This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you enjoy movies such as One Winter Proposal then you should try Rocky Road Dreams by CECELIA DOWDY. Rocky Road Dreams is about a lawyer named Kyle Baxter. Kyle is on a month-long Christmas hiatus from his job. He rents a house on the Outer Banks for his extended vacation. Melanie Richards, his childhood friend, lives across the street. When they were kids, Melanie had a crush on Kyle’s identical twin brother Keith. Kyle never thought he stood a chance with Melanie since she was smitten with his brother. Keith is now married and both Kyle and Melanie are single.
Will Melanie give him a chance?
Kyle’s mom died when he was three and he barely remembers her. He’s determined to find out more about his mom. As Melanie and Kyle reconnect during the holiday season they take a long road trip during a snowstorm so that Kyle can find answers to his questions about his mother. The road trip is also something that Melanie must do so that she can save her business. See ceceliadowdy.com/books or click on the link at the end of this blog post to purchase Rocky Road Dreams. Rocky Road Dreams is available on Amazon.
Are you married? If so, how did your husband propose to you?
My favorite part of this movie was the proposal at the end. Those red flowers, that tux that Ben was wearing, Cara’s dress….so pretty, and it was a special treat that Ben was able to surprise Cara, wasn’t it?
Cara is a first-time-published novelist – a profession to which I can relate since my first book was released well over two decades ago!
Ben and Cara return to the ski resort where they met one year ago. They’ve been dating and Ben plans to propose to Cara. But, it’s hard to surprise her – Cara just knows things, if you know what I mean. When she finds a jewelry store receipt for the re-sizing of a ring, she gets excited and tells her pal Megan. They shriek with glee.
I was really glad to see Megan and Sean. Kudos to Hallmark for putting more African-American characters into their movies. Megan works hard, too hard. You know, sometimes, when you work hard for a career, it’s difficult to say no when you’re asked to do certain tasks. Megan and her assistant are sent to the ski resort to take pics to feature in the new travel section of the magazine where they work.
Megan’s and Sean’s romance, which started a year ago, kind of fizzled since they were both so busy and there were a lot of missed phone calls and email messages between them.
I was glad when they decided to give their relationship a chance and make time for one another. Weren’t you glad to see Megan and Sean take another chance on love? Hey, maybe Hallmark can feature another movie with Sean and Megan – in the next flick, Sean will propose to Megan! Wasn’t Sean’s teenage niece adorable?
Oh…the book….Megan is a novelist and Ben assumes that the book she’s written is about the two of them. This makes him leery about proposing to her since the characters in the book do not get married at the end. When I write books, I don’t usually write about people that I know personally…for the most part. I wrote a book partially based on my husband’s life, but, most of the material (the events) were fictionalized. The character was partially based on my husband’s unique experiences and his personality was used, too!
I noticed that Hallmark features writers in their movies quite often. I assume they do this because they also publish romance novels. Also, some of those romance novels are made into movies (and vice versa – they have the book written after the movie). It’s interesting seeing movies about writers since I can relate to the journey to publication.
I thought this was a light, sweet movie. Not one of my faves, but enjoyable. I loved the scenery. Snow, mountains, snowboarding….ahhh…so wonderful! What are your thoughts/feelings about One Winter Proposal?
So, are you married? If so, how did your husband propose to you?
This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you enjoy movies such as One Winter Proposal then you should try Rocky Road Dreams by CECELIA DOWDY. Rocky Road Dreams is about a lawyer named Kyle Baxter. Kyle is on a month-long Christmas hiatus from his job. He rents a house on the Outer Banks for his extended vacation. Melanie Richards, his childhood friend, lives across the street. When they were kids, Melanie had a crush on Kyle’s identical twin brother Keith. Kyle never thought he stood a chance with Melanie since she was smitten with his brother. Keith is now married and both Kyle and Melanie are single.
Will Melanie give him a chance?
Kyle’s mom died when he was three and he barely remembers her. He’s determined to find out more about his mom. As Melanie and Kyle reconnect during the holiday season they take a long road trip during a snowstorm so that Kyle can find answers to his questions about his mother. The road trip is also something that Melanie must do so that she can save her business. See ceceliadowdy.com/books or click on the link at the end of this blog post to purchase Rocky Road Dreams. Rocky Road Dreams is available on Amazon.
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