Mingle All The Way


Have you ever used a computer/online dating service?

I just loved, loved, loved this movie! Why? Well, so many things that happened in this film resonated with me! I met my husband via an online dating service, Match.com! Like Molly, I realized how hard it was to date as I got older. When I was in college I had TONS of dates, but, after college, my dating life just dwindled. The men just were not to be found and when I was well into my thirties, I gave Match.com a chance, and I was so glad I did!

Molly has created a very useful app, Mingle All The Way. Jeff, a stranger, whom she’s literally run into a few times uses her app, not knowing that Molly is the creator/owner. In order to get an investor, Molly has agreed to use the app herself, just to prove the success of her creation. When she “meets” Jeff at their appointed place (a coffee stand), she realizes that he’s the man who’s “stolen” her Christmas angel at a store and whose ornaments she’s “messed up” from their chance encounter.

Molly really needs to find a date for the holidays. Her mom is putting the pressure on her, asking her about her dating life. After all, Molly’s sister is recently engaged – when will Molly find her perfect mate?

Both Molly and Jeff have had a serious relationship in the past, but, I feel that both of them are over their former significant other.

Molly and Jeff agree to “date.” After all, Mingle All The Way is NOT about falling in love – it’s all about finding an escort for parties and company events, someone to bring with you so that folks can STOP asking why you’re not dating, and if you’re dating. By the way did/do folks ever continuously ask you if you’re dating somebody, or why you’re not dating anybody? I notice this is something that often happens in Hallmark Movies and romance novels, yet, I do wonder if it happens in real life? My parents never really seemed to care much about my dating life, or lack thereof, but, it’s possible that I’m an exception?

I thought it was sweet and endearing when Jeff and Molly REALLY developed feelings for one another. My favorite part was when Jeff told off Molly’s mom. (Actually Molly’s mom was played by Lindsay Wagner, she was The Bionic Woman back in the day. Her show was one of my favorites back in the seventies! She could listen and hear things far away with her bionic ear and she could run fast since she had one bionic leg! My husband’s blind and hard of hearing. Wouldn’t it be great if he could get bionic parts – but, I digress!)

When Jeff told Molly’s mom how wonderful Molly was – well, I just teared up. You could see the feelings developing between these two lovebirds, plain as day!

I hated Jeff’s louse of a co-worker. What a snake!

I loved so many things about this movie! I loved that Jeff could cook and Molly couldn’t cook! Actually, I used this as a premise in my novel, Sweet Dreams – but again, I digress. I mean, come one, how can you NOT like a man who can cook! I think it’s most women’s dream to have a man who can actually cook dinner every night! Isn’t that the most amazing thing?

I also loved the Christmas things going on…drinking coffee and hot chocolate, wrapping gifts (how can you possibly resist a man who can wrap a gift?), the Christmas parties, the celebrating. All of it was so good and festive. Makes me hungry for more Hallmark Movies. Can’t wait to see the other debut movies of the season!

Over all this was a sweet, endearing movie.

So, have you ever used a computer/online dating service? If so, what happened? Did you stay with your significant other? How long did you date?

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