Love Of Course



Have you ever participated in a Harvest Festival? Did you enjoy it? Did you help to plan the festival?

Love of Course was a nice, sweet autumn movie about Noah and Amy. When widow Amy drops her daughter off for college, she never suspected that she’d be convinced to stay on for six weeks to help her friend plan a Harvest Festival. Noah is a college professor and in charge of the festival. Noah’s idea of a Harvest Festival differs from Amy’s! As they work together planning the festival they grow closer and as you can figure, they fall in love.

Hold on a second. Do you like to read wholesome romances that remind of you Hallmark movies? Hallmark movie viewers love The Bakery Romance Series and The Candy Beach Series. Download today! Tell your friends about my books!

There were several things about this movie that I enjoyed. I really connected with Noah. He had some wanderlust in his system in the past – meaning, he had a hard time staying in one place for a long time. He loved to travel and he attended several universities as a youth. When I was growing up we rarely traveled. We stayed put and only took maybe 2 or 3 road trips while I was growing up. When I graduated from college I started working for a travel agency. I worked there for ten years and one of the perks was FREE or GREATLY REDUCED travel! Since I’d never traveled much before, I went crazy and traveled all over the place. So I can really understand Noah’s wanderlust.

Australia. I’ve never been there, but have traveled to nearby New Zealand. Noah said he’d wanted to go to Sydney, but, I kinda sensed he felt lukewarm about relocating there – even before he fell for Amy. I think deep down he realized his wanderlust had come to an end and he was ready to settle down – just as his friend suggested. On a side note, I’ve been wanting to travel to Australia for awhile now, but, the cost and the time has hindered my travel plans! I’d need to take my hubby and son and that’s a lot of cash for the trip. Maybe we’ll visit one day, though.

Accounting. Amy is/was an accountant and I can totally relate to that profession. I’ve worked as an accountant or financial analyst since I graduated from college with my finance degree. Working with numbers has been a regular part of my life since I was first hired at the travel agency years ago. I no longer work at the agency, I have another job now (still accounting), but, I long for the day when I can leave my day job to pursue my desire of writing books full time. Do you know how hard it is to make a living as a writer? It’s not easy which is why I continue working!

Farming. I loved seeing Noah work with the land. I liked to see him showing Amy all about farming, growing seeds, planting. I also loved to see them work together planning the festival. I loved it when Amy came to rescue Noah when he was stuck in the corn maze. I’ve always been fascinated with farming – growing food for a living. I sometimes wish I had an apple tree in my backyard! Noah’s love for the land resonated with me and I admired that about him.

I thought the chemistry between the two of them was pretty good. It was sad to hear that Amy had lost her husband. She’s young and it was refreshing to see her fall in love again. I thought this was a nice, heartwarming movie.

Oh, forgot to mention – I really wanted to see Gabby Douglas do a few backflips! Oh well! Maybe if she stars in another Hallmark Movie she can show us some of her gymnastics!

So, have you ever participated in a Harvest Festival? If so, did you enjoy it? Did you help to plan for the festival?

Please share your comments about the movie and Harvest Festivals!

8 thoughts on “Love Of Course

  1. Gabby

    I enjoyed the movie, also! I loved the couple in this. I’ve never done a Harvest Festival, but this movie definitely inspired the “planner” in me to rock the Halloween potluck at work. Lol!

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Hi, Gabby! I’m so glad that you stopped by my blog and commented! My job had an autumn-themed chili cook-off last week! That chili sure was good and spicy! I’ve only been to one Harvest Festival and it was at my son’s elementary school. He attended a small Christian school and I had a great time at the festival!

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Hi, Lexi! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! No, I have not written any Hallmark movies (or books). I just like to watch them!

  2. Renate

    Hi Cecelia! I really enjoyed the Hallmark movie Love, Of Coirse. Living in an agricultural community I could relate. While I never planned a Harvest Festival, we definitely have many in our community. Corn maze, pumpkin carving, and more. Pumpkins are in abundance this year. Never been to Australia. Not sure I could do the flight. 15 hour flight to Japan was bad enough. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Cecelia Dowdy Post author

      Hi, Renate!

      Well, I’ve never been to Japan! Yes, going to Australia would be a long flight. I’ve been to New Zealand and to Tahiti and both of those flights were super long!

  3. Jamie Hancock

    I watch the movie on Hallmark this last weekend. It truly was my favorite of the season. I don’t normally read romance, but I am going to be checking out this story because of how great the movie was.


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