Tag Archives: 2008

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC. If you like movies such as The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, then you MUST READ The Bakery Romance Series by Cecelia Dowdy at ceceliadowdy.com/books. The Bakery Romance Series is a heartwarming Amazon bestselling romance series. The book link is also at the end of this blog post.

Have you ever taken a stranger into your home?

Single mother Jennifer has two visitors for Christmas – her Uncle Ralph (a retired police officer) and Morgan, a nomad that assisted her Uncle Ralph at the airport. Since Morgan’s flight to his final destination is cancelled because of a snowstorm, Ralph invites him to spend the night at Jennifer’s home.

Of course Jennifer his hesitant, but, agrees to let Morgan stay in her home. Morgan really connects with Jennifer’s son, Brian.

However, trouble brews when Jennifer’s stuck-up, snobby boyfriend (Richard) notices the new houseguest. Jennifer is having a really hard time this Christmas. She’s having Richard and his parents over for Christmas dinner, and she must cook the turkey herself.

But, Jennifer doesn’t know how to cook, at all! She has nightmares about cooking the Christmas turkey and one reason why she agrees to let Morgan stay in her home is because he’s a chef. Morgan makes great pancakes and he knows how to cook a turkey, too. Perhaps she can solicit his help!

I really loved how Morgan, a nomad and a total opposite to Jennifer, made Jennifer see how she was short-shifting Christmas. Jennifer is so busy that she barely looks at her Christmas cards. She has a fake tree and Morgan makes her see how a real tree with enlighten her home.

Morgan really connected with Brian, too. He actually gets on the roof to play Santa for Brian! That was so nice of him. He also karate-chopped a man so that Jennifer could get the bike that was rightfully hers (purchased for her son Brian).

The premise of Jennifer’s fear of cooking reminded me of my romance novel, Sweet Dreams. In my book, the heroine is fearful of cooking – but, she must work to overcome her fear as she works in a soup kitchen. She must learn to cook to make a better future for her daughter – and she struggles with that.

I thought Henry Winkler did an AWESOME job of playing Uncle Ralph! He was funny, realistic and oh, so, endearing. I loved his role of matchmaker between Jennifer and Morgan. Uncle Ralph COULD NOT STAND Richard and neither could I! It was quite obvious that Richard was not an ideal choice for Jennifer. They would’ve been miserable if they’d gotten married!

So, did you enjoy The Most Wonderful Time of the Year? What was your favorite part? Have you ever taken a stranger into your home?

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing, LLC. If you like movies such as The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, then you MUST READ The Bakery Romance Series by Cecelia Dowdy at ceceliadowdy.com/books. The Bakery Romance Series is a heartwarming Amazon bestselling romance series. The book link is also at the end of this blog post.


