Just Add Romance

Have you ever participated in a competition?

Carly and Jason meet at a cooking class. Jason suddenly leaves the class, before he’s finished with it. Carly has no idea as to why Jason left – she’s a bit disappointed and wonders what happened…

Fast forward 3 years and both Carly and Jason are working as chefs in restaurants. Both of them want to own their own restaurant. But, it’s tough to just open up your own restaurant…know what I mean? You need start-up capital and such. Anyway, both of them see that they can enter this cooking competition – grand prize is your own restaurant!

So, both of them, as well as some other folks, are chosen for the competition! The competition takes place in a few cities and after each round, someone gets eliminated.

Carly has big shoes to fill – her dad is a renowned chef and she wants to be a chef on her own, without being compared to him. Her dad doesn’t approve of her competing, but, he does show up to support her anyway.

I thought that Jason was cute as could be! Oh, my, Luke Macfarlane is one of the cutest Hallmark actors!

I also loved Carly’s support system. Her next-door-neighbor/best friend and her best friend’s daughter were wonderful supporting characters for this film.

The competition. Reminded me of a Food Network Competition, the dialog, the description of the food, all of it.

Have any of you ever watched a Food Network Competition?

Overall this was a cute, sweet, movie, not one of my faves, but, enjoyable nonetheless!

So, have you ever competed in a competition?

4 thoughts on “Just Add Romance

  1. Denise

    I have never competed in a Food Network competition. Our local cupcake bakery won on Cupcake Wars.

    I did win a contest which put me in a special commercial on HGTV with Swiffer.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Wow, Denise, that’s awesome that your local cupcake bakery won on Cupcake Wars! Being on HGTV is wonderful, too!

        1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

          Denise, your cupcake bakery is in Harford County? Yes, I’m in that neck of the woods sometimes! What’s the name of it?


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