Pride, Prejudice and Mistletoe


Have you ever volunteered for a Christmas charity event?

When Darcy returns home for a much-needed Christmas vacation, she ends up assisting her mom with the Pemberley League Auction. She also finds herself working with Luke, her nemesis from high school. Luke is a chef, and he’s recently purchased his own restaurant – he just needs to come up with a name for his new establishment.

I loved reading about Luke and his cooking. In the romance novels that I write, I always mention food, cooking and desserts! I’ve had folks to tell me that reading my novels makes them hungry! I’m not kidding!

Luke and Darcy find that beneath their rivaling personalities, there’s a spark of interest – well, more than a spark, more like a roaring flame! They keep skipping kisses underneath the mistletoe (until the very end)!

They also have to work through issues – like Carl, Darcy’s old boyfriend who appears to be the perfect match for her. After all, he shares the same occupation, he works for her dad, too.

Luke and Darcy both have doubts about their relationship, after all, Darcy lives in New York, and that’s a far cry from her hometown. Plus, she’s a partner in her financial company – a partnership that’s very tenuous right now since the other partners are trying to stab her in the back! How awful!

I loved how everything came together at the end! The singing kids was a nice, added touch! I loved how everybody worked together for the Pemberley League Auction!

33602143This movie was based upon the book, Pride, Prejudice and Mistletoe by Melissa De La Cruz! Come show the author some Christmas cheer and buy her book! When you read it, please let me know how it compares to the movie!

Pride, Prejudice and Mistletoe is a re-telling of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. I’ve never read either of these books (Pride and Prejudice, nor Pride Prejudice and Mistletoe).

So, have you ever volunteered for a Christmas charity event? What kind of event was it? Did you enjoy working on it?

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