Hitched for the Holidays

What would you do if you had to find a date for Christmas – just to pacify your nosy family?

When Rob “promises” his dying grandmother that he’s engaged to a girl named Julie, she’s so ecstatic that she recuperates from her illness. Only problem is, Rob is not engaged to anybody. He only told his grandmother that “news” to make her feel better.

Meanwhile, “Julie” needs a date for the holidays to pacify her meddling mom. Rob and Julie agree to “date” during the holidays. Only problem is, their fake feelings become real, which causes a sticky situation.

I really liked this Hallmark Christmas movie. I liked it even more than the ones that Hallmark currently shows. The reason why I enjoyed this movie so much is the amount of realism in the story.

When they attend a Christmas party together, Rob gets intoxicated. Seldom do you see intoxication in a Hallmark movie.

As Rob and Julie get to know one another, Rob confides that his childhood was messed up. He tells of his mom leaving – she would disappear for days – and neither he, nor this siblings – would know where she’d go. She’d always return home, but, he was always fearful that she would leave, and not return one day. That’s tough for a kid to endure something like that, and seldom do I see such a realistic situation in a Hallmark movie.

Rob is Catholic and Julie is Jewish. This causes a lot of humorous disharmony in the movie. Hallmark has made other Jewish Christmas movies, including Love Lights and Hanukkah, Holiday Date, and Double Holiday.

I wondered how hard it is for two people from different religions to date and fall in love. I know it happens, but, for me, I tend to think that one, or both persons, must not be very religious in order for it to work.

The reason I say this is because I grew up in a home where my mom was Jehovah’s Witness and my dad was…well…he was Christian, but, not a JW! My mom became a JW after their marriage. This caused a lot of turmoil within the marriage…I mean, think about it. If one person is a devout Christian, and one is not, then, the Christian person, if they go by what most Christians believe, will be with a person who is doomed for Hell. At least, they will be if they do not accept Christ. Whenever I see people of two faiths to date and marry, I always remember my upbringing and wonder how the difference in religions work for couples whom do not share the same religions. Is it hard for them to live in harmony if their beliefs are not shared?

Hitched for the Holidays was a wonderful movie. It kept me entertained and I recommend this film as a nice holiday treat.

So, what would you do if you needed a date for Christmas? Would you go online to find a temporary holiday mate?

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