Father Christmas

***This is a movie discussion not a review. This blog post is written from the mind-set that blog readers have seen the movie – so it contains spoilers.

Can you imagine, searching for your father, for the very first time, as an adult?

The Father Christmas film series includes the following three movies:

Finding Father Christmas

Engaging Father Christmas

Marrying Father Christmas

Miranda’s mom was an actress. Her mom died when Miranda was only a child. Since her mother died during Christmas, Miranda, now an adult, hates Christmas. Her life changes when she’s contacted by an old friend of her mom’s – an elderly gentleman who works in theater. He’s found an old suitcase belonging to Miranda’s mom, and has gifted it to Miranda.

The suitcase contains clues – clues that might lead to Miranda’s dad. Her mom has never told her the identity of her father, so Miranda, who has no family, is anxious to find him.

You’ll love these movies set in a small Vermont town. As Miranda searches for her father, she discovers other family members – as well as love. Ian works at the inn where Miranda is staying and he helps her with her search.

These were charming Christmas mystery movies, and they showed just how tenuous family dynamics can be. These movies also showed that – before getting married – one needs to know the baggage/problems that your future mate may have. Miranda’s life is somewhat complicated since she has no family. Ian came from a different background – so he needs to understand why it’s so important for Miranda to cling to the new family members which suddenly appear in her life.

Not only does she find family related to her father, but, an elderly gentleman, claiming to be her deceased mom’s brother, also enters the picture. Ian is skeptical and Miranda struggles to accept her long-lost uncle. She doesn’t know if he’s really her mom’s brother, or, if he’s a media person, after her for a story. Her biological father was a famous actor, so, initially she’s unclear about her “uncle’s” motives.

These are charming Christmas movies. It’s best to watch all three of them, in order, to get the full scope of the story.

These movies were based upon the novels by Robin Jones Gunn:

Kissing Father Christmas (Father Christmas #3)

Finding Father Christmas & Engaging Father Christmas

Kissing Father Christmas

I highly encourage you to read these books and let me know how they compare to the movies.

So, have you ever searched for a lost relative? If so, were you able to find that person?

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