Do you like your job?
Both Grace and Ben are both grappling with the issues of their employment. Neither of them have regular office jobs, either. Both of them have occupations that are really neat! Grace is excited about the big Christmas event coming to her town. The local news will be there and Santa, a really great Santa, will be there too!
The news anchor person comes and visits Grace’s Christmas shop, getting some footage before the big event which will occur in a week. Grace inherited her Christmas shop from her parents, who are deceased. She celebrates Christmas every day of the year and she keeps her shop open because it makes people happy…but, what about Grace? Doesn’t she deserve to be happy?
Have you ever done something, long term, to make somebody else happy, sacrificing your own happiness?
When Santa takes a drastic fall, literally, the town is left without a Santa. But, Santa trains other Santas…that’s part of his business and he wants his son, Ben, to return to town – Ben would make the perfect Santa.

So…Grace makes the long-distance journey and is able to finagle Ben to return home. Ben is a writer (to which I can definitely relate)! He writes novels and he has no time to play Santa, but, Grace pleads with him. The town needs the publicity…can’t he return and be Santa?
I loved seeing Grace and Ben interact with each other. When they attempt to return to Ben’s town (so that Grace can get her car) they run into a snowstorm. I thought the snowstorm was SO FABRICATED! Yes, there was snow, but it was not like a blizzard or anything.
Grace and Ben stay with Grace’s friends overnight since they are stranded in the snowstorm. I could even see sunlight spilling through the windows amidst the “big snowstorm”!
I loved how Ben really had to struggle with his decision about being Santa in the parade. He felt he was not able to make all of the choices in his life – he wants to do what makes him happy and he encourages Grace to do the same.
I loved seeing Grace and Ben (Eric Winter was SO CUTE in this movie…perfect Santa and perfect boyfriend material, BTW) decorating the cookies during the Christmas stroll as well as going to the ugly Christmas sweater party.

BTW, do you have an ugly Christmas sweater?
Being an author myself, I simply LOVED THE ENDING! He wrote a children’s book and she did the illustrations! I loved seeing his endearing propsal – he called her the future Mrs. Claus in the dedication! How cute!
So, do you like your job? Have you ever done something daily and you only did it to please somebody else?