads with William Darcy (the owner of Pemberley Manor) to have the town’s Christmas Festival at Pemberley. William is hesitant but eventually agrees to let her do it. Pemberley Manor will have one last Christmas before William sells it to to buyers who want to tear it down to build some condos! How sad is that? Can you imagine tearing down such a beautiful, magical place to build some condos? How awful!


William has fond childhood memories of Christmases at Pemberley Manor. Deep down, he does not want to sell it. He’s making a business decision, a decision with his head instead of his heart. Deep down, he’s loving and generous. He doesn’t always let others see just how kind he is – he appears gruff, just like Scrooge, but it’s just a disguise, if you know what I mean. Elizabeth sees his kind heart and when he tells her of the nice, nostalgic, childhood memories of his Christmases at Pemberley, she’s drawn to him, attracted to him.


I think William and Elizabeth made a fabulous couple. When the movie first started, I’d initially assumed that George, the mayor, would be Elizabeth’s love interest. When she’d mentioned that they’d dated, I’d just made the assumption that they’d be rekindling an old romance or something. Did you think that?


I thought it was so sweet when William’s assistant, Travis, spots Jane (George, the mayor’s assistant), for the first time. It was like love at first sight.


I felt that both Travis and William had something in common. Both of them needed to lighten up. I just wanted to give Travis a cup of eggnog and a few cookies and tell him to chill for awhile. Do you know what I mean?


I was so glad that William baked cookies with Elizabeth. A workaholic, he needs somebody like Elizabeth in his life.


I could not STAND Elizabeth’s boss! I wanted her gone, gone, gone! But, she did have one redeeming quality – near the end when Elizabeth pushed to set things back up for Christmas Eve, for the festival, her boss asked what she could do to help. Elizabeth then handed her the clipboard! I was SO GLAD when her boss asked that one simple question. It showed that she wasn’t totally so cruel and evil.


Sweet…to humor her niece, Elizabeth actually wrote a letter to Santa asking for him for her true love…


Imagine that! I’ll bet Christopher, the employee at Pemberley, who looks just like Santa, and who played Santa during the Festival, received that letter and made sure Elizabeth’s wish came true! What do you think?


I just wish they’d have shown George the mayor falling in love with someone. Wouldn’t you have liked to see George with a love interest? I think they should make a Christmas movie next year starring George. He deserves a nice loving woman in his life. I’d also love to see Travis and Jane get married. They make a great-looking couple and I’m sure their wedding would be lovely.


I loved it when Elizabeth sang Oh Holy Night! It sounded so pretty! I loved the snow and the scenery. Pemberley Manor was so beautiful decked out with all of the Christmas lights, greenery and gifts for the holidays! I just wanted to go visit the place and curl up with a mug of hot cocoa, a plate full of cookies, and some Christmas music. I’ll bet spending Christmas there would be magical, don’t you think?


So what was your favorite scene? Have you ever attended a Christmas Festival? If you have, what was it like? Do you have any favorite characters in this movie?


Oh, I noticed that this movie was loosely based on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. I’ve never read that book. (I know, since I’m a writer,  a romance writer at that, you’d think I’d read all the classics. I admit to reading several, just not all of them). Have you read Pride and Prejudice? If you have, did you see a few similarities between the book and the movie?


Come, share your thoughts with a comment. Answer one or all of my numerous questions! I’m just itching to start a discussion about Christmas At Pemberley Manor!




4 thoughts on “Christmas At Pemberley Manor

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Hi, Latoya! Thanks so much for commenting! Be on the lookout for more blog posts! Have a great day!

  1. Carole Jarvis

    So glad you posted about this, Cecelia! I am unashamedly a Hallmark movie addict, and I thought this was a great start to the season. Loved all the things you mentioned, and I’ve never read P&P either. I like the actor who played Mr. Darcy, so that was one of my favorite parts; thought he & Elizabeth had great chemistry. The other was that Hallmark didn’t shy away from mentioning Christ – from the carols that Elizabeth sang phrases from, to her singing “O Holy Night” at the festival.

    If nothing happens, I hope to watch all 30 something of these movies. I even got the Hallmark app to keep up with them. I highly recommend it.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Hi, Carole! So glad you stopped by and left a comment! I loved the Christmas Carols, too! I’ll need to keep that Hallmark app in mind! I should get it! Have a blessed weekend!


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