Did you celebrate Halloween when you were a kid?
Poppy is confused…well, not really confused, but, she just seems a bit unfocused. At the beginning of the movie, she’s teaching a yoga class…she unexpectedly discovers that one of her elderly pupils does a better job of teaching yoga than she – so, she hands the class over to her pupil, making her the new teacher.
Poppy seems to not really know what she wants…almost as if she’s searching, trying to find herself. Her sister wants her to find somebody to date and get married (I notice this convention used in Hallmark Movies and romance novels quite a lot. The female lead has a mom, sister, or some other female relative or friend to hound her about dating somebody nice and getting married. Do you think female folks bother their friends about their non-dating status as much as they do in Hallmark Movies and romance novels?)
Poppy’s sister is able to find the “perfect” job for Poppy, as a nanny. Widower and workaholic Ryan needs a nanny for his kids. He hires Poppy. After one day with his irritating kids, she’s ready to quit, but, he convinces her to stay on. Of course you know what happens – they fall for each other, in spite of Ryan’s dating his attractive co-worker.
It took me a long time to warm up to this movie. I didn’t really like the first half. The second half was much better. I think it was just hard for me to like Ryan’s kids – I couldn’t stand them, actually. They were rude, irritating and just…not very nice. They had no manners, either. They were over-the-top nasty, irritating children and that’s why I almost changed the channel.
Once they became endeared to Poppy, things did get better for me (as far as my movie entertainment went).
I really liked all of the autumn and Halloween scenery. Seeing this film made me think about my younger days, when I was around the age of Ryan’s children. We didn’t celebrate Halloween (I was allowed to pass out candy, though). It never bothered me about not celebrating – dressing up never appealed to me. I guess I’d have liked to go out trick or treating just because my friends were doing it. I was more interested in celebrating Christmas instead of Halloween. We didn’t celebrate Christmas in our house either.
Have you ever known anyone who decorated his/her home for Halloween?
Poppy and the kids went all out on the Halloween decorations and costumes, didn’t they? It was a nice bonding tool between for her and Ryan’s kids.

So, did you celebrate Halloween as a child? If so, what did you do to celebrate? Did you enjoy it?