Christmas, Candy, and Christ

The Candy Beach Series

Mega apologies in advance. I realized I had a technical glitch with my website a few days ago. After I posted about The Candy Beach Series, I realized that my links weren’t functioning properly. So, I deleted my original Candy Beach Series post and am now re-posting.

It’s summer! So hard to believe! With Covid and everything going on in the world today, it’s so hard to sit back and relax and have a good time. I hope you can take some time during your summer and read a nice, emotional and delicious romance. I have summer titles as well as winter titles! Not only is it summer but it’s also Christmas in July!

Come and enjoy a hot or cool summer treat! My books are delicious and some of them are only 99 cents! My books have often been compared to Hallmark romance movies, so, if you like Hallmark movies, then you’ll enjoy my romance novels!

One of my Hallmark movie blog readers, also an old acquaintance, was confused about my Hallmark movie blog. She didn’t realize I blogged about movies, but, thought I blogged about Christian romance novels and the Bible.

I had to point out to her that I have two blogs. On my other blog I write book reviews about Christian fiction books, and I also blog about the Bible. Both my Hallmark Movie blog, and my Christian Fiction blog, don’t have a regular schedule. I blog when I feel like it.

For example, I’m working on a blog post for my other blog about The Bachelor TV Show – I’m comparing that TV show to the Old Testament. Don’t laugh. I’m NOT a huge fan of The Bachelor TV Show, but, made myself watch one season. I wanted to figure out the appeal. The show has been on for about two decades. When I watched it, I kept comparing it, mentally, to the Old Testament when men had multiple wives. My Biblical blog posts are unique and insightful. I will be sure to mention when my Bachelor TV Show blog post is completed.

I also blog about Jesus on my other blog. So, if you’re interested, come check out my Christian fiction blog, if you feel inclined.

Have an awesome weekend. Hallmark has been showing lots of Christmas in July movies! Which one is your favorite?

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