Tag Archives: 2018

The Beach House

Have you ever been estranged from your parent(s)? What did you do about it?

This is a review of the book, The Beach House by Mary Alice Monroe. The Hallmark Channel Movies and Mysteries Channel (Hall of Fame) featured The Beach House as a movie which was based on the book. I’ve seen the movie, but, it was a long time ago. I recently read the book, and loved it! So, when I can, I will compare the book to the movie based on memory.

Disclaimer – SPOILER ALERT! If you’re a book reader then just letting you know I’m going to give spoilers in my review. This book review is in the same format as my Hallmark Movie reviews. I’m talking freely about the book as if folks have already read it and have seen the HM Movie!

When Caretta/Cara gets fired from her job, she returns to the beach house where her mom currently lives. She’s estranged from her mother and since she’s upset about being unemployed, she decides to seek rest and relaxation at the beach house. The beach house is where Caretta fondly spent many of her childhood summers.

Cara’s mom, Olivia (Lovie) is dying from cancer. Looks like she only has one more summer to live. She has a companion, Toy, a pregnant, homeless teenaged girl. Toy is wrestling with emotional drama of her own – she’s still in love with her baby’s father – a loser named Darryl.

Cara and her mom work through their issues during this bittersweet summer. Cara learns about herself. She becomes acquainted with Brett, a boy from high school, who has always been fancied with her. Brett is too good to be true as he cares for Caretta and her mom. He’s a wildlife expert who runs a tour boat on the beach.

Brett knows SO MUCH about wildlife and he can cook, too! He catches fresh seafood from the ocean and grills it over an open fire. Delicious. The attraction between Cara and Brett is strong. Cara doesn’t know what to do with such strong emotions . Cara wants to be in control of everything – she’s out of her element here at the beach house since she’s no longer part of corporate America.

This was such a strong, emotional story. It’s a book about fixing family relationships – relationships that have been broken for a long time. Not only is Cara estranged from her mom, she’s also estranged from her brother and her deceased father.

Lovie had deep faith in God. She goes to church regularly and reads her Bible. This was a gentle book and although it is secular, I could see this book easily being re-written as an inspirational. I say this because I write inspirationals and I’ve read countless inspirational novels. Lovie even recites the following scripture not long before her death:

This family had so many things wrong, so many problems. Lovie finds solace living her beach house – which she refuses to leave now that she’s ill. She wants to spend her last days at the beach house and she wants to nurture her turtles.

I loved the turtles! I learned so much about loggerheads and about how they lay eggs on the beach. Lovie is mesmerized by these creatures and she even moves turtle nests when they are in danger. She’s part of a group of ladies called The Turtle Team. The Turtle Team scour the beach each morning for nests. The nests are tracked and monitored. I loved reading about the turtles hatching from their eggs.

I recommend The Beach House to all who enjoy strong emotional stories. Show Mary Alice Monroe some love and purchase this wonderful story! I guarantee you will love it! You should also watch the Hallmark Movie, too! Most of the elements that I’ve mentioned in this blog post were covered in the Hallmark Movie. I recall that this movie was more serious than most Hallmark Movies.


So have you ever been estranged from your parent(s)? If so, what did you do to rectify it?


Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane

Have you ever had to sell your parent(s) home? Was it hard to let go?

Emma returns to her childhood home to spend one last Christmas with her siblings. They plan to sell the home after Christmas. It’s especially hard for Emma to be home since her parents’ recent passing. The movie shows Emma reminiscing about Christmases in the past – spent with her mom.

I was surprised to see the letters hidden in the secret compartment of her mom’s desk. I was also surprised as to why her mom had been saving those old letters. Since her mom ended up marrying somebody other else – Emma’s dad – who is NOT the author of the letters – I was a bit floored as to why she kept them.

The man who wrote the letters stays in town after Emma’s mom had broken the engagement. Her mom wanted to marry someone else. However, the author of the letters stays in town and marries another woman in town – which is revealed near the end. I found the explanation of Emma’s mom saving the letters to be implausible.

I enjoyed the chemistry between Emma and Morgan. Morgan is hired to go through the house and appraise its’ valuables, including the desk with the secret compartment. Morgan also assists Emma with the mystery of finding the identity of the man who wrote the letters to Emma’s mom.

Of course, it’s a Hallmark movie and you must always have conflict! Emma is a lawyer and she’s recently broken up with her ex-boyfriend. However, he shows up at her family’s home at Christmas – determined to win her back and proposes to her!

Wasn’t it comical when the engagement ring got stuck on her finger?

Her ex had some nerve, especially since he forced the ring onto her finger when Emma didn’t even say yes!

Morgan seemed like a kind and patient man. He was a nice reprieve from Emma’s awful ex-boyfriend.

Didn’t it get on your nerves when her ex-boyfriend made gluten-free pancakes and then wrongly states that gluten-free pancakes are Emma’s favorite? I felt like he was FORCING his likes/dislikes onto poor Emma! No wonder she broke up with him.

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Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane is based upon the book by Mary McDonough! Come show Mary McDonough some love and purchase her book! After you read it, let me know how you like it! I’d also like to know how the book compares to the movie!

So, have you ever had to sell your parent(s) home? Was it hard to let go?


Home by Spring


Are you ready for spring?

I’d noticed that Hallmark has been showing Home By Spring recently. They’re gearing up for the spring season! Doesn’t that sound like fun? Almost one year ago, I was a guest on The Bubbly Sesh. We had a great discussion about the movie, Home By Spring.

Come listen to the podcast to learn my opinion about Home By Spring. It was a giggly, fun, and lively discussion! They even let me plug my Christmas novella, Loving Luke – which is now available as a paperback!

Very, Very Valentine


Can a man an a woman be best friends without being romantically involved?

Well, that’s the problem that pretty flower shop owner Helen faces in Very, Very Valentine! This Hallmark Movie is one of my absolute favorites! I’ve watched it so many times that even my son has commented about my VVV movie-watching craze!

When Helen goes to a formal masquerade with her best friend, Henry, she’s in for a surprising treat. She meets a handsome masked man, whom she initially mistakes for Henry. They have a conversation and she’s stunned once her and the mysterious stranger are separated for the evening.

Helen is then obsessed with finding the mysterious stranger. Henry and one of her flower shop employees, Beth, jump in to help her. Henry saves the day by finding the masked man. The mysterious stranger turns out to be Charles Bronson. Helen and Charles date and Helen believes that Charles is the right man for her. She’s mistakenly basing her feelings on their mysterious meeting at the masquerade, as well as their enjoyable conversation at an art gallery.

But Charles has no idea how to woo Helen! Henry has to coach Charles, letting him know about Helen’s taste in books, Valentine’s Day expectations, etc.

But…deep down Henry wants Helen to be more than just a friend.

This was my favorite part of the movie. This scene occurs after Henry arrives at the flower shop to take Helen out to lunch. Helen’s Aunt Carol informs Henry that Helen is out to lunch with Charles. It’s subtly obvious that this news hurts Henry – Helen obviously forgot about their lunch date since she had a date with Charles! Henry goes to lunch alone and Beth spots him when she enters the restaurant. Beth is subtly interested in Henry, so she finagles a seat with him. Here’s the scene, verbatim:

Beth: “Henry?”

Henry: “Oh, hey Beth, how are you?”

Beth: “Oh, good.”

Henry: “Good.”

Beth: “Things were so crazy at the flower shop I needed a pick me up to make it through the rest of the day.”

Henry: “I guess you did.”

Beth: “Mind if I join you?”

Henry: “Ah, yeah, sure. Please.”

Beth: “Great.”

Beth: “What ‘cha reading?”

Henry: “Oh, um. Just something I picked up at the bookstore across the street. I was supposed to have lunch with Helen but things changed so…”

Beth: “You two have been friends for a long time, huh?”

Henry: “Since college and then we reconnected when we moved back to New York.”

Beth: “She told me about that. Great story.”

Henry: “Right, although I’m not sure it can top mistaken identities at a masquerade ball.”

Beth: “Mistaken bouquets…”

Henry: “I like that.” <laughing> “Yeah, I guess so.”

Helen sees them, and you get a peek at her feelings for Henry (which I seriously believe she was going to confess earlier in the movie, right before Henry had revealed that he’d found Charles!). I also believe that Henry was going to reveal his true feelings for Helen when he’d initially asked her to the masquerade ball. Helen meeting Charles at the ball just messed things up for Henry. If Charles had not become acquainted with Helen then I seriously think that Henry would’ve asked Helen if they could be more than friends….

Anyway, when Helen sees Henry having lunch with Beth, she doesn’t have the courage to watch her them having lunch together. She loses her appetite and tells Charles they should go out for a walk instead! Chicken, Helen…just plain chicken to tell Henry about your true, budding feelings!

(As an aside, I doubt I’d have skipped lunch altogether. I don’t know about you, but, I can’t skip meals. Helen told Charles she wasn’t hungry and that they should go for a walk instead? Really? Charles seems like a man who’d have an appetite or something? Wasn’t he hungry? Seemed like they would’ve gotten a hot dog or something While they walked?)

So, after Helen and Charles leave, the scene continues:

Henry: “I don’t know if I believe in fate but at that moment, I was close…cause I’d just moved back to the city to make a fresh start. It was a bit of a tricky time. I was just finished a divorce, some things had been chaotic and as soon as I signed on with the Botanical Gardens I’d immediately regretted it and I was sitting in my office wondering if my entire life was a colossal mistake and then, in walks Helen with this silly bouquet and I just knew right then and right there that I’d made the right choice.”

Beth: “Oh my gosh.”

Henry: “What?”

Beth: “I can’t believe I didn’t notice.”

Henry: “Notice what?”

Beth: “You’re in love with Helen.”

Henry: “That’s…I’m not….” He hangs his head down.

Beth: “For how long?”

Henry: “Awhile.”

Beth: “Not since the flower mix-up?”

Henry: “Well..”

Her mouth hangs open. “And you never said anything?’

Henry: “The timing just was never quite right. When we reconnected she was in a relationship and by the time they broke up I had a girlfriend and we were never quite in sync.”

Beth: “You’re both single now. You finally had your window. Why tell her about Charles?”

Henry: “Because it made her happy.”

All I can say is…whoa…that scene…all of those emotions in that scene. You see how much Henry really loves Helen and how he’s sacrificed telling her his true feelings by finding Charles…just to make her happy? Such a gush-worthy moment! Man, if Helen doesn’t want Henry then I’ll take him for myself…pilot’s license and all… LOL!

And as another aside, Beth offers Henry a cookie…she says he needs it more than she does, based off his recent confession….

Well…a cookie sounds great, but, I wondered why Henry and Beth weren’t eating lunch instead of cookies? They seemed to have skipped a meal – just like Helen and Henry! Yeah, I’m rambling, but, just trying to be realistic!

My mom always told me that when a man and a woman are good friends, it’s not as it always appears. “One of them really (romantically) likes the other one, that’s why they’re such good friends.” <The word romantically was added by me to emphasize my mom’s point.>

Henry and Helen were such good friends…and Henry was in love with her…what do you think?

Can a man and a woman be best friends without having any romantic feelings toward each other?

I’m not talking about being casual friends or acquaintances, or co-working together – I’m talking about good, solid friendship where you see one another regularly and are involved in each other’s lives. Can such a bond exist between a man and a woman without involving romance?


Time For Me To Come Home For Christmas

Have you ever had a hard time coming home for Christmas?

Okay, I saw this movie a couple of months ago, started to blog about it and then I forgot to do the blog entry! So, here it is a bit late…I’m basing my entry on what I remember about the movie since it’s been awhile since I’ve seen it!

While Cara is flying home for Christmas, she meets country singer Heath. He spills coffee on her, and he feels bad about it. She dons a charming Christmas sweater (since her clothing had been stained by coffee) and she has gingerbread cookies and coffee with Heath.

Fans adore him. I wondered about Heath’s fame. Yes, he’s famous, sort of. People seem to recognize him, but, not to the degree of a “regular” star. I recall that he flew on a plane just like a regular person. He wasn’t followed around by paparazzi or anything. He could walk around without being attacked by anyone.

Cara’s family’s business is in trouble. She’s still grieving over the death of her mom and her dad is offended when Heath offers financial help for their business. Her dad was proud – that’s why he didn’t want to accept Heath’s help. Meanwhile, Cara makes some great nutritious candy bars – a recipe that’ll hopefully save their family business.

There’s also a cute little kid whom Heath and Cara befriend at the airport. The kid is flying alone and both Heath and Cara help him to feel at ease.

This movie was okay…not one of my faves. I liked it, but, didn’t love it. I liked how Heath and Cara were stranded in a snowstorm and they go into a church for shelter. I thought it was kind of strange that the choir was rehearsing, but, they didn’t say anything to Heath or Cara when they were there!

I’d imagine if some strangers strolled into a church during Christmas choir practice that they’d at least greet the newcomers and ask if they needed assistance?

Cara and Heath fall for each other while they travel home for the holidays. However, Cara gets jealous when she sees a tabloid linking Heath romantically with a model. This sort of thing is typical when dealing with famous folks.

So, have you ever struggled with going home for Christmas? If so, did you ever make it home in time for the holidays?


Ice Hotels!

Have you ever visited an ice hotel?

When I posted about Winter Castle some folks on my Facebook Page were wondering where the movie was filmed. I’m not sure. Do you know where Winter Castle was filmed?

I also found some really cool stock photos for ice hotels so, thought I’d share them here! I see that the ice hotels are NOT in the United States. From what I can gather, the only ice hotel in North America is in Canada. It’s called Hotel de Glace and it’s in Quebec.

Ice hotel suite in Lainio snow village, Yllasjarvi, Finland

The hotel suite above is from a snow village in Finland. Isn’t it gorgeous? So pretty! I love looking at this. I can imagine all sorts of scenes happening in ice hotels. Hey, maybe I’ll use an ice hotel in my next Christmas novel! How does that sound?

a hotel room in ice hotel

This one’s pretty, but, I don’t know where it’s located!

There’s also a WONDERFUL LOOKING ice hotel in Sweden!

From the little bit of researching that I’ve done online, I’ve seen that these hotels are seasonal. You stay warm by sleeping in a warm sleeping bag. I’ve also seen some places have both warm and cold rooms. The cold/ice rooms are not available all year. From what I’ve seen, folks will usually stay in the ice room for only one night. The other nights they stay in a warm room.

I wondered about these ice hotel rooms. I wondered about taking a shower and going to the bathroom. I found my answers here. It appears that the shower, sauna and bathrooms are in a separate area.

I think these hotels are wonderful looking BUT, I’m not so sure I’d want to stay in one. I’m not one to appreciate the cold, at least not enough to stay in a room made of ice! I do get hot a lot in recent years (hot flashes), but, after a flash, I can get a bit cold.

Even with the thermal sleeping bags, I’m not so sure I’d want to stay in that room. I think I’d prefer staying in a warm room and just enjoy the ice sculptures/attractions during the day.

So have you ever visited an ice hotel? If you haven’t, would you consider visiting one in the future?

Once Upon A Christmas Miracle


Have you ever relied on another person for medical reasons (blood transfusion, organ donation, etc.?)

Heather, a medical student, is sick. She has to drop out of school and she discovers she needs a liver transplant. Chris, a stranger, turns out to be a match and he offers to help her.

All, I can say is, whew! Oh my! Can you imagine a complete stranger stepping in to help like that? Yeah, you do hear about it, but, not often. Also, he helped in other ways, too. I thought it was especially kind of him to offer to help with fundraising for Heather. She’s temporarily out of a job and she needs funds for her medical bills.

Chris was definitely a hero that was larger than life. I thought it was really touching when Heather and Chris were alone in the living room. He asks her what’s wrong and she hesitates before finally telling him about how she gets tired so easily. He assured her that that was okay.

There’s also a very touching romance that develops between them. This movie was a bit darker and more compelling than most Hallmark movies. I believe I felt this way because someone’s life was on the line and it was imperative that she find a donor. It was definitely one of the more emotional Hallmark movies.

This movie was based upon a true story! Isn’t that amazing?

So have you ever depended upon somebody for a medical donation (blood transfusion, organ donation, etc.)? Did you connect with this person?


Happy New Year, Hallmarkies!


I hope all of you had a blessed and fruitful Christmas Season. I still have a few Christmas movies for which I’ll be leaving reviews.

I’ll also be doing reviews for the new Winterfest Movies! Looks like Hallmark is going to continue showing new movies throughout the year! Isn’t that fabulous?


A Gingerbread Romance

Have you ever built a gingerbread house?

Well, architect Taylor hasn’t! Her job has signed her up for a gingerbread house making contest – they figure it’ll be good PR for their company. But, Taylor is an architect for REAL buildings, not gingerbread houses. She needs help and when her job pairs her up with a well-known French pastry chef, she figures she’ll win the contest.

The pastry-chef decides not to work with Taylor, so, she ends up using the skills of Adam, a wonderful baker. I thought that Taylor and Adam got off on the wrong foot, but, as they got to know one another, the chemistry between them was as hot as grease sizzling in a skillet! 

Adam has a lot going on in his life. He’s single and he’s raising his daughter, Brook, alone. Brook and Taylor really hit it off, which was nice.

I enjoyed seeing Adam and Taylor design and built a giant gingerbread house. Just because someone is an architect, it doesn’t mean that they can build a solid gingerbread house! Adam has to experiment with different ingredients to make sturdy bricks for their house.

I loved the special effects that were added to Adam’s and Taylor’s gingerbread house. But, I wondered, when you have a house sitting out like that, a gingerbread house, what happens to it? Do folks actually EAT a huge house like that when it’s been sitting out there for all to see? What do you think?

Kudos to Hallmark for again featuring people of color in their movie. I loved seeing Tia Mowry. I remember seeing her a long time ago, with her sister Tamara, on Sister Sister (an old sitcom).

So, have you ever built a gingerbread house from scratch? How long did it take? Was it a huge house?
