Have you ever visited an ice hotel?
When I posted about Winter Castle some folks on my Facebook Page were wondering where the movie was filmed. I’m not sure. Do you know where Winter Castle was filmed?
I also found some really cool stock photos for ice hotels so, thought I’d share them here! I see that the ice hotels are NOT in the United States. From what I can gather, the only ice hotel in North America is in Canada. It’s called Hotel de Glace and it’s in Quebec.

The hotel suite above is from a snow village in Finland. Isn’t it gorgeous? So pretty! I love looking at this. I can imagine all sorts of scenes happening in ice hotels. Hey, maybe I’ll use an ice hotel in my next Christmas novel! How does that sound?

This one’s pretty, but, I don’t know where it’s located!
There’s also a WONDERFUL LOOKING ice hotel in Sweden!
From the little bit of researching that I’ve done online, I’ve seen that these hotels are seasonal. You stay warm by sleeping in a warm sleeping bag. I’ve also seen some places have both warm and cold rooms. The cold/ice rooms are not available all year. From what I’ve seen, folks will usually stay in the ice room for only one night. The other nights they stay in a warm room.
I wondered about these ice hotel rooms. I wondered about taking a shower and going to the bathroom. I found my answers here. It appears that the shower, sauna and bathrooms are in a separate area.
I think these hotels are wonderful looking BUT, I’m not so sure I’d want to stay in one. I’m not one to appreciate the cold, at least not enough to stay in a room made of ice! I do get hot a lot in recent years (hot flashes), but, after a flash, I can get a bit cold.
Even with the thermal sleeping bags, I’m not so sure I’d want to stay in that room. I think I’d prefer staying in a warm room and just enjoy the ice sculptures/attractions during the day.
So have you ever visited an ice hotel? If you haven’t, would you consider visiting one in the future?

Awesome, when we lived in Minnesota they did ice castles each year unless it was too warm. Thank you for sharing
Hi, Linda! That sounds so pretty! I’ll bet a lot of tourists come and see those ice castles!
Hi Cecelia! Living in the Midwest, I enjoy the four season and winter, which has been very mild this year. While Even in the winter I may sleep with my window open, I prefer a warm bed and floor. While I might admire an ice castle, I do. Or want to sleep in one. In February our town has an Ice Festival and the carvings are beautiful. Happy New Year
Hi, Renate!
The last time I saw an ice carving in person was when I was on a cruise ship….decades ago! It was so pretty! I recall the workers creating the ice carving on deck at night! So pretty!!
Hi Cecelia, I would like to know where Winter Castle was filmed too! I am familiar with ice castles in Finland, Sweden and Iceland from watching the Travel channel’s episodes on them several years ago. I think it is amazing how creative they get and that the themes change.
I would be up for visiting one at least one night or a weekend. I am like you – I prefer warm weather too so I probably would want access to a warm room as well. However people who have stayed at ice hotels say that the thick blankets keep them warm. I suppose it might be kind of like the Igloo concept – warmer inside than outside!
Also really cool is the ice bar and drinks served in ice classes. Perfect for anyone who likes to have their drinks “on ice”!
Wow, thanks for commenting, Anonymous! I’ve never seen those episodes on the Travel channel. Maybe I’ll look into watching them. Yes, igloos are one of the first things that come to my mind when I see an ice castle! Yes, the ice bar looks amazing! I’d imagine it’d be fun to visit a place like that in the middle of the hot tropics! You’d breeze into that pretty cool ice bar to escape that blazing heat! LOL! BTW, this talk about ice, snow and cold is very timely! We’re expecting SNOW tomorrow! We don’t get a whole lot of snow in Maryland! Folks get both scared and excited when it snows in my area. If we get enough, the schools close, jobs close, etc.!