Tag Archives: Autumn

Over the Moon in Love

Is it possible for a man to be in love for two decades and do absolutely nothing about it?

Devin has been in love with Brooklyn since high school. After high school, they went their separate ways. They reconnect twelve years later. Brooklyn has a matchmaking service that has a 100% success rate (imagine that – does not sound plausible to me, but, it was nice hearing about this in the movie.)

Devin is a singer. Shortly after he reconnects with Brook, he meets Stephanie – a woman who is scoping out Brook’s business to see if it would be a good fit for the cover of her dad’s famous magazine. Brook need the publicity, but when she discovers that she needs to match up Stephanie with Devin…she falters. Stephanie stipulates that if Brook matches her up with Devin, it could increase her chances of being featured on the cover of the magazine.

I really enjoyed this Hallmark movie! The emotions between Brook and Devin seemed SO REAL. Brook knew Devin so well and when she “helps” Stephanie, by telling her about Devin’s likes and dislikes, and tells her what to say on her dates with Devin…just showed that Brook really had deep feelings for Devin – which was why she never matched up with anyone herself.

I thought it was a bit cheesy and implausible when Brook spoke to Devin on the phone and disguised her voice as Stephanie’s – just so that Devin would be impressed by “Stephanie’s” responses to his questions. I’d have thought he’d known he wasn’t speaking to Stephanie. I didn’t think that Brook sounded like Stephanie.

Robin’s egg blue? What man has a favorite color of robin’s egg blue? Most men would just say “blue” or “light blue”, but robin’s egg? I don’t think so….

Devin has been in love with Brook for twenty years and has never told her.

Wow. I just have to stop and think about that for a few minutes. Is it plausible for a man to feel so deeply for a woman for so long without seeing her or having a relationship with her? Seems like a time would come where the love would somewhat fade as the person moves forward with their life.

Overall, this is a decent Hallmark movie – one of the better ones. I thought it was strange to have a guy have a favorite color of robin’s egg blue. Most men would have no idea about robin’s egg blue. Would’ve been more plausible to just call it…simply…light blue.

So, have you ever known anyone who was in love with somebody but never told that person about it? What happened? Did he/she keep their love a secret forever?


October Kiss


Did you celebrate Halloween when you were a kid?

Poppy is confused…well, not really confused, but, she just seems a bit unfocused. At the beginning of the movie, she’s teaching a yoga class…she unexpectedly discovers that one of her elderly pupils does a better job of teaching yoga than she – so, she hands the class over to her pupil, making her the new teacher.

Poppy seems to not really know what she wants…almost as if she’s searching, trying to find herself. Her sister wants her to find somebody to date and get married (I notice this convention used in Hallmark Movies and romance novels quite a lot. The female lead has a mom, sister, or some other female relative or friend to hound her about dating somebody nice and getting married. Do you think female folks bother their friends about their non-dating status as much as they do in Hallmark Movies and romance  novels?)

Poppy’s sister is able to find the “perfect” job for Poppy, as a nanny. Widower and workaholic Ryan needs a nanny for his kids. He hires Poppy. After one day with his irritating kids, she’s ready to quit, but, he convinces her to stay on. Of course you know what happens – they fall for each other, in spite of Ryan’s dating his attractive co-worker.

It took me a long time to warm up to this movie. I didn’t really like the first half. The second half was much better. I think it was just hard for me to like Ryan’s kids – I couldn’t stand them, actually. They were rude, irritating and just…not very nice. They had no manners, either. They were over-the-top nasty, irritating children and that’s why I almost changed the channel.

Once they became endeared to Poppy, things did get better for me (as far as my movie entertainment went).

I really liked all of the autumn and Halloween scenery. Seeing this film made me think about my younger days, when I was around the age of Ryan’s children. We didn’t celebrate Halloween (I was allowed to pass out candy, though). It never bothered me about not celebrating – dressing up never appealed to me. I guess I’d have liked to go out trick or treating just because my friends were doing it. I was more interested in celebrating Christmas instead of Halloween. We didn’t celebrate Christmas in our house either.

Have you ever known anyone who decorated his/her home for Halloween?

Poppy and the kids went all out on the Halloween decorations and costumes, didn’t they? It was a nice bonding tool between for her and Ryan’s kids.

So, did you celebrate Halloween as a child? If so, what did you do to celebrate? Did you enjoy it?


Love Of Course



Have you ever participated in a Harvest Festival? Did you enjoy it? Did you help to plan the festival?

Love of Course was a nice, sweet autumn movie about Noah and Amy. When widow Amy drops her daughter off for college, she never suspected that she’d be convinced to stay on for six weeks to help her friend plan a Harvest Festival. Noah is a college professor and in charge of the festival. Noah’s idea of a Harvest Festival differs from Amy’s! As they work together planning the festival they grow closer and as you can figure, they fall in love.

Hold on a second. Do you like to read wholesome romances that remind of you Hallmark movies? Hallmark movie viewers love The Bakery Romance Series and The Candy Beach Series. Download today! Tell your friends about my books!

There were several things about this movie that I enjoyed. I really connected with Noah. He had some wanderlust in his system in the past – meaning, he had a hard time staying in one place for a long time. He loved to travel and he attended several universities as a youth. When I was growing up we rarely traveled. We stayed put and only took maybe 2 or 3 road trips while I was growing up. When I graduated from college I started working for a travel agency. I worked there for ten years and one of the perks was FREE or GREATLY REDUCED travel! Since I’d never traveled much before, I went crazy and traveled all over the place. So I can really understand Noah’s wanderlust.

Australia. I’ve never been there, but have traveled to nearby New Zealand. Noah said he’d wanted to go to Sydney, but, I kinda sensed he felt lukewarm about relocating there – even before he fell for Amy. I think deep down he realized his wanderlust had come to an end and he was ready to settle down – just as his friend suggested. On a side note, I’ve been wanting to travel to Australia for awhile now, but, the cost and the time has hindered my travel plans! I’d need to take my hubby and son and that’s a lot of cash for the trip. Maybe we’ll visit one day, though.

Accounting. Amy is/was an accountant and I can totally relate to that profession. I’ve worked as an accountant or financial analyst since I graduated from college with my finance degree. Working with numbers has been a regular part of my life since I was first hired at the travel agency years ago. I no longer work at the agency, I have another job now (still accounting), but, I long for the day when I can leave my day job to pursue my desire of writing books full time. Do you know how hard it is to make a living as a writer? It’s not easy which is why I continue working!

Farming. I loved seeing Noah work with the land. I liked to see him showing Amy all about farming, growing seeds, planting. I also loved to see them work together planning the festival. I loved it when Amy came to rescue Noah when he was stuck in the corn maze. I’ve always been fascinated with farming – growing food for a living. I sometimes wish I had an apple tree in my backyard! Noah’s love for the land resonated with me and I admired that about him.

I thought the chemistry between the two of them was pretty good. It was sad to hear that Amy had lost her husband. She’s young and it was refreshing to see her fall in love again. I thought this was a nice, heartwarming movie.

Oh, forgot to mention – I really wanted to see Gabby Douglas do a few backflips! Oh well! Maybe if she stars in another Hallmark Movie she can show us some of her gymnastics!

So, have you ever participated in a Harvest Festival? If so, did you enjoy it? Did you help to plan for the festival?

Please share your comments about the movie and Harvest Festivals!