It’s Christmas, Eve

Have you ever worked in a school system? If so, what was your job?

Eve is an interim superintendent for a school system in her hometown. When she returns home, her mom and her friend are glad to see her. Eve has a bit of wanderlust in her system, meaning she loves to move around, travel, taking temporary jobs as employment. When you first see her mom talk to her about her moving around, you sense that Eve needs a nice stable place to stay. When she sees handsome Liam, her next door neighbor, you know that something will happen between them! After all, we’re watching a Hallmark movie!

Liam is a single father and he’s close to his daughter. It was so sweet and endearing to see Liam play music with his daughter, but, when he finds out that Eve is the interim superintendent, he gets worried. The interim super is usually around to do the firing, so when Eve announces that the music and arts programs may be cut from the budget…well…folks are simply not happy!

I LOVED seeing this town band together to save their music and arts program. Eve’s friend’s husband sets up a website where folks can donate and express interest for their cause – a cause to save the school system’s music and arts program. During the tree-lighting ceremony, the students hold a concert and when I heard the young man, one of Liam’s students, sing Silent Night…oh my! Loved it!

I also loved the duo with Eve and Liam’s daughter Abigail! Eve needs to settle down and when she gets that job offer in San Diego, well, I know she doesn’t want to go. She feels that she SHOULD go, but her heart is telling her to stay with Liam.

I also loved the storyline with Eve’s mom and stepdad. I really liked that he wrote a song especially for their anniversary and that both Eve and Liam helped him with his music skills.

Overall this was a sweet, entertaining movie. They even had coffee and cookies in this movie. I do love myself some coffee and cookies, don’t you?

It was also so sweet to see Liam finish Eve’s dad’s song for her as a Christmas gift. You know that’d make her want to stay in town even more. If a man does that for a woman, he’s smitten for sure. And that woman needs to pay attention to that man. Why? Because finding someone so sweet and endearing and so thoughtful is a rare treat that needs to be cherished. Kudos to Eve for staying in town!

So, have you ever worked for a school system? If so, what was your job? I’d also like to know if you’ve ever known of a town that bands together for a cause – just as Eve’s hometown did in the movie.

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