Tag Archives: 2017

Christmas Next Door


This blog post was sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you like warm, emotional movies like Christmas Next Door then you must read Loving Luke by Cecelia Dowdy. Loving Luke is about a reunion between Luke and Kim, two childhood sweethearts. It’s a Christmas novel full of love, regrets, and second chances. There’s also a bakery and plenty of delicious desserts wrapped within this amazing story. Can Luke and Kim find the courage to overcome their hang-ups and learn to love again? Loving Luke has been an Amazon bestselling novel with several 5-star reviews! Purchase today by clicking on the link at the end! Tell your friends by sharing this blog post!

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Have you ever had trouble completing a project?

Writers’ block. I could so relate to that. In Christmas Next Door famous writer Eric Redford (played by Jesse Metcalfe, and, as usual, he’s as cute as ever!) is struggling with his next book proposal. He’s an author of bachelor-style books and amidst his writing struggle, he receives an unexpected phone call from his mom. She’s “sick”. She can’t take care of his niece and nephew during Christmas so Eric has to step in and take the youngsters over the holidays.

Eric’s life is so carefree. He’s dating a pretty lady and he’s free to hang out with his buddies. However, Eric needs to get to know himself better and you get the sense that his mom is trying to help him. I think she knows her son is unsettled and she realizes he needs some changes in his life – so she orchestrates the visit with his niece and nephew.

Eric is struggling to take care of the two youngsters, so, he solicits help from April, his attractive violin-playing neighbor. April is used to teaching music to kids and she’s getting ready for a big audition. She gets along with Eric’s niece and nephew and slowly shows Eric that Christmas is not so bad.

However, April is leery of Eric. She’s employed as a violinist at a fancy restaurant and runs into her handsome playboy neighbor. She’s offended by his comments, but, deep down, she knows she’s attracted to him. But, Eric has a girlfriend and he supposedly loves his bachelor lifestyle. He’s obviously not a good match for her….or is he?

I enjoyed hearing April play the violin. I did some research online and discovered that the actress who plays April does not really play the violin. The violin-playing was staged, but, it was still, oh-so lovely.

I thought it was cute when Eric kept finding Christmas decorations in his yard! He mistakenly suspects April is the culprit – secretly leaving decorations in his yard at night. It was sweet when his niece and nephew trick him into purchasing a huge Christmas tree. Eric is a Scrooge when it comes to Christmas, but, his niece and nephew, as well as April, show him that the holiday can be oh-so enjoyable! That turkey he made near the end looked delicious!

What I liked most about this movie is that Eric finds out that bachelorhood is not all it’s cracked up to be. He finally finds the “cure” for his writers’ block – he writes a different kind of story, a story that’s the total opposite of what he’s written in the past.

As stated earlier, I could relate to Eric’s writers’ block. I’ve suffered from that occasionally in the past and it is NOT fun! I could also relate to Eric meeting with his agent. I’ve worked with a literary agent in the past and the process can sometimes involve a meeting of three minds: author – agent – publisher; working together to create a wonderful project that the readership should enjoy!

So, have you ever suffered from writers’ block – or something similar – in the past? What did you do about it?

This blog post was sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you like warm, emotional movies like Christmas Next Door then you must read Loving Luke by Cecelia Dowdy. Loving Luke is about a reunion between Luke and Kim, two childhood sweethearts. It’s a Christmas novel full of love, regrets, and second chances. There’s also a bakery and plenty of delicious desserts wrapped within this amazing story. Can Luke and Kim find the courage to overcome their hang-ups and learn to love again? Loving Luke has been an Amazon bestselling novel with several 5-star reviews! Purchase today by clicking on the link at the end! Tell your friends by sharing this blog post!

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Purchase Loving Luke – a sweet Christmas romance that you will enjoy!

Finding Santa

Do you like your job?

Both Grace and Ben are both grappling with the issues of their employment. Neither of them have regular office jobs, either. Both of them have occupations that are really neat! Grace is excited about the big Christmas event coming to her town. The local news will be there and Santa, a really great Santa, will be there too!

The news anchor person comes and visits Grace’s Christmas shop, getting some footage before the big event which will occur in a week. Grace inherited her Christmas shop from her parents, who are deceased. She celebrates Christmas every day of the year and she keeps her shop open because it makes people happy…but, what about Grace? Doesn’t she deserve to be happy?

Have you ever done something, long term, to make somebody else happy, sacrificing your own happiness?

When Santa takes a drastic fall, literally, the town is left without a Santa. But, Santa trains other Santas…that’s part of his business and he wants his son, Ben, to return to town – Ben would make the perfect Santa.

So…Grace makes the long-distance journey and is able to finagle Ben to return home. Ben is a writer (to which I can definitely relate)! He writes novels and he has no time to play Santa, but, Grace pleads with him. The town needs the publicity…can’t he return and be Santa?

I loved seeing Grace and Ben interact with each other. When they attempt to return to Ben’s town (so that Grace can get her car) they run into a snowstorm. I thought the snowstorm was SO FABRICATED! Yes, there was snow, but it was not like a blizzard or anything.

Grace and Ben stay with Grace’s friends overnight since they are stranded in the snowstorm. I could even see sunlight spilling through the windows amidst the “big snowstorm”!

I loved how Ben really had to struggle with his decision about being Santa in the parade. He felt he was not able to make all of the choices in his life – he wants to do what makes him happy and he encourages Grace to do the same.

I loved seeing Grace and Ben (Eric Winter was SO CUTE in this movie…perfect Santa and perfect boyfriend material, BTW) decorating the cookies during the Christmas stroll as well as going to the ugly Christmas sweater party.

BTW, do you have an ugly Christmas sweater?

Being an author myself, I simply LOVED THE ENDING! He wrote a children’s book and she did the illustrations! I loved seeing his endearing propsal – he called her the future Mrs. Claus in the dedication! How cute!

So, do you like your job? Have you ever done something daily and you only did it to please somebody else?


The Perfect Bride


Have you ever stressed about having the PERFECT wedding?

When Molly (a wedding boot camp instructor) meets Nick (a wedding photographer) she’s instantly, deeply, attracted to him. But, unbeknownst to Molly, Nick is engaged! The cute banter they exchanged was only small talk on Nick’s part.

I really enjoyed this movie. It’s one of my Hallmark favorites. I’ve watched it over and over again and I never grow tired of seeing it!

Did you think any part of the movie was unrealistic?

Janna, Nick’s fiancée, is determined to have the perfect wedding. She’s jealous of her sister Karen. Her sister Karen’s wedding was perfect, and Janna wants folks to remember her wedding as being perfect. Yes, I can see someone being jealous of a sibling – so jealous that they do unscrupulous things to be perfect.

I thought it was unrealistic that Janna actually had a store mannequin in her house. Using devious ways, she “buys” Lisa’s (Molly’s sister) wedding dress and prominently displays it in her living room on the mannequin! That girl is crazy!

Janna reminds me a of Raven, a character in my novel, Raspberry Kisses. In Raspberry Kisses, Raven is desperate to get married. She actually buys a wedding dress and hoards it in her closet, hoping to find the perfect groom. She’s desperate to get married, but, she’s got other problems that she needs to address before she can even consider marriage.

I thought it was totally realistic that Molly fell for Nick when she first meets him at the wedding. From her perspective, I could understand why she thought he was flirting with her, especially when he said they should get together to swap wedding bride clients. I think Nick kind of liked Molly, too, initially, but, could not admit those feelings to himself since he was engaged to Janna.

Before this movie, had you ever heard of a bridal boot camp?

I’d never heard of it before I saw this movie. I Googled it and found that it really does exist! Molly was hurting from her broken engagement. She’d already purchased a wedding dress and everything, but, came to the conclusion that her and her potential groom were not ready to get married. So, she’d gorged on cookies, candies, sweets, etc. and she worked out to get rid of the extra weight she’d gained. Her experience compelled her to start her bridal boot camp.

I’m not sure if I could survive bridal boot camp! Besides, I love cookies!

I could really relate to Nick being a photographer. No, I’m not a photographer, but, I’m a writer. Being a writer is hard work and it’s difficult to make enough money to pay your bills by writing. Nick had a similar problem with his photography – which was why he started doing wedding pics – he needed the money to pay his bills!

One of a kind wedding dress shop?

Had you ever heard of that before this movie? I hadn’t! I Googled and found that such shops really do exist! One shop even touted that you don’t have to pay a high price for a one-of-a-kind dress! I also found some one-of-a-kind dresses that were over twenty thousand dollars!

I purchased my wedding dress, almost fifteen years ago, from a bridal boutique in Virginia. The boutique (Hannelore’s) has now closed! They had some amazing dresses there and I chose my dress from a bridal magazine. This is me – in my wedding dress!!

I was so glad that Janna and Nick broke up! It was no surprise since this is a Hallmark movie and it’s obvious that Nick was in the picture as Molly’s love interest!

So, tell me, have you ever been like Janna and stressed about having the perfect wedding?


The Birthday Wish


Youtube video – my movie review for the Hallmark movie The Birthday Wish! Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie!

Have you ever made a special wish for your birthday?

Oh my! This movie is definitely one of my favorites!

When Gwen makes a special birthday wish, her life gets pretty interesting! Gwen wants to be married by her 30th birthday. After a secret birthday wish, she discovers that she has vision problems. She visits the optometrist and the strange doctor provides a glimpse into her future – her future with her work mate Dave!

Both Dave and Gwen work together as commercial directors. I loved seeing them on the set! So interesting seeing them in that work environment! They grow close working together on the set. But Gwen can’t let her feelings grow for Dave because, she’s seriously dating Alex, the weatherman!

Didn’t you think that Dave was cute?

I did! He was so nice and SO PERFECT for Gwen! Alex was just a wet blanket. Gwen initially felt that Alex was the right guy for her and she really was expecting Alex to propose.

I really would’ve liked to have known more about the supernatural element to this movie. Like, what made Gwen able to see into the future? What kind of mystical powers were bestowed onto the optometrist?

I could really relate to Dave’s fear of eating street food. A street food vendor used to come to my day job for lunch. I’d purchase food from him. I got sick once. Really sick. I don’t think all of those street vendors are sanitary, although, most of them are. I don’t fear eating from them, but, can understand why others would be leery.

I thought it was sweet that Dave helped Gwen to get over her fear of dogs. Those pups were SO ADORABLE, weren’t they?

I also loved how Dave really adored Gwen, truly adored her. I loved seeing those glimpses into the future.

Wasn’t it great when they were playing that trivia game at the restaurant/bar? Gwen whooped when she got some correct answers. Dave gives her the most tender look and then he says, “I’ve never seen you look so relaxed. Can I get you another drink?”

Oh, my heart melted when I saw that! Truly emotional. Gwen was always a bit off-base and edgy when she was around him. She was just confused, trying to figure out these things she saw in the future. When she saw her future unfold whenever she saw Dave, she just didn’t know how to handle it!

Needless to say, I simply COULD NOT STAND Alex! He was the most narcissistic weatherman! Oh! He didn’t deserve Gwen…and that proposal??? Pathetic, simply pathetic!

So, have you ever made a special birthday wish? If so, did it come true?



The Perfect Christmas Present

Have you ever struggled with finding the perfect Christmas gift for someone?

Well, Paul struggles with finding a gift for his girlfriend, Jenny. Jenny has relocated to Chicago to be with Paul. But, there’s a distance between them – not a physical distance but an emotional distance.

Jenny is originally from Chicago, so, being back at “home” gives her bittersweet, mixed, emotional feelings. She lost her dad when she was young and she recalls the fun times they shared in Chicago.

Since Paul wants to emotionally re-connect with Jenny, he hires his old fraternity brother, Tom. Tom is “Mr. Christmas.” He has a business where he can find the perfect Christmas gift for your loved one. The only catch is, Tom has to get to know the person for whom you’re buying the gift. So, Tom has to spend time with Jenny.

As Tom spends time with Jenny, planning a charity event – finding out her likes, dislikes, personal hangups, etc., he falls in love with her. When Jenny discovers Tom’s true identity as Mr. Christmas, well, things turn sour between Tom and Jenny and between Jenny and Paul.

I REALLY liked this Hallmark M&M Christmas movie! It was fantastic. It was a Hallmark movie, but, a bit more. Meaning, I could actually imagine this movie on the big screen, actually in a movie theater. The movie had a bit more emotional edge to it than most other HM movies. I loved the chemistry between Tom and Jenny and the conflict was amazing.

I also noticed as Tom was getting to know Jenny, he’d read one of her favorite books: The Giver by Lois Lowry. I read this book awhile ago and I loved it! It’s a dystopian story and I felt it was a bit deep for a children’s book. I thought it was so good and I liked that this was one of Jenny’s favorite books. Why? Not sure. Maybe I liked this aspect of the movie because it showed that Jenny was a deep thinker? I just liked how the camera panned onto this book a couple of times during the movie!

I especially loved how Tom showed how much he’d fallen for Jenny. The end, where he gets the album she’s been seeking, her dad’s recording, well…that was just over-the-top sweet, nice and oh so refreshing! Loved it!

So have you ever struggled with finding the perfect gift for your boyfriend/significant other? What did you do? Would you consider hiring someone like Mr. Christmas?


Magical Christmas Ornaments

Have you ever dreaded Christmas?

Well, Marie dreads it a lot! Four years ago, she mistakenly thought her boyfriend was going to propose to her.

Instead, he breaks up with her.

Now, whenever Christmas is near, she is NOT EXCITED about the holiday. All she seems to do is remember that fateful day.

But Marie’s world changes when her parents start sending her mystical Christmas ornaments. Every time she receives an ornament, it turns out that that particular ornament is somehow meaningful in her life. For example, she meets her next door neighbor, Nate. She’s attracted to the male nurse and when she receives an ice skating ornament, Nate takes her ice skating (Nate is not aware of her ornament). Also, after she receives a pancake ornament, Nate takes her out for Christmas pancakes. The pattern continues throughout the story and at one time, she mis-reads the meaning of a lighthouse ornament.

Marie likes her job. She wants to move up in the publishing industry and be in charge of her employer’s fiction line. However, her Christmas dread gets worse when her ex is assigned to work with her on a piece of fiction. She’s upset to discover that he’s writing a story about their former love life.

I could really relate to Marie’s life working in the publishing industry. Although I’ve never been an editor for a large publishing house, I’ve written for them. So I could relate from the other side of the table. I used to attend romance writers’ conferences each year just to pitch my books to editors. It was a blast and meeting those editors, plus lots of hard work and dedication, led to my first contracts with large publishing companies!

I thought that Nate was a great, sweet, understanding guy. He’s great with kids at the hospital where he works. In spite of Marie’s negative feelings about Christmas, she manages to spread Christmas cheer at the hospital where Nate works. She’s also great with the kids.

I liked this movie but felt that Marie’s stance against Christmas was a bit harsh. Her boyfriend broke up with her during the holiday season four years ago – four years ago – four years ago! Yes, I’m repeating myself because I felt she should’ve been over her ex and moved on. Four years is long enough to heal from a breakup (unless there are huge extenuating circumstances and I didn’t see any of those in the movie). If I’d written the script, I’d have had her breakup to happen last Christmas, one year ago. That way, her pain would’ve been more raw and fresh and her apprehensions and fears toward Nate would’ve been more plausible.

I loved how the ornaments were like a road map to great things happening in Marie’s life. I wish I could’ve known if the magic from these ornaments was coincidental or if the Lord himself had sprinkled some magic onto those Christmas decorations.

I really enjoyed this Hallmark movie and I think you will, too.

So, have you ever dreaded Christmas? If so, what did you do to cheer yourself up?

The Christmas Cure

Have you ever reconnected with an old boyfriend/love interest?

When Vanessa returns home for Christmas, she’s in for a big surprise. The first surprise occurs when she lands at the airport. The person picking her up is Mitch, her old boyfriend. She’s stunned to see him since she was expecting her dad to pick her up. The meeting between them is awkward since it’s obvious that they’ve not seen each other in years. To me, there appeared to be unresolved feelings between them – this was apparent (at least it was apparent to me) when they first reconnect at the airport.

Wait a second…do you like sweet emotional romance novels? Try one of my bestselling books! You will love them! Now, back to the movie….

Vanessa is stunned to discover that her father is closing the beloved clinic. Well, her dad is getting older and he wants to travel with his wife. The town’s people really depend on his support.

I couldn’t believe that Mitch waited ten years to give Vanessa a gift! Can you imagine waiting for ten years to give somebody a Christmas present? He’d bought it for her initially, but, never had the right opportunity to present it to her. This is just another example of the unresolved feelings between the two of them. Although Mitch has been engaged, well…it’s obvious that he’s never forgotten about Vanessa. After all, they’ve been friends since they were kids – Vanessa made him feel welcome. Mitch was a shy child and he needed help connecting with other kids and Vanessa was right there to help him. They’d developed a deep bond as children and, from what I could gather, that bond was always there, way into adulthood.

But, as luck would have it, they broke up when Vanessa went to college – the long-distance relationship just didn’t work for them.

I really liked how this couple re-connected, even though they’d not seen one another in years. I also liked the side story about Vanessa’s brother falling for the girl from his class. It was sweet when he tried to make her cookies – he really wanted to impress her since he felt bad about spoiling the surprise ending for a book she was reading.

It was nice seeing actor Patrick Duffy. I recall seeing him acting when I was kid/teenager. He was in Man From Atlantis as well as the famous series, Dallas. It’s always nice to re-connect with actors that I’ve “known” from a long time ago.

Have you ever reconnected with an old boyfriend/love interest? What happened? Were you able to make your romance work the second time around?