Tag Archives: 2019

Sense, Sensibility and Snowmen

Have you ever ran a business with a family member?

Ella and Marianne Dashwood clash when it comes to their family party planning business. Ella wants to take their business to new heights and start planning some large-scale parties. But, Marianne is more cautious. She wants to leave the business as is – they seem to have all the business that they can handle at the moment.

However, when Ella makes a major mistake at one of their events, Marianne gets angry. Ella wants to get back into her sister’s good graces, so, she’s snags an event with Ferris Wheel Toys. Hopefully, her sister will forgive her when she announces their new, high-profile client.

Edward, the man who’s taken over Ferris Wheel Toys (his dad was formerly in charge) has decided to throw an impromptu Christmas party in order to impress some potential clients.

I thought the relationship between the sisters was very realistic. I could understand why one sister would want to run the business one way and then the other sister would disagree.

I enjoyed watching the romance unfold between Ella and Edward. Edward is somewhat of a Scrooge, just a little bit, and Ella tries to make him see how Christmas can be enjoyable.

This movie is loosely based upon the Jane Austen book Sense and Sensibility. I went to Wikipedia to read the book summary (since I’ve never read that book.) Other than the names of the characters, and the attraction between Ella and Edward, I saw few similarities between the book and the movie.

My favorite scene was when Edward gifts Ella with a Ferris Wheel Bear. Having the bear is nostalgic for her and I loved how Edward paid attention to what Ella would like for Christmas.

I also loved the Christmas scenery. It was a major feat, Edward having the party at his house. The party looked so beautiful and so perfect – that is, until Ella mistakenly thought that Edward was dating his high school sweetheart. You ever notice how often that happens in a Hallmark movie? There’s a simple misunderstanding near the end which can easily be cleared up with a five-minute conversation.

There’s just something about Christmas that touches the heart and makes you smile. I suppose I may feel this way because my family never celebrated Christmas – so I enjoy seeing the Christmas lights, decorations and snow!

So, have you ever ran a business with a family member? If so, were you able to sort through your differences?


Over the Moon in Love

Is it possible for a man to be in love for two decades and do absolutely nothing about it?

Devin has been in love with Brooklyn since high school. After high school, they went their separate ways. They reconnect twelve years later. Brooklyn has a matchmaking service that has a 100% success rate (imagine that – does not sound plausible to me, but, it was nice hearing about this in the movie.)

Devin is a singer. Shortly after he reconnects with Brook, he meets Stephanie – a woman who is scoping out Brook’s business to see if it would be a good fit for the cover of her dad’s famous magazine. Brook need the publicity, but when she discovers that she needs to match up Stephanie with Devin…she falters. Stephanie stipulates that if Brook matches her up with Devin, it could increase her chances of being featured on the cover of the magazine.

I really enjoyed this Hallmark movie! The emotions between Brook and Devin seemed SO REAL. Brook knew Devin so well and when she “helps” Stephanie, by telling her about Devin’s likes and dislikes, and tells her what to say on her dates with Devin…just showed that Brook really had deep feelings for Devin – which was why she never matched up with anyone herself.

I thought it was a bit cheesy and implausible when Brook spoke to Devin on the phone and disguised her voice as Stephanie’s – just so that Devin would be impressed by “Stephanie’s” responses to his questions. I’d have thought he’d known he wasn’t speaking to Stephanie. I didn’t think that Brook sounded like Stephanie.

Robin’s egg blue? What man has a favorite color of robin’s egg blue? Most men would just say “blue” or “light blue”, but robin’s egg? I don’t think so….

Devin has been in love with Brook for twenty years and has never told her.

Wow. I just have to stop and think about that for a few minutes. Is it plausible for a man to feel so deeply for a woman for so long without seeing her or having a relationship with her? Seems like a time would come where the love would somewhat fade as the person moves forward with their life.

Overall, this is a decent Hallmark movie – one of the better ones. I thought it was strange to have a guy have a favorite color of robin’s egg blue. Most men would have no idea about robin’s egg blue. Would’ve been more plausible to just call it…simply…light blue.

So, have you ever known anyone who was in love with somebody but never told that person about it? What happened? Did he/she keep their love a secret forever?


Paris, Wine and Romance

Hallmarkies, Have you ever been to Paris?

I have, although, my trip was not as romantic as Isabella’s and Jacques! Isabella owns a winery in Oregon. Her uncle has sent her pinot noir wine to Paris to enter a competition. She’s shocked when she discovers that her wine has final-ed! So, she’s whisked away to Paris to attend the competition.

She then meets Frenchman Jacques – the hotel has mixed up their suitcases. Jacques, also a family winemaker, is attending the contest with his mother and brother. Both him and his brother have entered their wines into the competition.

I loved seeing Jacques and Isabella interact. Hallmark used lots of nice, Parisian romantic touches to this movie – wine, cheese, fashion, etc. I thought the mishap with Jacques’ wine, where one of the volunteers drops the entire crate and ALL of the bottles were broken, was a bit over the top! What were the chances of something like that happening? I buy crates of wine to keep in my basement. Those bottles are usually packed tight and they don’t break unless you remove one and then smash it to the ground!

I also thought it was a bit over the top when the journalist mistook Jacques brother for Jacques since the brother was mistakenly wearing Jacques’ nametag. Usually a journalist will verify his/her source before placing a quote in a national (or international?) newspaper. Definitely artistic license was being used in those 2 instances.

I thought that the accents for Jacques and his family sounded authentic! So French. I’m no expert, but, they sounded lovely and Jacques was a nice, sweet guy. He was perfect for Isabella and I really liked how he suggested to her that she was over-anxious and needed to calm down. They got to see the sights of Paris! How romantic!

Speaking of food and Paris, I wanted to mention my novel Sweet Delights. In my romance story, the heroine, Patty-Lynn has won the prestigious International Paris Pie Competition for her Banana Cream Pie! There’s even a sweet, delicious recipe for Banana Cream Pie at the end of the story! You should try it if you like, good, old-fashioned sweet romance! Great Amazon reviews, too!

So, have you ever been to Paris? If so, what sites did you see? Did you enjoy yourself?

Bottled With Love

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you enjoy movies such as Bottled with Love then you should try Rocky Road Dreams by CECELIA DOWDY. Rocky Road Dreams is about a lawyer named Kyle Baxter. Kyle is on a month-long Christmas hiatus from his job. He rents a house on the Outer Banks for his extended vacation. Melanie Richards, his childhood friend, lives across the street. When they were kids, Melanie had a crush on Kyle’s identical twin brother Keith. Kyle never thought he stood a chance with Melanie since she was smitten with his brother. Keith is now married and both Kyle and Melanie are single.

In Rocky Road Dreams, Melanie writes Kyle a letter, telling him how she feels about him. You must read this wonderfully engaging story! It’s a perfect beach-themed Christmas story that you’ll enjoy each year! Be sure to tell your friends by sharing this link, or, by sharing this blog post. The purchase link is also at the end of this blog post.

Now, let’s talk about Bottled With Love.

When was the last time you wrote a letter?

I’m not talking about an e-mail, but, a real, honest-to-goodness letter where you have real paper and a real pen and you actually WRITE the words directly onto the page?

Well, Abby, is writing a letter, a letter about all of her wonderful qualities, and her deep thoughts and desires. After she’s dumped by her boyfriend, right before a wedding, her Aunt suggests she write the letter to herself – so Abby does this. She then tosses the bottle into the sea.

Then, the bottle is found by Nick – who coincidentally is the son of Abby’s boss. Abby’s employer is seeking a new business acquisition and Nick, the estranged son, has been convinced to come home, temporarily. He’s going to assist Abby to search for a new company to acquire for his father’s business.

I thought this movie was cute and sweet, but, it was not phenomenal or anything like that. Hallmark had been advertising this movie like crazy, making it appear as if it would be the best movie of the year! I liked the movie, but, I didn’t LOVE it.

Abby and Nick have some problems getting along in the first part of the movie (which is typical of lots of Hallmark films) but, they do learn to work together, which is nice. I also enjoyed seeing them texting, not knowing the identity of one another.

One of my main problems with the film was – I just found it a bit….unbelievable and TOO coincidental that Nick happened to find Abby’s bottle, in another state, and just HAPPENED to find the bottle accidentally in his suitcase after he came to Boston. Then he just happened to be paired up to work with (Abby) the girl who wrote the letter. The letter that Nick had found in ANOTHER STATE!

Whew, that was a mouthful. I guess I would’ve liked it better if…well…if he’d found her letter and then they got to know one another online before meeting. Not sure how I’d work that out in the story, but, there were too many coincidences – yes, the way the events played out was possible, just didn’t sound very plausible.

I thought both of them did a nice acting job and I especially loved seeing them work together at the cider orchard. Oh, this just my personal opinion, but, I thought Abby’s glasses seemed a bit out-dated or something! I thought she looked prettier without those large-framed glasses on her face! 🙂

So, overall, a nice, sweet movie, that’s likable, but, not lovable.

This movie made me think of a nice book that I read A LONG time ago! It’s called Echoes and it’s about a woman and a man who meet online. The details are kind of sketchy since I read it several years ago. But, I’d thought how the characters in this book interacted and met seemed realistic and plausible. You should read it if you like clean, sweet stories!

So, when was the last time you wrote a letter? To whom did you write the letter?

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you enjoy movies such as Bottled with Love then you should try Rocky Road Dreams by CECELIA DOWDY. Rocky Road Dreams is about a lawyer named Kyle Baxter. Kyle is on a month-long Christmas hiatus from his job. He rents a house on the Outer Banks for his extended vacation. Melanie Richards, his childhood friend, lives across the street. When they were kids, Melanie had a crush on Kyle’s identical twin brother Keith. Kyle never thought he stood a chance with Melanie since she was smitten with his brother. Keith is now married and both Kyle and Melanie are single.

In Rocky Road Dreams, Melanie writes Kyle a letter, telling him how she feels about him. You must read this wonderfully engaging story! It’s a perfect beach-themed Christmas story that you’ll enjoy each year! Be sure to tell your friends by sharing this link, or, by sharing this blog post. The purchase link is also at the end of this blog post.


Just Add Romance

Have you ever participated in a competition?

Carly and Jason meet at a cooking class. Jason suddenly leaves the class, before he’s finished with it. Carly has no idea as to why Jason left – she’s a bit disappointed and wonders what happened…

Fast forward 3 years and both Carly and Jason are working as chefs in restaurants. Both of them want to own their own restaurant. But, it’s tough to just open up your own restaurant…know what I mean? You need start-up capital and such. Anyway, both of them see that they can enter this cooking competition – grand prize is your own restaurant!

So, both of them, as well as some other folks, are chosen for the competition! The competition takes place in a few cities and after each round, someone gets eliminated.

Carly has big shoes to fill – her dad is a renowned chef and she wants to be a chef on her own, without being compared to him. Her dad doesn’t approve of her competing, but, he does show up to support her anyway.

I thought that Jason was cute as could be! Oh, my, Luke Macfarlane is one of the cutest Hallmark actors!

I also loved Carly’s support system. Her next-door-neighbor/best friend and her best friend’s daughter were wonderful supporting characters for this film.

The competition. Reminded me of a Food Network Competition, the dialog, the description of the food, all of it.

Have any of you ever watched a Food Network Competition?

Overall this was a cute, sweet, movie, not one of my faves, but, enjoyable nonetheless!

So, have you ever competed in a competition?

Love on the Menu

Have you ever had romantic feelings towards a coworker?

Well, Maggie is not really Hank’s coworker, per se, but, they do work together closely in this cute, sweet Hallmark Movie. I’ll admit, although this movie was cute and sweet, it’s not one of my Hallmark faves.

Hank, a widower, is stubborn when it comes to his cooking. A perfectionist, he wakes up early in the morning to make elaborate meals for his daughter’s breakfast. His daughter flip flops, not able to make up her mind, about being a vegan. She doesn’t always eat his food, which annoys me – who wakes up early to make all that food with nobody to eat it? I believe once in the movie, Hank had mentioned that he took the leftovers to the staff at his restaurant.

Hank’s restaurant – it’s failing! His brother-in-law (Bernie) used to be the bartender in the restaurant. After Bernie’s sister (Hank’s wife) died, Bernie stepped up to manage the restaurant, but, he’s a terrible manager! I’ll admit that Hank is a terrible business owner! Neither of them know how to account for their earnings and they even have an employee who was stealing cases of wine, and they had no knowledge of this until Maggie stepped in!

Maggie wants chef Hank to work with her company to create a gourmet line of frozen foods. Hank reluctantly agrees since he needs the money. Bernie admits that they have over-due bills. (BTW, I HATED Bernie’s tie clip! It looked so DORKY! I know that they wanted to portray Bernie as a business man, but, he needed to ditch the tie clip!)

Maggie agrees to help Hank make his restaurant profitable if he agrees to do the gourmet food line for her employer. While Maggie helps Hank save his business, she bonds with his daughter. They go shopping and Hank’s daughter admits that Maggie reminds her of her mom.

It was terrible when Maggie’s boss, Andrea, tells her that they won’t pay Hank any more money. After he’s given them their recipes for the frozen food line, Andrea refuses to pay him for more, and threatens to fire Maggie if she continued to work with Hank in his restaurant.

When Maggie tells Hank that she has to leave and go in search of another chef to create yet another line of frozen foods, Hank gets mad. Maggie’s boss, Andrea, was supposed to pay Hank more money and she’s not holding up her end of the deal. Maggie tells Hank that it’s not her fault – Andrea is the one who controls this whole project. Hank tells Maggie to leave his restaurant and he also says that she should’ve quit her job.

Really Hank? He’s so dumb. Such a goofball! I know if I’d been in that position, I couldn’t just up and quit my job – I’d have needed the money. I have my own bills to pay – the most I could’ve done was to seek out other employment while working for my current boss. (Although it does come up later that Maggie has a comfortable savings).

Hank finally admits that he’s wrong and asks Maggie to come back to his restaurant. Maggie swoops in and saves the day and becomes an investor in Hank’s restaurant and quits her job!

I loved seeing the food that Hank makes.

Do you like Italian food?

I love it! I make my own spaghetti sauce with fresh tomatoes and I also make homemade pizza using my sourdough starter for the crust! Yummy!

I loved seeing those homemade pizzas and pasta that Hank created! They looked so good! If Hank wasn’t so pig-headed, it wouldn’t have taken him so long to realize that he needed to update his menu. Just because a menu is classic, it doesn’t mean that it can’t be updated, just a little bit! Especially when profits were dropping!

I would’ve loved to have seen a recipe for Hank’s homemade pizza on Hallmark’s website!

So, have you ever had romantic feelings towards someone that you’ve worked with? What happened? Did you ever date?



Have you ever went home for a special school event?

Snowcoming! Don’t you just love that title? Snowball…love that too! Wasn’t this such a cute, delightful movie?

Samantha returns home for her father’s retirement party. Her dad is the high school coach. When she returns to town, she runs into Jake, her old high-school flame. Jake is a famous football player now and he’s also friends with Samantha’s dad. He’s bunking at Samantha’s dad’s house, and being so close to him puts Samantha into a tizzy!

Hard for her to admit that she still has feelings for him. I thought Jake was cute and sincere! He’s sorry for the way he’s treated Samantha in the past, and he wants to make a fresh start. But, Samantha is leery. Jake will be gone soon, back to his life of football fame, won’t he?

Didn’t you just love that tree house? I loved seeing that structure and could imagine curling up with someone in that big tree house.

Although I enjoyed the scenes in the library, where Samantha acts as a mentor to the teenager who likes to read, I thought it was a bit far-fetched. Are there any public libraries that still allow folks to sign out books with those cards in the back? It appeared that library still used the Dewey Decimal System, too? Also, the teenager (the female that Samantha mentored), well…I’d imagine that a teenager, especially nowadays, would have no problem finding books, especially with the internet and Kindle and…I don’t know. I felt that the teen was clueless about getting books online. I felt that the teenager was in a bit of a time warp? What do you think?

That reporter kept getting on my nerves – the one that kept asking Jake all of those nosy questions. I wanted her off the set real quick. I couldn’t stand her.

I thought the romance between Samantha’s dad and the librarian was sweet and cute!

I noticed that Samantha’s best friend, the one who was pregnant, was a minority. Her husband was White. That was the first time I ever recall Hallmark having a mixed couple on one of their movies. I loved that they opened up and did that! I enjoyed seeing them interact with one another and it was super sweet that she was having a baby!

So, have you ever returned home for a school event, like Homecoming (Snowcoming)?


Winter Love Story


Have you ever met a famous author?

I could relate to this movie so much! Since I’m a romance author, I know what it’s like to have a book signing and hardly anybody shows up! I think the general public might not necessarily know that booksignings are not always glitz and glamour with fans clamoring to get your book!

Cassie is a new author and her book is not selling. She’s paired up with Elliot, a bestselling fantasy novelist. Cassie doesn’t really take his novels seriously, I mean, come on, how hard can it be to write a book about dragons? But, it’s dragons – even though it’s fantasy, it’s still writing and it takes a fair amount of work.

Cassie and Elliot go on a book tour. The tour includes book signings and and interviews. Of course, during the course of this week-long book tour road trip, they fall in love. You know that’s going to happen. It is a Hallmark movie after all!

I could really relate to both of these characters. When Elliot realizes that Cassie’s mom is a famous novelist, an old teacher of his, he reminds her that she’d encouraged him to change his major from Business to English. A similar situation happened to me when I was in college. When I took Freshman English, my professor said that I was a good writer. He asked me what my major was, and I told him it was Finance. He told me I was in the wrong major. He said I should change my major to English.

I didn’t listen to him. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance. I caught the writing bug in my late twenties. Looking back, I’m not sure if I should’ve listened to him or not. My degree has given me access to halfway decent jobs. Making a living as a best-selling novelist, that’s rare. I wasn’t sure if I’d been able to find a decent job with an English degree. I mean, after all, I had to pay back my student loans.

I really loved that they had a snowstorm. There’s just something so romantic about being cooped up with your romantic interest in a snowstorm. Also, while they were being interviewed, during that last interview, I LOVED how Elliot LOOKED at Cassie. He looked like a smitten man, a man that was IN LOVE, swooning over his future wife! My heart sped up when he looked at her that way! Oh my!

Near the end of the movie, I think they just dragged out the storyline with the ex-wife. All Cassie had to do was ask Elliot if he were still involved with her. There was so much unspoken between them during that last half hour. I would’ve tried to think of something else to create angst between them. Like, I probably would’ve shown the ex-wife coming onto him and Cassie sees it and gets the wrong idea?

Overall a good movie. I can’t wait to see this one again! Oh, by the way, most authors don’t go on book tours like that. Book tours are rare and the few authors that go on them (outside of bestselling NY Times authors) have to foot the bill themselves. Also, as far as publicity goes (outside of bestselling NY Times authors) the author has to foot the bill for that, too. Most publishers don’t do a lot of advertising for their new/non-best-selling authors. That’s just the way it is, and I wanted all to know that! Advertising can be quite pricey, and after you shell out the money for it, there’s no guarantee that it’ll have a positive impact on your sales!

So, have you ever met a famous author before? If so, where did you meet him/her?


One Winter Proposal

One Winter Proposal PODCAST

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you enjoy movies such as One Winter Proposal then you should try Rocky Road Dreams by CECELIA DOWDY. Rocky Road Dreams is about a lawyer named Kyle Baxter. Kyle is on a month-long Christmas hiatus from his job. He rents a house on the Outer Banks for his extended vacation. Melanie Richards, his childhood friend, lives across the street. When they were kids, Melanie had a crush on Kyle’s identical twin brother Keith. Kyle never thought he stood a chance with Melanie since she was smitten with his brother. Keith is now married and both Kyle and Melanie are single.



Will Melanie give him a chance?



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Kyle’s mom died when he was three and he barely remembers her. He’s determined to find out more about his mom. As Melanie and Kyle reconnect during the holiday season they take a long road trip during a snowstorm so that Kyle can find answers to his questions about his mother. The road trip is also something that Melanie must do so that she can save her business. See ceceliadowdy.com/books or click on the link at the end of this blog post to purchase Rocky Road Dreams. Rocky Road Dreams is available on Amazon.

Are you married? If so, how did your husband propose to you?

My favorite part of this movie was the proposal at the end. Those red flowers, that tux that Ben was wearing, Cara’s dress….so pretty, and it was a special treat that Ben was able to surprise Cara, wasn’t it?

Cara is a first-time-published novelist – a profession to which I can relate since my first book was released well over two decades ago!

Ben and Cara return to the ski resort where they met one year ago. They’ve been dating and Ben plans to propose to Cara. But, it’s hard to surprise her – Cara just knows things, if you know what I mean. When she finds a jewelry store receipt for the re-sizing of a ring, she gets excited and tells her pal Megan. They shriek with glee.

I was really glad to see Megan and Sean. Kudos to Hallmark for putting more African-American characters into their movies. Megan works hard, too hard. You know, sometimes, when you work hard for a career, it’s difficult to say no when you’re asked to do certain tasks. Megan and her assistant are sent to the ski resort to take pics to feature in the new travel section of the magazine where they work.

Megan’s and Sean’s romance, which started a year ago, kind of fizzled since they were both so busy and there were a lot of missed phone calls and email messages between them.

I was glad when they decided to give their relationship a chance and make time for one another. Weren’t you glad to see Megan and Sean take another chance on love? Hey, maybe Hallmark can feature another movie with Sean and Megan – in the next flick, Sean will propose to Megan! Wasn’t Sean’s teenage niece adorable?

Oh…the book….Megan is a novelist and Ben assumes that the book she’s written is about the two of them. This makes him leery about proposing to her since the characters in the book do not get married at the end. When I write books, I don’t usually write about people that I know personally…for the most part. I wrote a book partially based on my husband’s life, but, most of the material (the events) were fictionalized. The character was partially based on my husband’s unique experiences and his personality was used, too!

I noticed that Hallmark features writers in their movies quite often. I assume they do this because they also publish romance novels. Also, some of those romance novels are made into movies (and vice versa – they have the book written after the movie). It’s interesting seeing movies about writers since I can relate to the journey to publication.

I thought this was a light, sweet movie. Not one of my faves, but enjoyable. I loved the scenery. Snow, mountains, snowboarding….ahhh…so wonderful! What are your thoughts/feelings about One Winter Proposal?

So, are you married? If so, how did your husband propose to you?

This blog post is sponsored by Divine Desserts Publishing LLC. If you enjoy movies such as One Winter Proposal then you should try Rocky Road Dreams by CECELIA DOWDY. Rocky Road Dreams is about a lawyer named Kyle Baxter. Kyle is on a month-long Christmas hiatus from his job. He rents a house on the Outer Banks for his extended vacation. Melanie Richards, his childhood friend, lives across the street. When they were kids, Melanie had a crush on Kyle’s identical twin brother Keith. Kyle never thought he stood a chance with Melanie since she was smitten with his brother. Keith is now married and both Kyle and Melanie are single.



Will Melanie give him a chance?



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Kyle’s mom died when he was three and he barely remembers her. He’s determined to find out more about his mom. As Melanie and Kyle reconnect during the holiday season they take a long road trip during a snowstorm so that Kyle can find answers to his questions about his mother. The road trip is also something that Melanie must do so that she can save her business. See ceceliadowdy.com/books or click on the link at the end of this blog post to purchase Rocky Road Dreams. Rocky Road Dreams is available on Amazon.

Enjoy this blog post? Subscribe to CECELIA DOWDY’S Hallmark Movie Blog!



Winter Castle


Have you ever attended a destination Wedding?

Jenny is ecstatic about attending her sister’s destination wedding! Her sister is getting married at an ice hotel. Jenny has been set up with Craig, the best man. But, unbeknownst to Jenny’s sister, Craig has brought another female with him to the wedding.

I noticed how crushed everyone was when they found out that Craig had brought a date. I thought their reactions were a bit over the top, I mean, come on, it’s a wedding and Craig and Jenny had never met before – so, Craig’s bringing a date shouldn’t have been such a big deal.

But, alas, it was a big deal. Craig’s date, Lana, just can’t seem to warm up (no pun intended) to the ice hotel. She keeps sneezing and it looks like she’s catching a cold. She seems to always turn up at the wrong time and is anxious to whisk Craig and his cute daughter away from Jenny.

Lana has strong feelings for Craig. After all, she’s been there for him since his wife died. She’s the support system for Craig and his daughter, so, it’s only natural for her to develop feelings for him.

Jenny enjoys spending time with Craig, but, she has other things to do during this trip. She’s destined to become a published author, so, she’s given the go-ahead to write a book and submit it to her boss for publication.

As an aside, I’m a published romance novelist and when you’re published by a big-time publisher, it can take a long time to land a contract. It took me five years before I landed by first contract with Doubleday (The Doubleday Bookclub AKA Bookspan). Since Jenny works there, I suppose that gave her an “in” to get published.

I could really relate to Jenny’s wanting to become a published author. Getting published takes a lot of hard work and rejection, but, when a publisher accepts your manuscript…ah…so sweet. The market has changed since I initially got published almost two decades ago. Authors can now make a lucrative living by publishing their works directly on Amazon, cutting out the traditional publisher, but I digress.

What did you think of Craig? 

I liked that he had a good relationship with his daughter. He was very loving towards her. He seemed to be a nice family man and I felt he was a good match for Jenny.

I also loved the pastries! I got hungry seeing them eat those cinnamon rolls and that maple syrup snow candy! Didn’t those treats look delicious?

I LOVED the ice hotel! It was so pretty! The only thing that I’d ever heard of, which reminded me of the ice hotel, was the Gaylord Ice Festival at the National Harbor. The Gaylord has an ice event in my area every year – but, I have yet to attend! It’s a spectacular Christmas show and their 2018 theme was Charlie Brown:

Photo used in compliance with Marriott’s non-commercial terms of use.

I also asked someone on Twitter about the ice hotel. My Twitter pal shared this link with me: Orlando Ice Bar

Doesn’t that Ice Bar look amazing? It reminds me of the ice castle. It’d be neat to go and visit sometime.

Wow! I’m not sure how I’d hold up at the Winter Castle, though. I like warm weather. I’m not sure if I could’ve slept in a bedroom made of ice! Brrr…..

So, have you ever been to a destination wedding? If so, where did you go?
